Well Done, Mr. Fier…
Almost ten years ago, The Wanderer approached Don Fier about writing a column that would undertake the task of explaining in detail and elaborating on each facet of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our hope was to expound on and highlight this beautiful treasure of our Faith — the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This week Don completed the monumental task of penning an in-depth explanation of the contents of the complete Catechism of the Catholic Church by submitting his final column for the series.
Thanks to the work of Mr. Fier, perhaps we have helped to fill a small portion of the void experienced by millions of uncatechized Catholics. It is our hope that we have played a role in what Pope St. John Paul II called the “New Evangelization,” promoting the Catholic Faith with the help of the Catechism.
The Wanderer has been blessed to have hosted Don’s column for the past ten years. His columns are unparalleled, and like no other have proven to be a valuable resource for our precious Catholic Faith, so much so that it would be a shame not to publish them in book form — which we intend to do. Our plan is to publish it in four volumes. At this time, we do not have a publication date, but readers of The Wanderer who are interested in reserving a copy can email us at orders@thewandererpress.com or fill out the form below the article.
Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke has very graciously provided a foreword for Don’s anticipated book. The following is a small excerpt from His Eminence’s foreword, in which he eloquently describes Don’s wonderful achievement:
In my work with the Marian Catechist Apostolate, it has been a source of particular encouragement and edification to meet and work with Donald F. Fier, a consecrated member of the Marian Catechist Apostolate, who has followed in the way of Father Hardon not only by pursuing his recommended spiritual and doctrinal formation but also by employing his gift for writing, in order to provide a sound instrument of catechesis, accessible to an ever-greater audience. Recognizing that doctrinal confusion and error has infected so many parts of the Church’s teaching, he undertook the challenge of making a complete commentary on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He has been publishing the individual elements of his commentary through his regular column in The Wanderer. It is a commentary which draws upon the sources of each of the teachings contained in the Catechism, helping the reader to enter as deeply as possible into the great mystery of God’s immeasurable and unceasing love for man as it is reflected in so many wonderful ways in the life of the Church. In writing his commentary, he has, with his customary humility, sought the counsel of sound teachers of the faith, so that his writing could be a most reliable instrument for the teaching and spreading of the Catholic Faith. Writing about the Catechism of the Catholic Church in his Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Church in America, Pope Saint John Paul II declared:“The new evangelization in which the whole continent is engaged means that faith cannot be taken for granted, but must be explicitly proposed in all its breadth and richness. This is the principal objective of catechesis, which, by its very nature, is an essential aspect of the new evangelization.”
Donald Fier’s commentary on the Catechism is a most worthy contribution to the irreplaceable service of catechesis in the new evangelization of the family, of the local community, and of the world, which is so sorely needed in our time.Over the years that he has been writing and publishing his commentary on the individual articles of the Catechism, it has become evident that his individual commentaries should be gathered together into a book for the ready consultation of anyone seeking to deepen his or her understanding of the Catholic Faith and its practice. It pleases me very much to present to the reader the fruit of Donald Fier’s many years of study, reflection, and writing with a view to catechesis, to the teaching of the Catholic Faith ‘in all its breadth and richness.’ I highly commend his work and am confident that the reader will find it a constant reference in addressing questions regarding Catholic doctrine and discipline. May God, in His immeasurable goodness, grant that it be so!
We will be republishing Don’s columns from the beginning, starting next week in The Wanderer as many of our readers have missed some of the earlier columns of the past nine-plus years. We hope to see Don again in future columns in the pages of The Wanderer concerning matters of our faith. Don will be taking a well-deserved break and concentrating his efforts toward the pursuit of publishing his work in book form.
Again, on behalf of our staff, myself, and the countless readers who have benefited from this very instrumental and valuable treasure to the Church. Thank you, Don, and congratulations on a job well done — a magnificent piece of work. Godspeed!
— Joseph Matt, Publisher