A Leaven In The World… What’s A Catholic To Do? Letter To A Bishop
Last week my run-on column had to be cut short in the print edition by my very patient editors. I begin here with the last paragraphs of “As For Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord,” wherein I was offering advice for families who wish to persevere in these very trying times for Catholics.
“Each of us must maintain a guard over body and soul, keeping ourselves pure. Life is a gift over which we do not have ultimate control, coming as it does from God and ending at His pleasure. We can pray for long life and even live with expectation of such if we so choose. But we must be ever ready to render an account to God for every day of that life. We must stand before the Judge of all to answer for our choices either good or evil and then to face the consequences. Yes, it is true that upon death we will stand alone before the Creator. But ‘no man is an island,’ and our faith demands that we also take responsibility for our neighbor. Evangelization and care for souls, after the model of the Good Samaritan, is commanded by the Lord. The Lord warns, “If you are lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth.” He demands we choose good or evil, life or death. In these times when it seems “the days are evil” this is as true as ever.
“The Pope is doubling down on the competing creed of environmentalism, warning about the ‘emergency’ of plastic bottles in the world’s oceans, while remaining silent on the danger of Cardinal McCarrick roaming loose while he was responsible for being aware that he was a predator and a corrupter of priests and seminarians. If Viganò and others knew, he could have chosen to know, has responsibility to know, about this monster. He has refused an apostolic visitation of the U.S. even after our bishops requested it, and doesn’t appear to be in a hurry to try McCarrick or laicize him. What do I tell parents in these dangerous days for the survival of the Catholic faith, when our institutions are shot through with apostates in Catholic clothing? Home-school your children, keep your home as a holy monastery of insulation against the world, venture out to interact with the local parish to attend only the Traditional Latin Mass. Form friendships with like-minded Catholic families to protect your children and better enable courting when they come of age. Be careful about reading anything published after 1962. Carefully check out any causes before giving financial support, especially if Catholic.”
The news seems to get worse every day. Priests, such as Fr. Kalchik in Chicago, are being treated as if they do not have a conscience, muzzled by bishops in a continued cover-up. His parishioners burned a sacrilegious piece of art which combined the cross and an LGBT rainbow banner. The powerful LGBT mafia flexed its muscles by lashing out at Fr. Kalchik, resulting in his flight from the parish to evade threats from archdiocesan personnel of reprogramming at St. Luke’s Institute. Watch for the pattern: When a bishop is acting as if his priests do not have a right to a conscience, then then the old cover-up tactics may be alive and well in a particular diocese.
We must always remember we don’t know all the facts. The facts we do know, however, make us responsible to act. Entrust the outcome to God through prayer. See the joyful and beautiful things that continue to mark our lives as faithful souls on our way to Heaven. Make a difference for other, weaker souls who may be more weighed down by the cross of scandal. Pray and sacrifice for priests.
Write to your bishop. Respectfully. And share honestly what’s in your heart. A Catholic wife and mother, two sons among her children, recently asked me how she could get her petition, approved by her pastor and signed by fellow parishioners, in front of a bishop. Her words struck me as heartfelt, from a mother who I know loves her children, and our holy Church, very much. Maybe you will be inspired by her words and example to write a letter to your bishop as well. I counseled her that as a courtesy she should send the letter first to her own bishop. I promised her I would pray about it but, meanwhile, I publish it here. Perhaps a bishop will read it. Perhaps one of you, my readers, will deliver it to him.
“Dear Bishops of the USCCB,
“We, the laity, are presenting this petition to you to underscore our deep concern for the safety of our children. We are outraged, shocked, and heartbroken by the innumerable cases of abuse against those entrusted to your care. The number of victims run up in the thousands, and continues to grow even as this is being read. This has gone on for decades. Their voices cry out to God, and they also cry out to us. In way too many cases, you, the Bishops, turned a blind eye or covered up for the evil. You, our Bishops, failed us, repeatedly.
“We, the laity, have had more than enough. Trust is irreparably lost. We, the laity, have children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren who we will not allow to be subject to your negligence and complicity. Nor will we allow our sons to attend your seminaries. Change is not an option, it is demanded. We will not follow in your footsteps and look the other way.
“For those of you who are guilty, and not willing to resign in penance and atonement for your role in this most egregious sin against God and humanity, shame on you. For those bishops who remain in the grace of God, we are enumerating our list of changes that need to be implemented immediately in the Church.
“Some ideas: Sexually confused men must be rejected from the seminary. Lay-led councils for any reports of sexual improprieties. Police called immediately if a crime against a child or anyone under the Church’s care is committed. Filters on all church computers. One strike and you’re out. Reports submitted to the lay-led council on any ‘concerning’ incidents.
“We beg you in the Name of Jesus Christ, to hear our voices.”
I counsel you as I did this woman, to send a courtesy copy of your letters with signatures to your local bishop first. Pray and sacrifice for our bishops that they may have courage and “not flee for fear of the wolves.”
Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever. @MCITLFrAphorism