A Leaven In The World… Re-Elect The Most Pro-Life President


In a sinful world there is unfortunately much to be gained by evil. But only in this world. With the eclipse of faith, there now number many who will do evil if it pays more than good. The good for such souls does not include the highest good of eternal life and the prospect of final judgment by a good and loving God who is also the author of the Ten Commandments.

Abortion is the tragic and primary example. The struggle between light and darkness will only end with this world. Until then we must claim our status as children of the light who seek eternal life by avoiding all compromise with evil.

Thus we must continue the fight to restore a basic principle of justice that all life is sacred and end the scourge of abortion that involves us all in its offensiveness to the God who creates every human life and endows each and all with His image and likeness.

Lila Rose recently warned that there is much money still in abortion despite all the work of the current administration to bring this abominable crime to an end. Perhaps more money than ever, she claims. I pray she is wrong but I fear not as she is one of our most credible and stalwart Catholic defenders of life.

We have the most pro-life president in our history, yet those who do not fear God continue to pile up wealth for themselves by peddling in the taking of unborn human life.

In an election year the poisoning of our national discourse by the huge abortion industry comes to the fore as we select the candidate to hold our nation’s highest office.

Sr. Dede Byrne, a soldier, surgeon, and, now, religious sister, spoke at the Republican National Convention and urged all Americans to give preborn boys and girls four more years of a chance to live by re-electing Trump. Her words were compelling as she spoke from years of experience living and fighting for the marginalized, especially the innocent targets of abortion.

Evil unfortunately does pay, and politicians who pay lip service to God, like Joe Biden, see nothing wrong in taking money from the abortion lobby and carrying water for them to help spread their eugenic evil that targets minorities and the vulnerable of all kinds.

People typically are quick to attack priests who name names among politicians, particularly during an election year, in order to direct Catholics in the avoidance of evil in the exercise of their vote. Doing good and avoiding evil is a basic requirement of our faith, with no exceptions.

Those who fail, or refuse, to understand this believe that such advocacy violates the “separation of Church and state” as priests weigh in on politics. They also warn that the Church’s tax-exempt status will be jeopardized. There is no “separation” but, rather, government is not to establish one religion above all others. We are to remain free to choose to be Catholic because we seek the truth our faith enshrines.

The free exercise of religion cannot itself be cause for revoking tax-exempt status. This absurdity will not stand, for the very core of our religious belief dictates that we must love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This means that even our votes will be a matter for judgment before the divine tribunal when our time on Earth is through.

Those who claim to be Catholic and use Communion as a membership card while supporting the evils of abortion and the simulation of marriage between persons of the same sex, or any other violation of God’s will, are not Catholic in the sense desired by our Lord in establishing the Church.

No, Christ did not confer a religion of mere outward conformity. He made the point that what happens in our hearts and minds is at the “heart” of who we are as Catholic Christians. If we fail to forgive those who wrong us from the heart or to avoid lust in our heart, He says that we can have no part of Him.

That is why reception of Communion by all pro-abortion Catholics, including politicians, is a sacrilege and a violation of the very meaning of being Catholic. Priests who call this out as a scandal and warn the flock to shun any approval of such behavior are simply fulfilling a minimum requirement of their vocations as priests to save souls.

We were not created to tear each other limb from limb like animals. But this is what happens in abortion: a stronger human being tears apart and destroys a weaker human, the unborn child, into pieces.

“Thou shalt not kill” has now been fulfilled by Christ in the life of grace to include the truth that if we only merely intend to take a human life in the womb, we have also sinned. That is why it is absolutely forbidden for Catholics to support this pernicious murder even by voting for a politician who supports the taking of human life — as does Joe Biden, who advocates abortion up to the moment of birth.

Democrats and leftists are pro-abortion and act like animals when it comes to human life. If a poor innocent child in the womb means nothing to them, then neither does any other human life. They can’t be trusted to protect, respect, or defend any other persons. Witness the current killings in the street as a consequence.

Democrats who claim to be “pro-life” are guilty of failing to intervene in mass murder. All their talk about opposing capital punishment means nothing, either. If we don’t have the resolve to defend life at its beginning all other talk of the sacredness of life is meaningless and hypocritical.

Nothing written here is meant to imply that Republicans are above criticism on some less central Catholic issues. My words here are not meant to give carte blanche to any political party. Our Catholic faith must come first in all we do. This means that we are never relieved of the responsibility to examine every political platform in order to bring justice to our society by our participation in the political process.

Some issues, however, outweigh all others. If there is no guaranteed right to life then there can be no talk of any other rights. Any talk of other means or forms of justice is meaningless to those whose lives are snuffed out before they ever take a breath in our world.

Sr. Dede reminded us all in her convention speech that the weapon of choice for people of faith is the holy rosary. We must storm Heaven with our prayers so that the most pro-life president in history will be reelected and defeat the deadly advance of the Godless abortion juggernaut lurking within the Democrat Party.

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

Let’s continue the conversation on Parler where you’ll find me as @FatherKevinMCusick.

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