The Evil Tyranny Of Feelings


A comedian has come under fire recently for flouting the social and media transgender/LGBT juggernaut. He made the mistake of observing out loud that one is punished now more severely for questioning the trans false “gospel” that holds our world in bondage than one is for murder. Recorded at the Hollywood Bowl, he called out the disproportionate reaction to a crime against the “woke” LGBT false gospel in comparison with the taking of a human life.

The comedian was referring in his comments to a rapper whose alias refers to an infant human. He is one of those recording artists who makes a kind of music where one does not sing, but rather talks, and at times in rather unrepeatable language. This rapper previously killed a man, which was later determined to be in self-defense.

The rapper was recently the target of social outrage, condemned for committing a verbal “sin” of the sort labeled as one of the new “phobias” of the “trans” variety. The rapper’s “mortal sin” was to speak heresy. The comedian’s offense was to flout the hegemony of feelings in the church of What’s Woke Now in recounting what transpired for the purpose of humorous social commentary. Such criminals must be summarily dragged before the merciless tribunal of human opinion for the meting out of the most draconian punishment of being canceled: excommunicated from society.

A man feels like, or thinks he’s a woman, or a woman vice-versa. If you don’t in reaction create a new category of description to accommodate such individuals, you commit a hate crime.

A woman feels like she doesn’t want to have a baby, so the gestating new life inside her must be called a clump of cells, and not a baby, because she wants to murder the child through legalized fetus execution, popularly called abortion.

To take things further, the feelings of what’s called gender dysphoria are accommodated most drastically by mutilating surgery. This is akin to attempting to cure a headache by placing an aspirin on the offending crania rather than swallowing it accompanied by a cup of water.

The thoughts and feelings of a mentally ill individual, even a suicidal one, cannot be affected by the physical manipulation of the flesh. A potentially temporary problem is not solved by a permanent solution.

Even so august a medical institution as Johns Hopkins terminated their transgender surgery protocol because it didn’t make any headway against the suicide statistics.

Always a tragedy, the genesis of suicide is a mystery originating in human anguish, mental and spiritual.

Feelings, according to the “woke” lobby cut loose from reality, must now be accorded equal status with every other tangible fact of our world.

So-called liberals, among them apostate Catholics, usually argue from particular tragic cases backwards in the effort to throw off Catholic moral teaching.

A woman, the way one story goes, was told by her priest that she would be excommunicated if she used contraception. She stopped attending church and one of her children later committed suicide. For this reason Church moral law against contraception is wrong and must be changed.

A young man or woman who experienced same-sex attraction committed suicide, so Divine moral law forbidding genital expression between persons of the same sex must be canceled.

It is popularly suspected that describing someone’s predilections or proclivities as sinful makes such persons feel bad. Feeling bad leads to suicide. Suicide is bad, so therefore the moral teaching thought to have causative agency must go.

The fact that suicide is wrong by reason of the same Divine moral authority that deems sodomy and mutilation immoral seems to escape such casuists.

People, it is popularly thought, must have the freedom to affirm the feelings of others, whatever they are, in order to help them feel good about themselves, so that no one will ever commit self-harm or suicide again. Anyone who opposes this agenda, then, is characterized as cruel, heartless, and even unloving. Certainly such a person must never be called a Christian.

And the inversion is complete: “Love God, love others” now means the very opposite of its original conception. Rather than affirming the good, the beautiful, and the true in order to serve the highest good of human persons, we must now instead affirm whatever or whomever they want or feel they need. This is excluding a very short and quickly shrinking vestigial list of less than Ten Commandments.

This deception champions surgery over reality: The man cannot change his testes nor the woman her ovaries. One’s skin is not a costume over the bones and inner organs of the human person to be mutilated for the purpose of reflecting one’s contrary feelings. Plastic surgery does not make a man into a woman or vice-versa.

Transgender surgery pretends that reality changes with appearances. LGBT mental illness says that men can lie with men, and women with women, in a holy way despite the teaching of nature and Scripture that the all-holy God, in making persons male and female, prescribed holiness by design in their ability to become one flesh. With children as the intended result.

The tyranny of feelings is a harsh and mercurial task master. Because feelings change one cannot ever be certain that obtaining the goal of today’s felt need will become tomorrow’s despised ball and chain. With the potential for new and previously unimagined suffering as a result.

Feelings will never protect us from consequences, but rather must always follow inexorably upon them as the night the day. Allowing one’s decisions and actions to be dictated by feelings results in reactions like drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, domestic and other forms of physical abuse, violence of every kind and abortion, among other crimes and sins.

Catholics set adrift amid rampant doctrinal and liturgical abuses after Vatican II were often left only with emotional replacements. Liturgy suborned by personal expression and bereft of doctrinal solidity paved the way for charismatic and other emotional substitutes. New religious foundations multiplied, through which sociopaths, ordained and lay, preyed upon trusting believers.

What the human race needs is a war on feelings. The Son of God wages that war as Love for the Father which endures despite suffering even unto death until victory on the Cross.

The war on feelings is waged by means of faith. Faith is the triumph of facts over feelings. Faith is our victory over the world.

Faith casts out fear. Fear of human respect, of feelings, tyrannical and enslaving, and death.

The tyranny of feelings does not discriminate amongst its victims. When feelings triumph, virtue loses.

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

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