A Leaven In The World . . . Cardinal Pell: The Pendulum Swings


The pendulum means nothing on its own and functions only by means of a power external to itself: the law of gravity. The swing of the pendulum is a symbol of the lack of balance, for the forces at work upon it which keep it in constant motion prevent its rest in a central position between two extremes.

“A pendulum works by converting energy back and forth, a bit like a rollercoaster ride. When the bob is highest (furthest from the ground), it has maximum stored energy (potential energy). As it accelerates down toward its lowest point (its midpoint, nearest the ground), this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (energy of movement) and then, as the bob climbs up again, back to potential energy. So as the bob swings (oscillates) back and forth, it repeatedly switches its energy back and forth between potential and kinetic. Something that works this way is called a harmonic oscillator and its movement is an example of simple harmonic motion, though we won’t go into those things here” (Explainthatstuff.com).

The unchangeable and irreducible power of gravity is what drives the action of the pendulum, under the right conditions always in movement and seeking the center. The phenomenon of the pendulum and the powers that drive it explain what happened to George Cardinal Pell, and what will happen as a result of the miscarriage of justice which he suffered. The extremes which worked together to convict him on ridiculous accusations in an atmosphere charged with excesses of bloodlust and hysteria cannot be sustained. The “potential energy” of the pendulum has accumulated to an extreme and is ripe for a reaction toward true justice.

The law is the power that drives actions involving justice between various parties in the society within which the Church seeks her own justice and the furtherance of the goods she exists to uphold. Salvation of souls and the good of the human person for that sake are uppermost in the priorities of the Body of Christ.

The rule of law for the sake of justice must obey the highest law of truth. The truth is a sacred place blessed by God, who is truth itself, where men of faith and those who do not share it must meet, interact, and work out their differences for the sake of the common good. The tyranny of relativism so powerfully at work in the world threatens this necessary cooperation.

Truth is the best hope of everyone in our society. The truth that a crime was committed must also be based on facts. In this case of the accusations against Cardinal Pell, there is an abundance of reason to believe that was not so.

The miscarriage of justice moved by the forces ever working upon it is always an unfortunate possibility. Many have examined the facts and concur that the recent trial and conviction of Cardinal Pell was such an injustice.

One curious fact is, that while a number of bishops have been moved to Rome, including friends of Pope Francis, after they were caught in scandal, Pell was sent back to Australia to face rumors and trumped-up accusations. Might his unbiased pursuit of evidence of financial wrongdoing at the Vatican have anything to do with this reversal of seemingly typical procedure?

Commentators on Twitter reflected the similar sentiments of a large number. @ajalsevac wrote:

“Any clergy, liberal or conservative, found guilty of sexual abuse must be punished to the full extent of the law. The ‘evidence’ against conservative Pell, however, was farcical. Many Vatican scoundrels are deeply relieved the cleaning up of Vatican finances has been put on hold.”

Fr. Petri OP: “I stand with Cardinal Pell. The evidence is tendentious and the verdict fueled by anti-Catholic vitriol. Make no mistake. What happened to His Eminence could happen to any priest.”

@OTSOTA: “Simple realities! ALL the accuser’s claims are unsubstantiated & uncorroborated — even by the deceased alleged 2nd victim who denied any abuse — & 14 witnesses stated both the factual errors & impossibilities of claims. Didn’t happen: couldn’t have happened.”

The history of the Church to be written in the future will dedicate many pages to this watershed moment in the life of the Body of Christ, the significance of which we are still struggling to unpack. We do not yet benefit from the greater objectivity conferred by distance. As well, we still hope and pray that, what for many reasons appears to be an unjust conviction to six years in prison on charges of sexual abuse of minors, may yet be overturned on appeal.

The pendulum always swings. The baying anti-Catholic mobs and kangaroo courts will have their day of justice. Some are already seeing lawsuits. Overreach and imbalance are always threatened by the laws of gravity in the irreducibility of truth and the honest search for the facts.

The pendulum is already starting to swing in the opposite direction, as witness the lawsuit launched by the Covington high school boys against major media such as CNN and The Washington Post for their part in the media smear campaign launched after the March for Life this year.

There are other laws, not made by men but rather made by God which if not obeyed have eternal consequences far graver than Cardinal Pell’s prison cell.

“Those who live by the sword die by the sword.”

“The measure with which you measure will be measured back to you.”

“Do not judge lest you be judged.”

Men often contravene these laws of God. And they may get away with it for a time, but only for a time. God, just judge that He is, will one day reveal the intentions of hearts and render perfect justice for all.

As I write this column, word has come that Cardinal Pell has been prevented even from celebrating Mass for 15 days. We will certainly have more martyrs like Cardinal Pell in days to come, victims of a vengeful society exploiting the ignorance about the Church and about faith under which many today labor.

No doubt in his prison cell Cardinal Pell can pray with sincere hope these words from Psalm 96, verse 13: “Before the Lord, for He is coming, For He is coming to judge the earth, He will judge the world in righteousness / And the peoples in His faithfulness.”

At present the pendulum of society has swung too far in the direction of ignorance, vengeance, and injustice. For Cardinal Pell’s sake and for all of us, let’s pray the pendulum obeys the laws of grace and nature and moves in the opposite direction, sooner rather than later.

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ now and forever.


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