A Leaven In The World… Hillary, The Sexist And Racist Abortion Candidate


Our southern Maryland Catholic deanery, a cluster of parishes within Charles County, learned this year that our annual Catholic information booth at the fair, staffed by parishioners, can no longer give out free balloons. You see, they might scare the animals.

Yes, you heard correctly: We’re now outlawing balloons out of fear that we might harm the non-human creatures who just might happen to hear a helium-filled sphere burst at the county fair.

Our culture is so inverted that we will now curtail absolutely any human activity because of the chance that it might in the least way possibly offend non-humans, but we will, at the same time, end any human life even up to birth if it offends other humans.

This evil does not even qualify as ignorance because everyone who now chooses abortion has a plethora of scientific methods at their fingertips capable of proving incontrovertibly that what appears to be a mass of cells growing inside a woman’s womb is in fact a human being.

The first presidential debate of the 2016 race was another opportunity for the advancement of the abortion industry-U.S. government hegemony. Hillary Clinton is the poster girl for abortion, the woman in perfect control of every other aspect of life so that she can put her career ahead of every other consideration. Which is what the “wonder” of abortion is supposed to promise every woman.

As a president once said, he wouldn’t want his daughter to be “punished” because she happened to get pregnant. As we all know, that line is simply the opening to using abortion so that the baby gets punished instead, with a death sentence, because the mother simply doesn’t like the results of her free choice to engage in pregnancy-inducing behavior.

You might say Hillary celebrated her granddaughter’s second birthday by participating in the debate. She announced the natal anniversary in debate comments as an attempt to soften her image into a loving and doting grandmother, but only did so in order to advance her single-minded drive to get what she feels she deserves: higher office and more power. The opposite of the intended effect.

Chelsea Clinton may have very likely been following in her mother’s “successful” footsteps by skipping her own daughter’s first day at school in order to campaign for Hillary. “Like mother, like daughter,” as they say.

You can put on flawless makeup and a red power-pantsuit as did Hillary, but it’s still abortion that puts every child in the womb at risk during all nine months of pregnancy and, possibly in some cases, even if the child is born alive.

Hillary Clinton put on an admirable show of political strength and campaign grit during the first presidential debate. She shined with nearly flawless makeup and hair. Her red garb dominated the debate stage. But no matter how slick her act, she still represents the culture of death and her incredibly aggressive pro-abortion stance puts every American at risk through terrorism in the womb by legal abortion.

There can be no comprehensive fight against the womb-terrorism of legal abortion without a cornerstone in law that respects the sacredness of every human life from conception until natural death. Hillary Clinton represents a complete closing of the door to reconsidering the disaster for humanity that Roe v. Wade represents. Donald Trump, on the other hand, gives some hope of at least a small chink which lets some light through the complete darkness of evil which enshrouds our government and all structures and persons compromised in any way by funding of or enabling of “legal” abortion.

Something proscribed by God’s law as an abominable crime can never in any way be blessed or called good by man, let alone approved by conferring legal status upon this heinous murder of the innocent unborn boy or girl.

Donald Trump’s words have given us hope that he at least maintains an opening toward the arguments for life which are simply true and must be presented ever more compellingly to him and to anyone to whom he will listen. By electing Trump, with all his faults and undoubted weaknesses, we continue to give some hope to returning our great nation to a truly free home for all who seek life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The abortion candidates Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, who is a Catholic by Baptism but who cannot claim to be in good standing and who should not be receiving Communion because of his abortion support, do not recognize the humanity of every unborn child. They do not qualify to lead this nation because they both exclude an entire class of human beings as unworthy of life itself without which God cannot further bless us with liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The crime of abortion is far worse than racism, sexism, or any other “-ism.” Rejecting the image of God with which the Creator endows every human person without exception, born or unborn, is the greatest of crimes and renders any candidate unfit for office. Any pleas that he or she would simply be upholding the rule of law should fall on deaf ears because any law that is an abomination in the sight of God must be disobeyed.

Hillary opened up on Donald about his “sexist” comments in regard to the physical appearance of a former beauty queen and his “racist” birther position (citizenship and race are separate issues, by the way). It would only be fair for Donald to answer in kind by charging Hillary with far worse: a racist policy of black genocide through disproportionate incidence of abortion in the African-American community and the sexist murder of women in the womb.

The priests of our deanery will now consider a different giveaway to promote Catholic faith and life through our yearly evangelization booth at the county fair.

Will Americans continue to give away their votes to yet another presidential candidate whose radical abortion support further endangers every child to the terrorism of killing in the womb? Election 2016 will tell the tale as we continue to pray, fast, and work to convert America back to God and respect for every human life without exception.

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