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From Delaware Church To Arizona Audit . . . Powerful Pols Try To See How Much More They Can Get Away With

August 1, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on From Delaware Church To Arizona Audit . . . Powerful Pols Try To See How Much More They Can Get Away With

By DEXTER DUGGAN Joe Biden’s defiant reception of the Eucharist shortly after a new bishop, William E. Koenig, was installed to head the Diocese of Wilmington showed that the homegrown Delaware politician intended to continue sacrilege with his unrepented massive mortal sins including promoting permissive abortion and sexual disorientation around the world.The Eucharist was handed to sunglasses-wearing Biden on July 24 by none other than the new pastor of Delaware’s St. Joseph on the Brandywine Church, Msgr. John P. Hopkins, according to a photo and story posted by on July 26.The story said pro-lifers outside the church requested both the pastor and Biden not to engage in this sacrilege.At least, the confused or disoriented statements that elderly Biden often…Continue Reading

Nancy Pelosi’s Potemkin Village

July 31, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on Nancy Pelosi’s Potemkin Village

By CHRISTOPHER MANION During the eighteenth century, so the story goes, Grigory Potyomkin, a Russian nobleman, was courting Catherine the Great. When he invited the Tsarina to visit the Crimea, he wanted to impress her. However, in those days the Crimea just wasn’t very impressive.So Potyomkin created a Crimea of his own. Along the route taken by Catherine’s entourage, beautiful villages dotted the landscape in the distance. Brilliantly outfitted soldiers rode by while fireworks blazed.It was all fake news. The “villages” were paintings erected on faraway wooden platforms. Behind them were hovels and misery.All in all, Grigory’s big show was a massive con. And thus arose the legend of the “Potemkin Village.”As one definition puts it, “any deceptive or false…Continue Reading

The Two Miracles Of The Mass

July 30, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on The Two Miracles Of The Mass

By JOE SIXPACK In the eighth century, a Basilian monk was in the town of Anxanum in Italy, now called Lanciano. He was having doubts about the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and had begged God for the light of faith to resolve his doubts. When celebrating Mass, at the words of consecration — this is my Body, this is my Blood — the monk was amazed to see the Host turn into real flesh and the wine in the chalice turn into real blood. Needless to say, the monk’s faith in the Real Presence was restored.This is the first and greatest of Eucharistic miracles in the history of the Church, and it’s known commonly as the…Continue Reading

Will New Bishop, Biden Get Message?. . . Delaware Pro-Lifers Find It Easier To Place Theme In Secular Paper

July 29, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on Will New Bishop, Biden Get Message?. . . Delaware Pro-Lifers Find It Easier To Place Theme In Secular Paper

By DEXTER DUGGAN Will failed attempts to place two pro-life advertisements recently in the Wilmington, Del., Catholic diocesan newspaper prompt the diocese’s new bishop to reflect on how the radically pro-abortion Joe Biden has been allowed to retain his claim to be a practicing Catholic in his East Coast home state?Both ads, one by some pro-life parishioners at the church frequented there by Biden, St. Joseph on the Brandywine, and the other by Delaware Right to Life, subsequently ran at Delaware’s largest newspaper, The News Journal, without any problem.On July 19 The Wanderer asked Joseph Owens, editor and general manager of The Dialog diocesan newspaper, about the pro-life ads not running. Owens promptly replied in brief comments.“The Dialog typically does…Continue Reading

Neither Left Nor Right, But Catholic… Needed Now: An Organized Effort And Plan To Defeat The Left

July 28, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on Neither Left Nor Right, But Catholic… Needed Now: An Organized Effort And Plan To Defeat The Left

By STEPHEN M. KRASON The assault by the left on American and Western traditions, the institution of the family and the sound sexual morality needed to sustain it, the principles of natural law generally, and on religious belief and in many ways religious freedom has reached a point of being unparalleled in our nation’s history.The historic tendency of the left has been to flee reality — to fantasize — as in thinking that economies can sustain themselves when the profit motive is suppressed and people somehow become free when government manages every aspect of their lives. The left’s fantasies have now become more extreme than ever, believing in such things as people being able to change their sex.While the current…Continue Reading

A Beacon Of Light… The Prayer For Our Retreat

July 27, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on A Beacon Of Light… The Prayer For Our Retreat

By FR. RICHARD D. BRETON JR. (Editor’s Note: Fr. Richard D. Breton Jr. is a priest of the Diocese of Norwich, Conn. He received his BA in religious studies and his MA in dogmatic theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Conn.) + + Let’s begin by praying our retreat prayer:“Jesus, you invited the apostles to come away with you to a deserted place and rest awhile. Like your apostles, enable me to experience you on retreat — your suffering love and tender compassion. May I come to better know myself, to draw closer to you, and to thus be of better service to my brothers and sisters in the Church! Help me to listen attentively, to ponder prayerfully,…Continue Reading

Disrespect Of American Indian Culture

July 26, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on Disrespect Of American Indian Culture

By DEACON MIKE MANNO One thing I remember from my childhood, among all the old black and white westerns that I watched on TV, was an interest in Cowboys and Indians. Of course, at the time most Indians were portrayed as the antagonists, except for Tonto and a few that were intended for comic relief.That never seemed right to me, but what was a kid to do? So like all the other kids I just sat back and watched the boob-tube. But the portrayal of the Indians never seemed balanced, especially when in history class the nuns taught us how real the prejudice against them was, and how they were relegated to reservations and stripped of most of their natural…Continue Reading

Challenges From Biden, Pope . . . Get A Close Examination By Bishops Who Come Off The Bench

July 25, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on Challenges From Biden, Pope . . . Get A Close Examination By Bishops Who Come Off The Bench

By DEXTER DUGGAN History often moves step by step, not by a big jump on one day — allowing, of course, for exceptions like assassinations and atomic bombs.But as press time approached for this hardcopy issue of The Wanderer on July 22, there seemed to be favorable signs for conservatism and traditionalism, not so much for left-wing sleight-of-hand that had been getting away with shell games.For years U.S. Catholic bishops’ bureaucrats got used to deferring to liberal Democratic Party bigfeet who thereby felt free to keep pushing further left, even when this meant trashing conventional morality, as increasingly was the case.Thus, Catholics around the world beheld the scandal of the radically pro-abortion but barely coherent bad Catholic Joe Biden mumbling…Continue Reading

Texas Federal Judge Makes The Case For The Rule Of Law

July 24, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on Texas Federal Judge Makes The Case For The Rule Of Law

By CHRISTOPHER MANION Last Friday, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen of the Southern District of Texas delivered a stinging blow to Obama’s executive amnesty diktat known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA.The program was born when Congress refused to pass immigration reform legislation for years. In 2012, Obama simply declared DACA to be law by fiat, legalizing over a million illegal alien minors.Two years later, Obama threatened to expand DACA with DAPA (“P” for “Parents”), legalizing four million more illegals.At that point twenty-six state attorneys general secured a nationwide preliminary injunction barring implementation of both measures.That alliance was led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a pro-life conservative who has fiercely defended the people of Texas…Continue Reading

The Sole Rule Of Faith?

July 23, 2021 Frontpage Comments Off on The Sole Rule Of Faith?

BY JOE SIXPACK One day when she was scarcely five years old, St. Jane de Chantal (1572-1641) was playing in her father’s study while a discussion was going on between her father (Royalist President Fremyot) and a Protestant nobleman who had come to visit him. The Protestant remarked that what pleased him most in the reformed religion was the denial of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Hearing him say this, the child couldn’t restrain herself. She went to the nobleman and looking at him indignantly said, “My lord, you must believe that Jesus Christ is in the Blessed Sacrament, because He said it. If you don’t believe, you make Him a liar.”Astonished by the child’s…Continue Reading