Dangerous Scams And Scandalous Men


I anticipated a coming storm with pleasure on this early morning as I write. I welcomed the sounds of approaching thunder as a sign of beneficence. I had decided late this spring, after some initial hesitation, that I would participate in the seasonal ritual of sowing and growing after all.

There are days it seems the only aspect of our lives upon which we can reliably depend are the rotation of the Earth, the change of seasons and the obedience of nature to her Master. Planting the seeds of vegetables which promise future food also nourishes with sign and symbol the hopes of the spirit — so often frustrated in these times. The flowers which glorify their Maker simply by existing remind us of our own call to higher purpose.

While so much rebellion of men against nature and nature’s God fills our world and our minds, the reliability of the reaping and sowing, the goodness of the Earth and the rain, and so much that surrounds us, remind us that the Lord who created us indeed still reigns though so many sent to plant His kingdom refuse their sacred charge, instead destroying and rejecting what should bring Him glory and honor.

While the McCarrick scam continues to roil the Church, and the men he propelled to influence continue their rampage of corruption, the Catholic in the pew is either oblivious, a combination of scandalized and outraged or cheering from the sidelines. Those are the ones in the pews. Many have left or are leaving.

Some even in the Vatican try to use Catholics who wrongly believe that every word of a Pope is infallible, in order to lead them into an LGBTQ+, environmentally friendly, fraternally benevolent world religion, a caricature and mutilation of the Church.

Those who still understand and apply the truth of papal authority, and its proper limits, watch with consternation. The proper sphere of the Magisterium, the Deposit of Faith, and the one thing necessary for salvation, is often scorned, twisted, and manipulated.

The catalogue of insults for those who revere our tradition grows longer by the day. Sicilian grandmothers were the latest to find themselves in the papal crosshairs, as the Pope told Sicilian clergy to take off their grandmother’s lace.

Fr. Anthony Ruff, writer at the Pray Tell blog, noted:

“In an audience with bishops and priests of Sicily on June 9, 2022, Pope Francis told the clerics to stop wearing their ‘grandmother’s lace,’ saying he had ‘seen the photos.’

“Living in Palermo I must say that the charge seems a bit overwrought. Yes, bishops and priests still wear lace, but no more than in the Vatican or elsewhere. For Francis, Vatican II seems to have a ‘style.’ An assertion I have previously argued against on these pages, and in Studia Liturgica.”

More importantly, the apparent ongoing program of Communion for all is rapidly evacuating the Sacrament of all significance for grace and life beyond this vale of tears.

The attack on the Eucharist is perhaps the most dangerous scam against God, courting damnation for those who perpetrate it as well as for those who fall for it. A man named Chris Speight, who fasted from the Eucharist for 24 years, obeying Church teaching by doing so because he, by his own admission, pursued same-sex genital expression, said he was told by Pope Francis to “take Communion.”

LifeSiteNews contacted the Holy See to seek confirmation of the Pope’s words, asking if Francis did tell Speight to receive Communion, but had not received a response as of June 16. As LifeSiteNews reported the episode, the alleged comments were made during a private meeting at the Vatican on June 13. Pope Francis was meeting with a group of sex abuse victims from Ireland and the UK. The group of eight men attended a junior seminary, St. Peter Claver College in West Yorkshire, during the 1960s and 1970s, and claimed that they were abused.

This reported irregular reception of Communion is in the face of unapologetic and aggressive pro-abortion advocates, like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, among a wider group of politicians and other public figures, allowed to profane the Sacrament by receiving unworthily.

The truth ever haunts all those who reject it. The Truth Himself hovers lovingly over the world, inviting souls to embrace Him for their own good in eternal life. This “haunting” will ever resound in the minds, hearts, and souls of those who dance around Truth, rejecting His embrace, which only will bring the love and life for which they long.

The only problem with this approach on the part of Church leadership is that if everyone receives the Eucharist regardless of choices good or evil, what’s the use of the Sacrament? If receiving our Lord in the Eucharist doesn’t have any relevance to one’s choices good or evil because sin no longer exists, then why receive the Eucharist at all? Religious indifferentism is the result. And the irrelevance of the Church grows.

Francis words’ and gestures aid a repurposing of the status and purpose of the Church. Confusion proliferates.

The seeds of hope, however still buried and awaiting the rain and sun of men’s obedience, will never be expunged from the Earth. Truth cannot be vanquished because it is divine and has survived already the ultimate test of men’s betrayal. Just as One Who is truth was buried and rose again, despite all the evil that men could muster, that same One and that same victory are always among us. Those who choose faithfulness and truth in whatever circumstance, and wherever they are, water and grow the seed of life eternal.

The Eucharist remains the Source, the reality of grace Himself, though even the men He called to be His very co-workers and leaders may betray and sell Him for a few coins of worldly infamy and power The holiness in truth of many souls all over the world remain the cells of a Body yet very much alive, the Heart of Love itself still beating within.

Fight back. Plant the seed. Stand guard over the garden plot and provide the water as you measure the growth and give glory to the One who faithfully provides it. Grow in the holiness and beauty of the spirit, as the soul longs for its glorious destiny beyond the world of sinful men and unworthy plots and schemes. Though His own reject Him, He remains faithful and will never be deterred from His holy will and loving plan.

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.


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