“Great Reset” Targets Christians


Westerners accepted the promise of “freedom” with contraception, abortion, and pornography in the 1960s. Now they are accepting LGBT, transgender, the redefinition of marriage and the family, the increasing ubiquity of porn as freedom.

Freedom from what? From God and eternal life. Freedom to go to Hell.

Then along comes the vaccine and the promise of freedom from death.

False promises granting only enslavement to evil. The ancient lie that God enslaves and sin frees yet beguiles and seduces the concupiscence in man and woman. It was a lie that seduced our first parents.

Anyone who doesn’t learn this history is condemned to repeat it. Literally. Condemnation only can follow disobedience to divine command.

The Church has been engaged from the beginning, in Christ, to bring mankind back into obedience through Christ. To proclaim Christ as sole Savior and freedom fighter for mankind.

The Muslim hordes are not going to take anything from the West, whether it’s a vaccine or a depopulation mindset or globalism, so they will continue to expand their populations and have as many children as they please.

As a result, the great reset so imagined or envisioned will simply accelerate what is already happening: The West is declining with lower birthrates. Muslims and non-Christians who haven’t been corrupted by the depopulation, abortion and anti-human mindset will continue to have children and will overtake the West.

If by the “great reset” they mean the Muslimification of the formerly Christian West, then they would be correct. The way in which non-vetted military age Muslim males were whisked from Afghanistan to the United States in the crisis after the fall of Kabul in preference to U.S. citizens would seem to indicate that this might be part of the plan.

At the same time that non-citizens are flooding through our borders, you have Western scientists and physicians effectively reducing our own population through the so-called vaccine which is a gene therapy and may even increase cases of COVID and increase fatalities. This in reaction to a flu-like disease with a very low incidence of fatalities.

All of these and additional phenomena indicate that the great promised reset is not for you or me but excludes the likes of us. It is rather an acceleration of what is already happening: self-depopulation of the West through human intervention by means of contraception, abortion, stealth lethality in the guise of a vaccine, biological warfare concealed as a “pandemic.” Simply another case of “pride goeth before the fall.”

Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, an Italian economist and former president of the Vatican bank, has spoken out on the so-called “Great Reset.” He was in the room at the time, as it were, hearing firsthand from the mouths of his peers of the plan to depopulate.

The video of the Tedeschi remarks follows my comments here. One of those adding his opinion in reaction to the video posits the theory that the elite globalist oligarchs want to replace Westerners with Third World populations as they would make a pliable, more subservient, serf class. This would seem to fit with all the data we’ve been taking in recently.

Tedeschi’s comments have been transcribed in abbreviated form at the blog GatesofVienna.net.

You can view the video at https://3speak.tv/watch?v=rair2/uvaxyszk

The transcription of Tedeschi’s commentary on the origin of and ideas behind the Great Reset:

“Its name is the new World Economic Order. It was conceived between the end of the sixties and the beginning of the seventies. Its originator was Henry Kissinger, at the very beginning. It was a veritable reset. We are trying to correct the mistakes that we have been making for the last fifty years, since the first reset, also known as the New World Economic Order, which was designed in the seventies.

“Founded upon a series of facts which ignore natural law. Which we can define as ‘not always natural’ and ‘pretty utopian.’ After fifty years, since the first reset of the seventies produced several mistakes, a second reset as needed, today. The current reset, commonly called ‘The Great Reset,’ is nothing but a correction of the mistakes which we have been making for the last fifty years.

“So therefore, thanks to — or rather taking advantage of — this unfortunate situation called the COVID pandemic, there is the possibility to boost — or rather — I will use a strong expression — to impose or caused to be imposed certain behaviors. Nevertheless today’s reset is the correction of the mistakes made by yesterday’s reset. First, a suggestion was made that is related to the great crisis we have been witnessing in recent decades. Too many births. And as a consequence, the need to decrease the birthrate of the population.

“What was the very first effect of this process? The birthrate dropped. But where? In the Western world. The shrinking of population took place mainly in the so-called Western world, the United States and Europe. Why is the population growth rate supposed to be reduced? Because, according to a neo-Malthusian worldview, the more people are born, the more people consume, the more people waste what nature provides for us.”

This is worship of nature. It is opposed to worship of nature’s God.

The West is the target of the reset. Which means Christianity is the target of the great reset.

We are the target of the great reset.

Oppose the “reset.” Get married, go to church, have an abundance of children, home school them in the traditional faith. Any compromise with “society” at this point may mean cooperation with the diabolical plans of the pagan depopulation oligarchs.

They want to replace us.

Take a look at the recent images, if you haven’t seen them yet, of the thousands of Haitians huddled under an overpass in Texas. Looks like India, or anywhere else but here. Until now.

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.


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