Friday 7th February 2025

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Evangelizing Virginia

February 7, 2025 Frontpage Comments Off on Evangelizing Virginia


For a bit of Italy in Virginia I stopped at Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s Palladian inspiration, following a recent visit with priest friends.

I toured the house and lawn once again, having visited when very young for the first time with my parents shortly after they transferred to Maryland from Michigan, where I was born.

After stepping with my tour group into the front hall of the house, I was interested to make note of two paintings hanging there close to the weighted clock over the door. Two copies of paintings he admired in France and elsewhere in Europe depicting Christ before Pilate and St. Jerome.

And, in the room designated for entertaining that overlooks the west lawn, he hung a depiction of Salome with the head of St. John the Baptist on a platter. His choice of paintings in part were intended to spark conversation.

Freedom of worship was one of his major undertakings. His efforts for such in Virginia later informed that for the nation as a whole. Perhaps St. John served as reminder of a need to speak convictions of truth freely without fear of reprisal.

It was startling to see a death mask of the regicidal Oliver Cromwell in the library. A grim reminder of the death and judgment that awaits us all, both the powerful and the powerless.

Was Jefferson sympathetic to the Puritan who fought against and took part in beheading Charles I, the main obstacle to a constitutional system? Jefferson treasured his role as a founding father with his contribution toward the framing of the U.S. Constitution. No doubt this was one source of strong connection with the figure of Cromwell.

Later, following the tour, I was questioned by two members of my group as to my “denomination.” A woman bystanding overheard the resulting comments. I proceeded to explain that, to properly answer their question, I would have to start by saying that I am not part of a denomination, but rather of the Church which preceded the idea of “denominations.” One then asked about the designation “Catholic,” and I responded that it is one of the four marks of the Church at her founding.

“Where is your church?” the woman asked, and searched for it on her phone, explaining that her parents left the practice of the Faith with abandonment of the traditional Latin Mass. I expressed sympathy and added that there were unfortunately millions of others who did the same. As we all know, the Church has not recovered but only continued to decline.

I explained that I offer the traditional Latin Mass not only out of conviction but as a remedy for those who fell away after the imposition of the new rite in English.

She explained that her two daughters were baptized and fell away, and that one has now embraced the “born again” heresy along with the fallacy of a second baptism. Interesting that some Protestants reject some of the sacraments while overusing others.

The experience proved once again that a patient and precise explanation of the Church’s founding by, and apostolic tradition from, Christ are powerful means of evangelization among the increasing numbers of those who no longer have any active relationship with the Body of Christ.

It certainly didn’t hurt that I was garbed in cassock and greca at the time.

So, signs must be offered and then others can freely inquire and express interest in the knowledge of the Faith at their own pace and capacity for reception and possible assent.

St. Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians on the feast of St. Titus reminds us we must speak so that the Lord can do His work through us as He wills.

“For yourselves know, brethren, our entrance in unto you, that it was not in vain: But having suffered many things before, and been shamefully treated (as you know) at Philippi, we had confidence in our God, to speak unto you the gospel of God in much carefulness. For our exhortation was not of error, nor of uncleanness, nor in deceit: But as we were approved by God that the gospel should be committed to us: even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God, who proveth our hearts. For neither have we used, at any time, the speech of flattery, as you know; nor taken an occasion of covetousness, God is witness: Nor sought we glory of men, neither of you, nor of others. Whereas we might have been burdensome to you, as the apostles of Christ: but we became little ones in the midst of you, as if a nurse should cherish her children.” (1 Thess. 2:1-7)

Plainly speaking the truth in humble terms and with patience can bear much fruit. There was some interest in the Church’s ancient worship but the denizen of Charlottesville was unfortunately domiciled far from my parish.

I met another woman recently in Virginia who said she had been an adult convert but had fallen away. She cited the fact that there are so many prayers she must recite that she either felt she couldn’t learn them all or felt at sea and perhaps wasn’t taking from it what was necessary. This points positively to the less rigid approach with the traditional Mass where the laity are not so minutely instructed on every last thing they should do or say at every moment of the Mass. Mental prayer and intentional worship are given more latitude when words and actions are less scripted. Certainly, respect is demanded by proscribing the praying of the Rosary, hearing confessions or other conflicting or distracting activity during the Consecration of the Mass. But other than that, the manner of participating in the prayers of the Mass is largely left to whatever spirituality is most fruitful for the individual worshipper.

No doubt the rigidity of approach which demands all obey in lockstep has had a discouraging and unhospitable effect on more individuals than the woman with whom I spoke. All should feel welcome no matter the degree of conformity with mandated “active participation” so frequently featured as an attraction to the “new and improved” version of Mass. We don’t demand uniformity from the guests in our homes. Decorum is always necessary, particularly in the house of God as an aspect of reverence. But participation is always as individual as the one participating.

I close with the following from the exceptional James Monti:

“Over the decades since the Second Vatican Council, a lot has been said and debated concerning the concept of ‘active participation’ in the Mass and how this should properly be defined. There has been a growing recognition and consensus that active participation is not about inventing external roles for everyone to play during the Mass, but rather a disposition of the soul whereby we become first and foremost interiorly engaged in the Holy Sacrifice as an act of worship.

“A further question arises as to what this interior participation in the Mass specifically means. Is it simply a matter of following the words of the Mass, or is it something far more? That ‘something far more’ is reverence.

“Integral to truly ‘active participation’ is the conscious perception and attentive awareness of the Divine Presence in the Holy Eucharist. Reverence is our response to this conscious perception and hence constitutes ‘active participation’ in its highest form — our conscious worship of God as God. It is an intentional receptivity to what is holy, to the divine. Reverence totally engages the heart and the mind to respond to the presence of God.

“As Dietrich von Hildebrand observed, in our participation in the sacred liturgy, reverence ‘never allows us to forget the awe in which we must always make our approach to God’” (Liturgy and Personality, Steubenville, Ohio, Hildebrand Project, 2016, p. 41).

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, our King, now and forever.

Heresy: Grieving And Moral Injury

January 20, 2025 Frontpage Comments Off on Heresy: Grieving And Moral Injury


Many are suffering a devastating spiritual wildfire that is leaving vast destruction in its wake. Some speak out, but many others keep their counsel, for reasons ranging on the spectrum all the way from fear to prudence, or some combination thereof.

What I describe finds an apt metaphor in California ravaged by an aggressive wildfire gone out of control, threatening many lives and the destruction of property. We grieve with those who lost their homes. News comes as I write on this winter morning that two persons have in fact died as result of the blaze. May others be spared a similar fate.

The danger of death ever threatens all of the living. But because of our faith it never need mean more than the loss merely of the body, dust to dust.

The phenomenon of a good thing gone out of control is a definition for heresy: choosing one element of the Church’s faith and life, exaggerating it out of proportion to the point of obscuring or overturning another necessary component of salvation.

Just as fire in its place can serve as a heat source or aid in creating and producing but can also run amok, causing death and destruction, so heresy. Compassion is good and necessary but denying another soul the truth is never compassionate.

When the safety and security of the weak are threatened they must sometimes flee the fire. Just as we must sometimes flee temptation as our only means of rejecting temptation, so when the powerful oppress the least among us by imposing conformity to error, escape may be the only viable recourse.

Others may not have the luxury of removal from proximity to error. They will suffer the devastation of mental and spiritual agony in witnessing and processing the results.

This is the moral injury of the good who see the truth attacked and denied.

There can arise a concomitant temptation to submit to resignation, a kind of moral defeat.

So in the Church, the phenomenon of grieving the moral injury of heresy. It is one thing when members go astray of their own volition. It is entirely another when those responsible for teaching, guiding, correcting and reproving themselves promote error.

Many members of the Church are suffering the consequences of betrayal. A devastating and overwhelming wildfire of an attack on truth has had negative consequences for the mental, moral and spiritual health of countless believers.

Some speak. Some languish silently. Some discontinue the practice of their faith. Loss of souls is the result in the ultimate damage to the mission of preaching the Gospel and the Lord’s work of redemption.

And in some cases we may witness punishment meted out to those who will not go along “for fellowship’s sake.”

Persecuting those who want to pray and live as the Church has always done and taught while preaching the necessity of “radical inclusion” is mentally stressful as well as nonsensical. And extremely damaging to the spiritual life and witness of the Church to the broader society, which requires internal coherence for growth, serenity and overall spiritual well-being.

The cruel edicts of Rome expelled traditional Catholic families from parishes, gutting the affected communities financially, and increasing the fragility of those already experiencing borderline non-viability in small churches across the country. 

To promote error is in fact attacking the Church herself, in a mistaken attempt to show understandable compassion for individuals, an always necessary good.

Defining, or in some cases, redefining, compassion means inverting the faith and practice of the Church. It has always glowed with some heat at various levels within the organization, but when bishops themselves began to light a match and then use their authority to require others to do so, the low level fever of error in ember form explodes into a raging inferno. Now it swallows up entire dioceses.

The Eucharist is, of course, “medicine for the weak” as we have heard from a prominent voice in Rome. We all share in the weakness that is simply human nature. There is no problem at all with, and certainly much help in, urging the faithful to call upon Christ for divine strength through the infinite graces of the holy Eucharist.

But when it comes to mortal sin, we’re not talking about the mere weakness that all of us share simply as human beings; we’re talking instead about the free act of the intellect and will to choose evil. Not to ask a human person to take responsibility for that is in fact to do injury to the dignity of that person. 

One of the errors commonly encountered is the flipping of what is good into something mislabeled as “bad” and therefore better discarded as burdensome or even injurious.

For one example, to accuse the Church of placing “barriers” between souls and salvation is a calumny when, in fact, it is the moral truth which the Church teaches that helps individuals to overcome the barriers to accessing grace, which their own freely chosen actions have frustrated.

The sacrament of Confession is both the witness box of truth and the tribunal of infinite mercy. Misrepresenting the sacrament instituted by Christ to free souls from the ultimate bondage to sin is a tremendous calumny. Against God Himself.

The methodology of deconstructing Church teaching on faith and morals then quickly follows upon this artificial catalyst of change.

The so-called “wise” among us are no longer exercising the sobriety of faith unto salvation. They have become in their own minds “wiser,” puffed-up by pride in “conformity to this world.”

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service.

“And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.

“For I say, by the grace that is given me, to all that are among you, not to be more wise than it behoveth to be wise, but to be wise unto sobriety, and according as God hath divided to every one the measure of faith” (Rom. 12:1-3).

Holiness is found also in chastity, living the new life of grace by presenting body and soul as a “living sacrifice” to God. The attempt to approve and even bless sexual sin is an anti-Gospel that inverts and overturns chastity, necessary for everyone who would be saved.

Those who reject this truth compound confusion and encourage sin. What is the answer?

We have all we need for salvation in our sacred tradition handed down in the Church. Let us embrace and teach it all the more. Each has his or her own role as the Scriptures teach:

“For as in one body we have many members, but all the members have not the same office:

“So we being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

“And having different gifts, according to the grace that is given us, either prophecy, to be used according to the rule of faith;

“Or ministry, in ministering; or he that teacheth, in doctrine;

“He that exhorteth, in exhorting; he that giveth, with simplicity; he that ruleth, with carefulness; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness” (Rom. 12:4-8).

Our Lord Jesus is King of love and Shepherd. There is never any internal incoherence or distress for those who wholly embrace His way of salvation in the Church.

As we have done so we shall do. Against the destructive fires of heresy we shall fight with the fire of love: love for our Lord and the freeing truths of salvation, bringing release for all who are imprisoned by error and sin.

“Let love be without dissimulation. Hating that which is evil, cleaving to that which is good. Loving one another with the charity of brotherhood, with honour preventing one another. In carefulness not slothful. In spirit fervent. Serving the Lord. Rejoicing in hope. Patient in tribulation. Instant in prayer.

“Communicating to the necessities of the saints. Pursuing hospitality. Bless them that persecute you: bless, and curse not.

“Rejoice with them that rejoice; weep with them that weep. Being of one mind one towards another. Not minding high things, but consenting to the humble. Be not wise in your own conceits” (Rom. 12:9-16).

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, our King, now and forever.

The Shepherds At The Birth Of Christ: Their Significance And Lessons For Our Faith Journey

December 24, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on The Shepherds At The Birth Of Christ: Their Significance And Lessons For Our Faith Journey


Each year we gather around the Christmas Creche as we contemplate the gift of our Incarnate Lord. We see Mary and Joseph, the child Jesus, the Magi pagans from the east, and the shepherds. These individuals participated in the first moments of the incarnate life of the newborn Savior, and yet do we really understand the significance they participated in the plan of our salvation history? Today, as we celebrate the newborn child of Bethlehem, let us reflect on the role the shepherds played in God’s unfolding plan. 

The story of the shepherds at the birth of Christ is a poignant narrative in the Nativity account that often draws admiration for its simplicity and depth. Found in the Gospel of Luke, these humble individuals were among the first to receive the glorious news of Christ’s birth, making their role essential in the broader understanding of God’s redemptive plan. Exploring the theological and spiritual importance of the shepherds can assist us in understanding how their experience serves as a guide for living out our faith today.

The shepherds were ordinary, working-class individuals, often marginalized in their society. The shepherds’ work required long hours in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks, far removed from the political and religious elite of their time. Despite their lowly status, they became part of the most profound moments in salvation history. When the angel of the Lord appeared to them, bringing the good news of great joy, it emphasized a vital truth: God’s message is for all people, regardless of status or position. This intentional selection of shepherds underscores the inclusive nature of God’s kingdom. Jesus later taught that, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3). By revealing Christ’s birth to the shepherds, God demonstrated His preference for the humble and lowly, aligning with His promise to uplift the meek and bring salvation to all. This teaches us that no matter our social standing, we are all equally precious in God’s sight and invited to partake in His divine plan of salvation.

The angel’s proclamation to the shepherds was nothing short of extraordinary. The infancy narrative of Luke’s Gospel recounts this extraordinary moment: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger”  (Luke 2:10-12).

The angel’s message was profound for several reasons. First, it directly addressed the shepherds’ fear, reflecting God’s consistent call to cast aside fear, calling humanity to trust in Him. Second, it announced the arrival of the Savior, fulfilling centuries of Messianic prophecies and bringing hope to a weary world, hope that is still needed today.  The description of the Messiah as a baby wrapped in “swaddling clothes” and lying in a manger was a stark contrast to the earthly kings and rulers of the time. This imagery highlighted Christ’s humility and the accessibility that was afforded to all who sought to seek out Christ. Today, this angelic announcement reminds us of the transformative power of the Gospel. Just as the shepherds heard and responded to the good news, we, too, are called to receive God’s message with joy and share it with others.

When God reveals Himself to us, it is an invitation to participate in the salvific action of redemption.  Likewise, at the moment of the Incarnation, the shepherds were invited to be the first to see “The Word made Flesh.”The shepherds’ response to the angelic message was immediate and wholehearted: “When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’ So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger” (Luke 2:15-16)

Their actions exemplify several key aspects of faith. First, the shepherds did not hesitate to act on the divine message. Their willingness to leave their flocks in search of the Savior demonstrates an obedience of spiritual proportions over material concerns. The shepherds were obedient to the Divine Revelation that God had manifested before their eyes. Second, the importance of the different people gathered at the Nativity shows the communicable aspect of our faith. The shepherds acted together, encouraging one another in their journey. This illustrates the importance of fellowship and our shared faith in seeking God. Third, in all the direct moments of divine revelation there exists an urgency to act. The shepherds’ decision to “hurry off” to Bethlehem reflects the zeal and passion with which we should pursue God’s presence in our lives. This response to Christ serves as a model for us to follow. Like the shepherds, we are called to respond promptly to God’s call, to seek Him earnestly, and to do so in the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

After encountering the Christ child, the shepherds became the first evangelists of the Gospel: “When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them” (Luke 2:17-18).Their transformation from ordinary shepherds to heralds of the Messiah is significant. Despite their humble status, they boldly proclaimed the good news, becoming instruments of God’s revelation to others. This highlights the universality of the call to evangelize. Sharing the Gospel is not reserved for the learned or the clergy, but is a privilege and responsibility for all who have experienced the love of Christ. The shepherds remind us that we don’t need extensive theological training or high social standing to share our faith.

The story of the shepherds offers profound lessons that can guide us in our walk of faith and enable us to share with others.   

Humility and openness to God is important. Just as the shepherds were open to receiving the angelic message, we must cultivate humility and openness to hear God’s voice in our lives and listen to where He is calling us to follow. 

Trusting in God’s promise of a share in everlasting life is essential. The shepherds believed the angelic message without hesitation, teaching us to trust in God’s promises even when they challenge our understanding. 

Our faith calls us to act. In fact, at the end of each Mass we are instructed to go out into the world and live what we have experienced through our encounter with Christ in the Eucharist. Immediately the shepherds respond in seeking Jesus by just going. This illustrates that faith requires action. It’s not enough to hear or believe; we must actively pursue God’s will in our lives.

Being joyful witnesses of our encounters with Christ is necessary to lead others to the child of Bethlehem.  We can become grinches in how we share the example of our faith. The shepherds, however, shared their experience as the first witnesses of the Incarnation joyfully, reminding us that our faith is not meant to be private but shared with those around us. 

One of the most beautiful aspects of the shepherds’ story is that they encountered Christ in the most ordinary of settings — a stable. This mirrors the reality that God often reveals Himself in the everyday moments of our lives. We don’t need grand signs or miraculous events to experience His presence. By cultivating awareness and gratitude, we can recognize God’s hand in the seemingly mundane aspects of life. The shepherds’ journey — from tending their flocks to witnessing the Savior’s birth and sharing the good news — illustrates the transformative power of faith. Their lives were forever changed by their encounter with Christ, and they became part of the unfolding story of salvation. Similarly, living our faith should not be static but dynamic, leading toward a transformation in how we live, think, and interact with others. Like the shepherds, we are invited to leave behind our old familiar manner of life, and step into the extraordinary moments God reveals for us each day.

The shepherds’ presence at the birth of Christ represents the beauty of God’s love for all and the power that our faith plays in the joy of sharing the Gospel. Their humble beginnings and profound response to God’s revelation offer timeless lessons for believers. As we reflect on their story, we are reminded that the journey of faith is one of humility, trust, and conversion. 

Like the shepherds, may we always be ready to respond to God’s call, seek His presence with urgency, and share the good news with those around us. By doing so, we honor the profound meaning the shepherds played in the plan of our salvation. 

As we gaze upon the nativity this Christmas and see the shepherds, may we continue the timeless work they began in proclaiming Christ’s love to the world.

May all of our readers have a blessed and holy Christmas. Know that each of you will have a special place in my heart as I celebrate my Christmas Masses. Merry Christmas!

A Blessed Thanksgiving To All

November 27, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on A Blessed Thanksgiving To All


We’ll all be celebrating Thanksgiving come Thursday, and clearly there’s a lot to be thankful for. The country certainly celebrated. For more than a fortnight, America has been peaceful. The transition to the second Trump Administration is going smoothly, with the usual suspects supplying the necessary chatter.

Yes, America has a lot to be thankful for, and so do our shepherds. Their border state “charities” alone have received over half a billion taxpayer dollars a year under Joe Biden. They also received some $3.5 billion in 2020-2021 in COVID Relief Funds due to an “unprecedented exemption,” the AP reports.

Our bishops know all this, of course, but they don’t like to be asked about it. Perhaps that’s why, at their annual meeting a couple of weeks ago, they didn’t bother to thank the voters for sending “Catholic Joe” Biden and his “abortion czar” Kamala Harris to the dustbin.

Instead, they expressed fear that Donald Trump could cut their border funding. Of course, they didn’t put it that way. When addressing the USCCB’s immigration programs, bishops don’t mention the government money. Instead, they routinely insist that their position is Magisterial — “the Catholic Church teaches”; that claim apparently gives them grounds to insult their critics with the usual epithets. 

And they’re pretty nervous about it. When members of Congress inquired into the spending of taxpayer dollars by the border operations of Catholic Charities last fall, New York Timothy Cardinal Dolan simply branded them as “bigots.” 

Apparently, requesting the possible misappropriation of taxpayer funds constitutes a violation of “religious freedom.”

Does that mean that putting the “Catholic” label on a federal grant might be construed as a “license to steal?”

Of course not. But as Catholic Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) once told me, the bishops might well brand any inquiry into that spending as an “attack [on] the Catholic Church.”

But let’s look at the bright side.

What Ever Happened To Gratitude?

“In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes. 5:18).

“St. Augustine taught: Gratitude is the beginning of faith. When we’re grateful to God, we’re people of faith and generosity. Happy Thanksgiving!” — Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, Thanksgiving 2013

Some 50 years ago, Dr. Karl Menninger penned a tome with an intriguing title: “What Ever Became of Sin?” Sin was something everyone knew about, of course, but suddenly no one was talking about it. And Menniger wondered why.

Today, it’s fair to ask: whatever happened to gratitude?

Bishop Michael Sis of San Angelo wrote last year about the ongoing habit of gratitude: “Gratitude is more than a one-time response to a one-time gift, it is a virtue that is learned, strengthened and perfected over the course of a lifetime.

“Gratitude is not just a spontaneous feeling that comes over us,” he writes. “Gratitude is a choice we make, an act of the will. We choose to be grateful. We’re not born grateful. We have to learn it. This is why parents have to teach their children, constantly reminding them to say ‘thank you.’

“St. Paul expresses this beautifully in Colossians 3:15-17,” Bishop Sis continues: “Be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, … singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

In Through the Eye of a Needle, Peter Brown describes “euergetism — the practice of the wealthy to distribute part of their wealth to the community.” Its purpose “was to gain glory, honor, and gratitude — pompous and prideful.

“…[G]iving to the poor tended to be presented as an act of altruism in its purest and most challenging form. We should not underestimate the imaginative impact of such altruism. Late Roman society (like any other ancient society) was a world held together at every level by intense networks of reciprocal gifts. These ranged from the friendly exchange of services in neighborhood associations to the euphoric dialogue between civic benefactors and their “people,” by which the gift of civic pleasures was instantly repaid by the countergift of honor and acclaim. It was a world that appeared to be ruled by iron laws of reciprocity,” Brown writes.

In his Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas asks, “Whether thankfulness is a virtue, distinct from the other virtues?”

Dr. Michael Austin explains: “For him, the answer is yes, because thankfulness is ‘a special part of justice.’ Giving thanks to our benefactors, those who have given us a particular and personal favor, is an issue of obligation, or justice. We owe gratitude to them, and this is different from the related virtues of religion (owed to God), piety (owed to parents), and observance (owed to those who excel in dignity). We are left with thankfulness as a virtue distinct from these related excellences of character. Thankfulness, or gratitude, is a matter of justice.”

Aquinas continues: “Accordingly, since what we owe God, or our father, or a person excelling in dignity, is not the same as what we owe a benefactor from whom we have received some particular favor, it follows that after religion, whereby we pay God due worship, and piety, whereby we worship our parents, and observance, whereby we worship persons excelling in dignity, there is thankfulness or gratitude, whereby we give thanks to our benefactors” [ST II-II, Q. 106, (1)].

We must give thanks, then, to our benefactors. But how?

“Now it is evident that a benefactor, as such, is cause of the beneficiary. Hence the natural order requires that he who has received a favor should, by repaying the favor, turn to his benefactor according to the mode of each. And, as stated above with regard to a father, a man owes his benefactor, as such, honor and reverence, since the latter stands to him in the relation of principle; but accidentally he owes him assistance or support, if he need it” [ST II-II, 106 (3)].

Whom Do We Thank? And How?

Nobles in fifth-century Rome practiced generosity “to gain glory, honor, and gratitude — pompous and prideful.”

Could that be possible today? Of course, back then, at least it was their money. But today?

Could our politicians today be handing out billions of someone else’s money to gain glory, honor, and gratitude? Are they, too, pompous and prideful?

And what about our bishops? It’s not their money, either.

Do the politicians ever thank the taxpayers for our money that they use?

And whom should the bishops be grateful to when they spend it? The politicians, of course; they’re certainly pompous and prideful.

Imagine José, an illegal immigrant who just succeeded to cross the border into Texas. He’s so fortunate — the local Catholic bishop is there to greet him!

“Thank you, thank you, Your Excellency,” says the ebullient traveler.

How should the bishop respond?

“You’re welcome?”

Or, “Oh my goodness, don’t thank me, it’s not my money we’re spending on you, it’s the government’s.”

So he should thank Joe Biden?

Maybe somewhere José will meet a bishop who tells him, “No, José, thank the American taxpayer. It’s not our money, and it’s not Joe Biden’s money either. It belongs to the American taxpayer.”

Maybe some day our bishops will even muster the gratitude to thank us themselves.

Just maybe.

Trump Victory: Catholics Once Again Welcome In White House

November 8, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Trump Victory: Catholics Once Again Welcome In White House


This country has dodged a bullet with the least qualified and most radically pro-abortion and infanticide candidates in history now, we may hope and pray, both permanently sidelined from the country’s highest offices and any possible future political life.

And the most anti-Catholic as well. Harris snubbed the Al Smith dinner in a much-publicized political and religious blunder, which may have inevitably served to draw further attention on the part of less aware voters to her long-simmering hostility toward the Church.

A new and more intense religious persecution on the horizon was predictable with Harris’ public avowal to forbid any religious carve-outs to her sweeping anti-family, anti-life, anti-God agenda.

So, many Catholics voted faith this time around, and Trump was indeed the “lesser evil,” by a long shot.

What will be different? There will be problems, as there always are, this being politics and not perfection.

The parade of White House heretic Catholic stand-ins will no longer be welcome. The real Catholics surrounding the Trump team will make sure of that. And the publicity surrounding the longstanding Biden scandal of a sitting president radically promoting abortion while receiving Communion is now over. The most damaging factor in American Catholic life will now, we can hope, be largely out of the public eye.

Nothing is more toxic to Catholic belief in both the non-negotiability of the pro-life teachings and the real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist than constant exposure to the images of the most prominent American who is both aggressively pro-abortion and LGBTQ regularly receiving the Eucharist.

Without a peep from our bishops.

Weak bishops, who falsely believe they have the option of remaining silent in the face of public scandal by a member of the flock, have enabled the pastoral disaster all along. God has removed the embarrassment of the lack of leadership and vigorous defense of the Kingship of Christ. Vox populi, vox Dei.

This is yet another blot on the Church that traces back to McCarrick, who concealed and lied about a letter from Benedict XVI which demanded that bishops do their job by denying reception of the Eucharist to politicians and other public officials who support and enable abortion in their roles in public life.

Catholics and our authentic message of faith and morals will now once again be welcome in the White House. The Catholic vice president-elect publicly proclaims Jesus Christ is King. It remains to be seen how he will negotiate the balance between following his faith honestly and wholeheartedly and the official Republican Reaganesque compromise of the pro-life platform.

Removing restrictions on abortion for “rape, incest and the life of the mother,” although appearing on the surface to be compassionate toward women who are, in some cases, undoubtedly in distress after extreme trauma, yet approves all the same of the premeditated taking of the innocent life of a preborn boy or girl.

Good news came out of Florida also this election day as the current abortion restrictions remain in place. In many other locations the lives of preborn children are still unjustly treated, irrationally and unscientifically, as simply another disposable organ in the mother’s body.

We saw with this election cycle that the prolife vote remains a force also in Nebraska and South Dakota where amendments to remove restriction or place abortion in the state constitutions failed. In places like Maryland, alas, the slide into greater evil seems bottomless. That state, named for Our Lady no less, voted to enshrine a “right” to legally execute unborn children in the state constitution. May the Lord have mercy on what is increasingly becoming a mid-Atlantic killing mecca.

This election, as many observers have already noted, was a rebuke to the globalists in the Church as well to those with their hands on the levers of political power. It was a pro-life, pro-family, pro-God red wave that drew in voters from across the spectrum. It may also have been a return to more honest voting procedures, with network commentators claiming that the disappearance of millions of urban Democratic voters was simply a result of Harris “underperforming” in comparison with Biden four years ago. It actually might be that less people who are dead or never existed aren’t voting this time.

The shenanigans in the Church, violating prohibitions on promotion of a candidate by name, were gross on the Democratic side. Extraordinary ministers at a D.C. Catholic parish wore Harris t-shirts while distributing the Eucharist at Mass, with the pastor proudly looking on as seen in a widely posted photo. No consequences. We all know the swift “justice” and leftist vengeance that would be visited upon any priest caught with a MAGA hat. Priests in cassocks and clerics have already been widely pilloried for their presence at Trump rallies.

Vatican II abuses, like EMHCs, have hugely succeeded in planting heretics in positions of permanent prominence in parishes all over America. Just one more reason to return to the sanity of removing lay people from the sanctuary with vested ministers only serving the sacred liturgy.

I gladly attended the second Butler rally in my cassock. Priests should always be present with their people in all the circumstances of life. This is one of the signs in the Church of the Kingship of Christ.

This is a historic political comeback of a man who was persecuted in almost every imaginable way, to include two assassination attempts as well as gratuitous lawfare, to be only the second in history after Grover Cleveland elected to a second term four years later.

Trump will be president during our 250th anniversary on July 4, 2026, of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Let us pray it will mean a renewed independence also for the Church to freely preach and teach the truth so that Christ will reign in all hearts and minds.

Christ’s reign is denied while the bishops cower behind staff or the USCCB instead of speaking out whenever necessary to defend the faith and save souls as the divinely appointed shepherds of their flocks. They are gelded as long as they cushion the financial shock of declining Mass attendance and offertory amounts by seeking government funding that muzzles them in matters of faith and morals. They must choose whom they will follow: God or Mammon.

The kingship of Christ is denied and blasphemed wherever and whenever His sacred image and likeness in any human person is violated by the great crime and injustice of abortion. Abortion is murder. When all Catholics proclaim and live this non-negotiable truth we might begin to turn this nation around to God.

Pray that President-elect Trump will be open to the whole pro-life message and the truth that it is barbaric to execute an unborn boy or girl because he or she, through no fault of his or her own, has a rapist or other criminal for a parent.

One of our US cardinals released a post-election message recognizing that some reacted to the results by breathing a sigh of relief. Count me among them. I’m puzzled, though as to whom he refers when also mentioning there are others who are experiencing “anxiety” as a result. Who are these anxious citizens who will now experience greater economic prosperity and national security?

Or are they in fact the heretics in our midst who have undermined God and souls for many years under the guise of mere political liberalism? If so, a little anxiety might do them some good. Perhaps they will now examine their consciences and come out a little more Catholic on the other side.

Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ our King, now and forever.

Is It A Virtue To Have An Open Mind?

October 26, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Is It A Virtue To Have An Open Mind?


A writer does not need to look very far to find grist for the mill. If he has an open mind he will find abundant opportunities to ply his trade. But if his mind remains open and never closes on anything worth communicating, he betrays his vocation. If one is open for business, he does want to close a sale or two.

I was in a drug store waiting for a prescription to be filled. This gave me time to roam the aisles to see if anything else tempted my pocketbook. I came upon an elaborate Halloween display. A row of ghoulish-looking talking heads caught my attention. I activated the voice box of one of them and listened to its eerie warning: “Don’t let your mind be so open that your brains fall out.” This grim annunciation was punctuated by several seconds of sardonic laughter.

Here was wisdom from a dummy that had something important to say to my students who, in general, were proud of being open-minded. But their affection for keeping their minds open was accompanied by their fear of ever closing it. I have always taught that the first lesson in philosophy is that the human brain should be activated.

The Halloween message is a paraphrase of something that Arthur Hays Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times from 1935-61, once said: “I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.” Sulzberger would be amused to learn that his esteemed vehicle of communication has now shifted from the print medium to talking Halloween heads. His point is perennial. The purpose of looking is finding. The fulfillment of being open is to discover something worth having.

Allan Bloom wrote his best-seller, The Closing of the American Mind, to explain how having a perpetually open mind is equivalent to having no mind at all. There is no education without truth, which is something that the persistently open mind never attains. Being told in the classroom that the mind works only halfway is to immobilize the brain or, simply, to “close” it. Someone once said, “a diplomat is a man who says you have an open mind, instead of telling you that you have a hole in your head.” The classroom, however, should not be an arena for diplomacy. Truth may make a person uncomfortable, but there can be no education without it.

 “Keep an open mind” has become a mantra for those of a liberal persuasion. It is an attitude, however, that yields no fruit. Truth, accordingly, becomes undiscoverable, and the very point of being open is meaningless. It is one thing to be independent, but one should not be independent of what he needs. Phyllis McGinley was not impressed by the person who boasted of an open mind:

“So open was his mind, so wide

To welcome winds from every side

That public weather took dominion,

Sweeping him bare of all opinion.”

The human mind has not completed its natural function while remaining in the state of openness. It is only when it closes itself on something true or good or right that it has completed the activity for which it was created.

A door should open to let one in, and close to keep others out. The mouth must open and close in order for eating to take place. The hand opens to grasp, closes to release. Eyelids open so that one can see, close so that one can sleep. Life is dyadic, a system of opening and closing. So too, the mind should close on what is worth keeping. 

Sir Thomas Beecham once defined great music as, “That which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty.” “Magical music,” he added, “never leaves the memory.” We are open to good music, and when we come upon it, we want to keep it. Good music finds its home in the listener. 

We want to close on what we find to be beautiful. And if the word “close’ is problematic, it can be replaced by welcome, accept, enjoy, or treasure. Good music ultimately belongs in the mind and heart of the listener, just as truth belongs in the mind.

There is an unfounded fear of knowing the truth of anything. The fear is to appear proud or presumptuous.  This fear is unwarranted because a person who claims to know any truth must, in humility, recognize that the acquisition of truth does not make him superior but gives him the responsibility to profess it. The Catholic Church is both the teacher and guardian of truth. But it is equally zealous in promoting the virtues of humility and gratitude.  No one likes a show-off. But to deny that truth can be known is to lapse into cowardice. Truth can be known, humility and gratitude can be realized.

Ray Bradbury wrote his 1953 novella, Fahrenheit 451, to show how foolish it is to avoid knowing anything for fear of appearing superior or inferior. In the story, Fireman Guy Montag holds up a copy of Aristotle’s Ethics and explains that anyone who reads this book must feel superior for having read it. Therefore, he explains, all books must be burned so that equality among people can be preserved. An egalitarian world, however, is a dystopian world.

Having an open mind is half a virtue. And the half virtues can do more damage than a vice that has no claim to virtue. The other half of the virtue is closing the mind on what is honestly perceived to be true. One can make mistakes, but the pursuit of truth is an adventure that none of us should ever shun.

Live Your Baptism With Your Vote

October 19, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Live Your Baptism With Your Vote


We’re about two weeks from the election, as this column is delivered, and after watching all the campaign ads, there is something very bothersome that is playing out. It is the preoccupation of Democrats and their candidates that the most important issue on the ballot is the right of a woman to play in Satan’s playground and to rip her unborn child limb-from-limb.

                Besides “Trump is a Nazi,” that seems to be their entire message to voters this year. And what mystifies me most is that the argument seems to be catching on. Now granted, I do not live in one of the seven swing states that are presumed to decide the presidency, but I do live in a state where the Democrats, abortion and all, are making a concentrated effort to capture the legislature.

                All those candidates, legislative as well as congressional, have the same shtick: You will lose all your rights if you can’t kill your child. As we know, abortion is one of the leading issues in this year’s election, coming in at Number 2 in many polls. But outside of a few general comments about building a better economy and fighting crime, the only specifics of the Biden-Harris party is how they will enable you to more easily kill your offspring.

                Nice to know one of our great parties is putting most of its eggs into that basket. And it is Satan’s playground as most exorcists will tell you.

                But it is not the idea that one major party is campaigning on that issue, it is the emphasis which it puts on it. It is, suggests their propaganda, the most important issue in the land, topping all other concerns:

                There is a serious problem we are having with crime and laws that protect, and sometimes prevent the arrest and detainment of career criminals. Yes, that is important but you Democratic women must understand that your abortion rights are more important than that.

                We have Chinese spies in the United States working to undermine the country. Thay have their own “police stations” to monitor Chinese refugees here who use threats against relatives to keep them quiet. They sent a spy balloon across the continental United States fishing for military intelligence, and as noted recently, there are unknown drones now flying around our Air Force bases. But don’t worry about that, keep your eye on what’s important: your right to kill your kid.

                We all worry about the “minuscule” numbers of illegal alien border crossers coming into the country. Remember, their crime rates are down, and Kamala is a former prosecutor. Understand that your right to “control your own body” trumps (no pun intended) all these concerns.

                Our public schools are open to everyone, and we should be proud of that. We understand when foreign children who can’t speak the language are filling your child’s classroom. That is only a minor distraction while education is the common good for all. But abortion is the key issue of concern to watch when you vote.

                And don’t worry about your children being indoctrinated in those public information camps we call schools; they are simply being taught the true American way without reference to the false history fed to us by the white-Christian establishment. We are broadening the little tikes’ minds. We take care of the kids; you make sure you can “take care” of the ones you don’t want. 

                And is it so bad for your junior high daughter, after gym class, to have to shower with the boy down the street who doesn’t understand gender as generations of closed-minded parents did? After all, if something beautiful happens we still have abortion to protect your little girl’s future.  

                Of course, don’t worry when we investigate suspicious religions, especially those that communicate in foreign and ancient languages. Remember, they oppose your right to a childless future. And when we use lawfare to attack those who deny your reproductive freedom, we are doing so to protect you from the fascists who will restrict that right.

                Inflation and the economy have become an insurmountable problem for many families. Don’t worry so much about it — prices are declining; just listen to your president. But you must worry about abortion; it’s the non-negotiable of this election.

                That is how the Democrats promote their most cherished sacrament. It is almost a religion to them, and they seek to impose it on all. I mentioned near the top of this column something about Satan’s playground. If you have ever read anything from an exorcist you will remember how they described Satan’s involvement with abortion; I am incapsulating those thoughts into the term Satan’s playground, for it certainly is that.

                So how will this election go? Will the fair-haired always-correct Kamala Harris win? Or will the Nazi from Mar-a-Lago take the top prize? It appears almost too close to venture a prediction, for as one pundit quipped, “it is tied and getting closer.”

                I don’t know if that is an accurate reading of the crystal ball, but I do have a theory: As the race moves towards completion the so-called undecideds will begin breaking in one direction, with that candidate receiving about 55% of that group’s votes, which will provide the winning margin for the next president.

                The only remaining question is: Will they resist values that have stood the test of time, Christian values such as family, freedom, and the promises of the Bill of Rights? Or will they break on behalf of the scourge of abortion? So, as you ponder your vote, remember the promises you made at your baptism: to renounce Satan, and all his works, and all his empty promises. Keep your word and reject him again at the ballot box.

You can reach Mike at: and listen to him every weekend on Faith On Trial or podcast at

The New Chapel Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel

October 11, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on The New Chapel Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel


The Carmelite Hermitage of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a community of three priests and six brothers, located in Lake Elmo, Minnesota, about a 20-minute drive from the state’s capital city, St. Paul.

Construction is well underway for a new Chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on the grounds of the Hermitage and soon to be open to the faithful community at large.

One way to approach the Hermitage grounds is from a quiet residential road that curves around Lake Demontreville, then turn right onto the slender and smooth Mount Carmel Road which winds through broad fields with well-established trees and freely wandering wildlife to reach the monastery of the Carmelite hermits.

Fr. John Mary is Prior of the Carmelite Hermitage of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He grew up in St. Paul and attended the University of St. Thomas there.

After graduation in 1976, he joined a new contemplative Carmelite community in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Penn. and was ordained to the priesthood in 1982.

Because the community’s future was uncertain, shortly after ordination Fr. John accepted an offer from the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in Lake Elmo to become their chaplain and spent five happy years serving as chaplain to the nuns and living a solitary life as a Carmelite hermit.

In 1987, the Carmelite nuns offered Fr. John Mary a portion of their property to begin a community of Carmelite hermits. Soon Br. Joseph came to join Father; after they received permission from then-Archbishop John R. Roach, they began to develop a master plan for the construction of the monastery which stands today.

The Chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was included in the master plan for the Hermitage dating back to 1987, but because funds needed to be raised, it would be over three decades until the construction of the chapel would begin in earnest.

Finally, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Aug 15, 2022, the community of the Carmelite Hermitage of the Blessed Virgin Mary broke ground for its new chapel.

Heart Of The Monastery And ‘Beauty of Carmel’

I had the honor of meeting with Fr. John on September 20, 2024, to learn more about the new chapel. Because the Hermitage still lacks a guest building, Father spoke to me in the refectory of the Hermitage, seated across from me at one of the tables next to the lectern where one of the hermits reads to the community at meals – which, other than the voice of the reader, are taken in silence.

Fr. John pointed out beautiful images carved into the wood lectern which include The Annunciation of the Lord, carved by Brother Christopher, who has designed and created a multitude of inspirational artwork over the years for the monastery and is planning the artwork to be installed in the new chapel.

I asked Fr. John to share what he would like readers to know about the new chapel, and he began by explaining that the tradition of organized monastic life began in the third and fourth centuries.

He next revealed a vital aspect of monastic life:

“At the heart of every monastery is its chapel, which is the place where God is worshiped through the liturgy, and a place where the community and others can also come for personal prayer and quiet meditation.”

Fr. John went on to give the primary reasons for constructing the chapel, saying, “We are building our chapel first of all, for the glory of God, to be able to worship Him in the liturgy, and also then to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the principal patroness of the Carmelite Order and also the patroness of our particular Hermitage.”

The founder of the Hermitage went on to further explain the special importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary: “In the Order of Carmel, we give Our Lady a particular title which comes from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, the title: “Beauty of Carmel.”

Great reverence for the patroness of the Carmelite Order continued to be expressed through the tone of Fr. John’s voice when he gave his vision: “It is our hope, through the chapel, that we can show something of the beauty of the Blessed Virgin Mary – her spiritual beauty – through the beauty of the chapel itself, through its beautiful form, the arches and columns which are made from marble, and also, through the artwork of the chapel.”

He went on to say, “We hope that the chapel will be a place of inspiration for our [Hermitage] community, but also for our friends and visitors who will come to worship with us, a place where they can be inspired by the artistic beauty in their search for God.”

Inspired By The Ancient Basilicas Of Rome And Ravenna

The Hermitage is a place steeped in quiet contemplation and prayer, but at mid-morning of August 28, there were some loud sounds on the grounds. It was somewhat expected because Fr. John had invited The Wanderer publisher Joseph Matt and me to view the construction area of the chapel.

But when Fr. John welcomed us, he explained that the noise was from a generator, as a recent storm had taken out the power at the monastery.

Fr. John, who studied in Rome from 1979 Ð 1981, proceeded to walk us through the beginnings of the new chapel where the architectural design is tied to the ancient basilicas of Rome and Ravenna, in particular, old St. PeterÕs, the churches of St. Mary Major and St. Mary in Trastevere in Rome, plus the two churches dedicated to St. Apollinaris in Ravenna.

As we followed Fr. John into the in-progress chapel, it was a bit like entering a portal to ancient Rome: We entered a structure with partial walls with window openings bearing no glass, the damp brown earth underfoot and no ceiling above Ñ completely exposed to acts of God, such as the storm that had taken out the power just the night before.

After I had jotted on my steno pad the connection in color I observed between the soft gray clouds in the sky and the gray cinderblock skeleton in the form of a traditional basilica outline, I looked around more and began to feel glad that the chapel interior was going to be fully open to Heaven for a good amount of time during its development.

But unlike the vestige of an ancient Roman structure, this was instead an active construction site, with workers in hard hats moving with concentrated purpose up on scaffolding surrounding the recently erected marble columns. First crafted in Italy, the columns were then shipped in crates to the Hermitage in Lake Elmo. Although the columns are load-bearing supports inside this authentic basilica chapel, they are truly works of art in and of themselves.

The solid Damascata marble from Northern Italy was a carefully considered choice made to further glorify the patroness of the Carmelite Hermitage. Fr. John explained that this particular marble was chosen because it occurs naturally in the soft, more feminine hues of pink, gray and white, befitting of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Beauty of Carmel, who is honored in the chapel.

Because the columns were set in a space currently devoid of any of the adornments yet to come, the smooth perfection of the polished Damascata marble standing in perfect alignment was especially ethereal that morning.

The capitals which grace the top of each column are crafted from the exquisite white Carrara marble sourced from the same quarries that provided the marble for Michaelangelo to carve masterpieces such as the Pietà.

Brother Christopher, of the Hermitage, designed the capitals; a capital is a decorative element which tops each pillar. In order to create the capitals, a blueprint of his design was made and sent to Italy to be carved out of the famed Carrara marble, then shipped back to the Hermitage.

The Chapel Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel features seven Damascata marble columns on each side of the nave which support the capitals and beautiful marble arches.

Construction of the arches was underway that day in August. Each arch is constructed by placing the marble sections around a wooden support and then once the keystone (final marble piece) is set, the wooden support structure is removed and the beautiful marble arch is revealed in all its glory.

More sacred art planned for the chapel are mosaics which will adorn the three apses of the chapel, and following the design of the Basilica of SantÕApollinare Nuovo in Ravenna, a row of saints in a mosaic design will line each side of the  main nave above the marble arches.

The floor plan outlines three spaces: the sanctuary, the monastic choir, and a section for the public which seats about 60 guests. The sanctuary, which will house the crucifix, tabernacle, altar, and apse mosaic will be flanked by two small chapels, one dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Beauty of Carmel, and a matching one to her most blessed spouse, St. Joseph. During that gray morning, those three spaces held nothing other than the moist earth.

As I stood in the sanctuary, wishing I had worn boots to walk the spongy soil, I noticed a few tiny green shoots had sprung up from the ground in the area where Fr. John had indicated that the altar would be placed, donated by a local benefactor to honor his late wife.

Following In The Footsteps Of The Carmelite Saints

With the goal of becoming saints, the hermits follow the same Rule of Life as the great saints of Carmel, such as St. Teresa of Jesus, St. John of the Cross, St. Simon Stock, and St. Therese of Lisieux and their same ancient horarium as follows:

 4:30 a.m. rise
4:45 a.m. Vigils
5:30 a.m. free time*
6:00 a.m. Angelus and Matins (end of Great Silence)
6:30-7:30 a.m. mental prayer
7:45 a.m. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
8:45 a.m. breakfast (during the non-fast season)
9:00 a.m. Terce (the 3rd hour)
9:15-11:30 a.m. work
11:40 a.m. Sext (the 6th hour)
12:00 p.m. Angelus and dinner
12:45-2:40 p.m. free time
2:45 p.m. None (the 9th hour)
3:00-4:00 p.m. work
4:20 p.m. Vespers
5:00-6:00 mental prayer
6:00 p.m. Angelus and supper
6:45 p.m. recreation (speak and share with one another)
7:45 Compline
8:15 p.m. Great Silence
9:30 p.m. retire

*Free time may be to pray the rosary and do spiritual reading.

Sundays and major feasts allot an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction.

Each hermit resides in a small hermitage: a room with bed, desk, sacred art, and a window onto its own little courtyard that features a tree which provides shade (no A/C) and fruit to eat from cherry, apple, plum, and pear trees. Other trees on the surrounding property are Black Walnut, Maple, Red and white oak, red and white Pine, Cherry, Birch, and Honey Locust. When a tree is damaged by disease or an act of God, the hermits cut it up into lumber for crafting and cabinetry, or for firewood.

Spanning between the monastery and the individual hermitages within the larger Hermitage is the cloister, completed in 2002. Built to serve as both a sheltered walkway and a peaceful meditation space, a place to pray the rosary.

There is a gift shop open to the public at specific times that is run by the hermits which contains bookshelves and a countertop crafted from wood that was felled on the grounds of the Hermitage and where you can purchase books, roasries, crucifixes, and art created by some of the hermits.

The Carmelite Order: Its Solitary And Community Aspects

Upon hearing of a “hermitage” and “hermits,” many people of the general public might picture a place where outsiders are not permitted to enter.

So, I asked Fr. John to speak to that possible preconception by the public. He replied, ÒWe do seek solitude and seclusion…but it should be recognized that those hermits who are called to a life of complete solitude out in a desert place or on a mountaintop are actually very few, and that the majority of hermits are actually semi-hermits who also have something of a community life. So from the very beginning, the Order of Carmel had a communal aspect to it…both a solitary aspect and a community aspect.Ó

He went on to explain, “The way we achieve our balance between the two is twofold: First of all, we have fixed hours when the Hermitage is open to visitors, from seven in the morning to four in the afternoon. So the other hours of the day we are quiet and in solitude. The other aspect is the cloistered areas of the monastery – the areas of the monastery which are only open to the members of the community – this also then provides a degree of separation and solitude for the members of the community.”

Fr. John spoke about the need for solitude in life, saying, “The solitary aspect is extremely necessary for every Christian to have the time when one can go aside in prayer and commune with God in the silence of the heart. And itÕs getting increasingly difficult to do that in the noisy interconnected world in which we live. So hermits go aside from society a little bit in order to facilitate their life of prayer and communion with God.”

He concluded, “But it was never for the Order of Carmel a complete seclusion … our Hermitage on Mount Carmel, the first house of our Order, is one of the stops given in the pilgrim guides from the Middle Ages … to visit the hermits there.”

+  +  +

Architect Duncan Stroik of the University of Notre Dame designed The Chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a leading architect in the design of new Catholic Churches. His past projects include the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel at St. Thomas Aquinas College in California, and the new organ case and renovation of the choir loft at the Cathedral of St. Paul in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The exterior of the chapel will be built of brick and granite to match the existing buildings of the Hermitage. Contribuing contractors are: George Siegfried Construction Company, General Contractor; Robert Pagliardi Company, Saran, Italy, Belden Brick, Ohio; CD Tile and Stone stone masons Curtis Nelson, Rob Willi, Travis Langer, and Paul Johnson, a 4th-generation stone mason who worked on the restoration of the St. Paul Cathedral).

Join The Brick Legacy Guild, Receive Prayers From The Hermits

Now you are needed as a builder! Yes, to complete the chapel dedicated to the Beauty of Carmel (and the four hermitages needed to accept new vocations) 75,000 bricks are required. The Hermitage needs to raise $3.75 million Ñ $50 per brick.

According to the Hermitage: Once you donate a brick and enter the Guild, we will offer a Mass for you and all of our Guild members each month. We will pray for your intentions, for your family and for the salvation of all the souls dear to you. And when we finally consecrate this new chapel and open our doors to the public, we hope all of our Guild members will be able to join us for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. What a glorious day that will be!

75,000 Bricks Needed To Raise $3.75 Million At $50 Per Brick

Donate now:

Learn more:

Mail donations to: 8249 Mount Carmel Road, Lake Elmo, MN 55042

Make check payable to: Carmelite Hermitage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Suicide Of A Nation . . . Never Trumper, “Principled Vote,” Abstain From Voting: What Are You Thinking?

October 3, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Suicide Of A Nation . . . Never Trumper, “Principled Vote,” Abstain From Voting: What Are You Thinking?


As our national election for president enters the final stretch, a growing constituency of pro-life voters and even conservatives — and, of course, never Trumpers — are indicating their intention to withhold their presidential vote out of “principle” — the pro-lifers largely because of the GOP platform and Donald Trump’s latest softening stance on abortion.

Well, first of all, the GOP’s platform is the most baseless of excuses to boycott Trump, which will only benefit Harris. The GOP platform isn’t worth the paper it’s written on and hasn’t been for some time. Can you find me ten Republican congressmen who even know what their platform says?

For years, many Republicans have been paying lip service to their GOP constituents, especially the pro-life movement. Say what you will, but Trump did deliver with Supreme Court justices that overturned Roe v. Wade. How soon we forget.

Almost a decade ago with a Republican Senate, House, and President, Paul Ryan claimed Congress would defund Planned Parenthood. Oh, that’s right, they were also going to get rid of the Affordable Care Act — remember Obamacare? Well, how’s that working out? To this day, Planned Parenthood continues to receive in excess of $500 million a year in federal money to slaughter babies.

Abstaining is simply not a viable moral choice. We have a moral obligation to vote, especially if one candidate is an enemy of religion, morals, and liberty. Let’s look at reality: unless there’s a totally unexpected turn of events, either Harris or Trump will be elected president — a vote for anybody other than Trump, or abstaining from voting because of Trump, is a vote for Harris and that is a simple fact.

Given the completely foreseeable evils that will follow a Harris-Walz victory, this constituency of non-voters or voters for another candidate will share in the responsibility for the immoral effects of a Harris administration, all of which will contribute to the suicide of our once great nation. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that certain pro-life groups, those advocating for religious liberties, and similar groups who resist a Harris administration will be relegated to jail cells and re-education camps. After all, it is happening now under the Biden-Harris administration.

There are plenty of opportunities for principled stands especially when there are no distinctions in the evil between two choices, but this is not one of them. The positions are much more defined and apparent. Between the two options, one will be at a level of evil which our nation has probably not experienced before.

This is a case where the “principled” position of not voting at all is hardly principled. One of the arguments is that we are voting for abortion by voting for Trump. Did these same pro-lifers who voted for Trump in the first two presidential elections vote for abortions in cases of incest, rape, and life of the mother? (After all, that was Trump’s position at the time.) Where were their principles then?

God has allowed a situation of two possible outcomes — you do not have to look too deeply to see that one is far superior to the other. Can we all agree that there will be fewer abortions under Trump than Harris and certainly much more freedom to resist and restrain the pro-death movement and to strengthen and advance the pro-life cause under Trump? How can abstaining from the polls, which is effectively voting for Harris, be called “principled”, when we know she will increase abortions and possibly completely stamp out legal resistance to pro-abortion policies?

This is a binary choice. An abstained vote is more of a preservation of ideological purity than a position that would save more babies from abortion. If we all agree that one abortion is one too many, we must always stand up to evil. A vote for Trump does not mean we approve of his position on abortion and we certainly must continue the pressure and advocacy for laws that assure and protect human life at every stage regardless of who becomes president.

Withholding your vote is dangerous and careless in this particular case — it is not only life itself that is on the ballot this election, but issues that have bound the fabric and soul of our country together from its inception. Religious freedom, freedom of speech, the second amendment, and freedom of the press — these are just some of the liberties we stand to lose with this election.

For those of you who intend to withhold your vote or waste it on a non-contender, it is difficult to argue that you won’t bear some of the responsibility for securing your children and grandchildren a country which will not only include more abortion but will be on an accelerated path to a completely Godless, communist rule.

The demonic, Godless Harris-Walz ticket is totally devoid of any good. There is a reason they are withholding their policy intentions from the public. If the complicit dominant media were to expose their Marxist beliefs, the majority of the American electorate would have nothing to do with them.

Just wait for what they have in store for us if they achieve power this time around. In the age of the Internet, it is hard to conceal a track record, so based on their history we know exactly what they will do if they gain power. Do you really think this nation can withstand another four years of unlimited immigration, uncontrolled government spending, a court system that continues to remove itself from the Constitution, laws that continually go unenforced, a media that is controlled by the state, and on and on?

To get a preview of the evils that will befall our nation, one only has to examine briefly some of the Harris-Walz record and some of what they are known to believe. This should cause anybody to tremble in horror as to the consequences of a victory with these two lifetime Marxists.

These issues will only intensify or will be fast-tracked to implementation under a Harris presidency if they haven’t been done already.

On average, The Wanderer reports regularly on pro-lifers who are sentenced to jail time on the basis of violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act for so-called nonviolent protests at abortuaries across the country. When this unconstitutional practice accelerates under Harris-Walz, how does your “principled non-vote” affect your conscience?

The following examples should serve as a brief reminder of only some of the damage that Harris has been complicit in as Biden’s star DEI hire, and some of the moral and economic train wrecks her running mate Tim Walz oversaw as governor of Minnesota:

  • Abortion on demand up to and after birth
  • Open borders
  • Sympathizing and supporting protesters and looters to the extent of posting bail during the Floyd riots
  • Harris is on record stating that she would want the federal government to pay for transgender surgeries for immigrants
  • We are dealing with outright communists, so much so that their policies are intentionally hidden from the press and the public
  • Communist Bernie Sanders — who, compared to Harris, would be considered a capitalist — is on record commenting on Harris’ flip-flops on the issues, essentially saying she is lying to win the election. Harris herself says she has not changed her values when asked about her flip-flops
  • Harris and Walz are both on record about making attempts to pack the Supreme Court
  • The 15 to 20 million immigrants who have entered this country illegally will be eligible to vote if given citizenship. That would eliminate any margin of error, which would dispose of the need for future elections. The Marxists would reign unchecked.

Now let’s take a quick look specifically at China’s favorite son, Tim Walz, who is even more extreme than Harris, if such a thing is possible. These are some of the “niceties” now enacted into law that our “good governor” brought to our home state of Minnesota. Many of them are unknown to Minnesotans because of a silent media who covered for Walz even as he watched and empathized with the looting and burning of the state’s largest city, Minneapolis, for days on end.

You have to ask yourself: What kind of person passes a law that would allow children at the age of 12 to undergo so-called sex-change surgery without parental consent or consultation, yet with the full protection and support of the state? Many Minnesotans are just now learning of this heinous law because of a complicit and useless local media who never exposed the perversion and immorality of such laws.

What kind of heinous human being would watch a baby survive an abortion only to be left to die? Apparently, the Democrat vice presidential candidate would have no qualms — he joined with his Democratic colleagues in the Minnesota Legislature to repeal a law requiring medical care for abortion survivors and another law requiring that survivors and their fate be reported.

This same man implemented a snitching line in Minnesota for turning in neighbors who might have violated covid laws. (Communist China, anybody?)

Walz earned the nickname “Tampon Tim” for implementing the placement of tampon machines in boys’ bathrooms in schools. (This should be all you need to know about the man.) This man could be president — are you kidding me?

Don’t think for a minute these atrocities won’t be part of federal law in a Harris administration. Look how rapid the decay of our republic has been in the last four years. The state has tightened its grip on the media, punishing those who won’t be controlled or who offer dissenting opinions, labeling their content as misinformation. The use of laws like the FACE Act has increased under Biden-Harris to intimidate and suppress pro-life protesters. Lies go unabated by both government and the media unlike no time in modern history with no repercussions. Illegal immigrants are given preferential treatment and rights over everyday citizens. There has been a trend in this country of defunding the police in large cities resulting in an increase of crime. Hillary Clinton recently stated that those engaged in “propaganda” “should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged.”

These examples only touch the surface. Upon reflection, ask yourself whose policies are going to kill more babies. Do not think for a moment these laws will not be promoted and advocated for on a federal level. Do you honestly think the pro-life movement and any group promoting traditional family values and the laws of God will be better served from a jail cell or a re-education camp? Ask yourself how many babies you are saving with your “protest,” “in-good-conscience” abstinence vote. Ask yourself based on history who is more apt to be persuaded to take more of a pro-life point of view, a more traditional family view, a more pro-democracy point of view, who will be better to respect the laws of God in governing our nation.

What Will Pro-life Resistance Look Like Under A Harris-Walz Administration?

Forget about it! If Harris and Walz get their way, there will be no resistance.

How can anyone be so naïve as to think that as a consequence of a Harris victory any fair pro-life or traditional values or God-given rights or any other conservative cause will stand a chance? A Harris victory will only embolden these communist thugs, who do not respect the law, the courts, the Constitution, or basic truth in order to eliminate any resistance to their evil ways.

Vladimir Lenin was known to say that socialism is the road to communism. Popes throughout history have consistently expressed the fundamental opposition between Christianity and communism and made it clear that no Catholic could subscribe to even moderate socialism.

If the last four years have taught us anything it is that the Left has rapidly put our country on a trajectory toward communism: securing the complicity of the media, weaponizing the justice system, opening our borders, overseeing a $35 trillion national debt, threatening gun-owning, God-fearing citizenry; the list goes on.

This will pale in comparison to a Harris administration. How can anyone actually believe we will be allowed a level playing field with these people? How will we win? In the courts, the legislature? Where? The rule of law is now the rule of the elite, enforced on the average citizen; but for the political elite it is abused and corrupted for their own political advantage.

A look at where we are and how fast we got here should tell us where our future will be if we continue on the Harris-Walz bandwagon.

The Wanderer has endorsed Donald Trump for President in the last two elections. The endorsement was primarily from a pro-life, religious-liberty stance. And yes, as of late President Trump has sadly been a disappointment, softening his pro-life standpoint along with many in the GOP; specifically concerning is his latest stance on IVF and a seemingly evasive stance on the time frame in which he accepts abortion. However, a vote for Trump is not fundamentally a vote against life but rather a vote for many just policies.

There is a clear argument for this case from Catholic moral theology: This is a case where we must apply the principle of double effect. This principle applies to a situation in which the moral agent is faced with a choice which results in two effects, one good, one bad. It seems to me that in the action of voting for Trump, the good effect would be his election, and the many good policies we can expect from him given his record as President for four years (preservation and reinstitution of American traditions of religious freedom, free speech; closing the border; preventing nuclear war, to name a few!) while the bad effect is a potential furthering of liberal abortion/IVF policies.

Remember: Trump has already delivered more for the pro-life cause than any other president, and we must hope he can be persuaded to do so again. Let us remind President Trump, America can achieve economic prosperity, freedom to voice and live our beliefs, secure borders, safe neighborhoods, etc., but as long as we fail to protect the least among us — the unborn — we will never succeed in “Making America Great Again.” You will have our vote, but it comes with extenuating circumstances — be forewarned we will fight you every step of the way on the issue of innocent life. Let us pray that President Trump — as he has distanced himself from the pro-life movement — reverts to pro-life tendencies, since as we all know America will never be great again as long as it continues to slaughter the most innocent among us.

Ronald Reagan was noted as saying, “This country is one generation away from losing its freedom.” Well, I say we are at a crossroads — we are one vote away from losing our freedom. There are two choices, one GOOD, with potential evil thrown in, and one absolutely suicidal to this nation and its citizens. As Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” That, my friends, is the same as a non-vote.

Don’t waste your vote. A gift of Marxism to our children and grandchildren would be a terrible curse on your conscience. God help us!

No Blase Of Glory Here

August 21, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on No Blase Of Glory Here


The culture of death was on full display for the world to see this past week in Chicago. The United Center which hosted the Democratic convention this past week is commonly referred to as “the house that Jordan built” – the famous basketball player. Well, this week with all the demonic, godless forces surrounding and within the convention center it could easily be referred to as “the house that Satan built.”

For in that house and around that house it was hard to find anything that would indicate otherwise. Just a sampling of the Satanic atmosphere – abortion, the sacred cow of the Democratic party was front and center of just about every discussion – hardly a speech was given without reference to their self- proclaimed God given right to kill babies. Of course, abortion is never mentioned by name; it is always referred to as the innocuous “women’s reproductive healthcare,” a much more innocent and harmless kind of word than one that would describe baby killing. Oh, and how much further the progressives have advanced – now they talk about aborting up to and killing after birth. It is now considered fashionable to openly brag and celebrate their abortions.

This year offered an even more enticing promotion by the ever-present largest provider of abortions, none other than Planned Parenthood – a mobile unit set up in close proximity to the convention center offering free abortions and vasectomies.  

For most of us, this is no surprise from the party that espouses perversion and death, but our displeasure and indignation are triggered even more when we see our shepherds who are supposed to lead us to Christ seemingly acquiesce in the ways of the world.  

Well, true to form, there always seems to be a Catholic bishop that will comply with the job. No other than Bishop Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, was invited for the opening invocation. I am sure the script of the prayer was vetted not to offend anybody in the audience except for practicing Catholics. No doubt he was seen as a useful tool, some would say idiot, by the powers that be, to attempt to show the world the Democrats are not totally Godless and they do have a moral compass, of course, as defined by them (not Christ). Who better to pick than a Bishop who is more outspoken on issues of open borders and climate change than on issues of life and death. Almost a guarantee he would not mention something as controversial as abortion.

This was a huge opportunity on a world stage to proclaim the Kingship of Christ and correct a wayward group of people who are on a road to perdition. Instead, we heard a prayer that had no real substance, which lacked any humility, and certainly did not address the obvious failings in regard to Christ’s teaching that permeated the auditorium. At the very least, a prayer for the conversion of hearts on the issues of abortion would have been appropriate.

Why a Catholic bishop would accept such an invitation if he was not able to offer anything of substance is a question to be asked. Unfortunately given your stature as an American Bishop representing the Catholic Church, attending such an event and remaining silent on these issues that concern Heaven and Hell only imply acquiescence on your part, your Excellancy.  

Again, a missed opportunity for a Catholic prelate to be a tool for Christ instead of a tool for the world.

WHAT WILL IT TAKE? An Open Letter to My Brother Bishops (and to the lay faithful!)

You gather here today, present-day apostles, as the Church and, therefore, the world stand perched on the edge of a cliff. And yet you who are entrusted with the keeping of souls choose to speak not a word of the…Continue Reading

Former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards Dies Of Brain Cancer At 67

(LifeSiteNews) — Former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards died Monday of brain cancer at age 67, leaving behind the largest abortion chain in the nation.  “This morning our beloved Cecile passed away at home, surrounded by her family and her…Continue Reading

Vatican and USCCB leave transgender policy texts unpublished

While U.S. bishops have made headlines for releasing policies addressing gender identity and pastoral ministry, guidelines on the subject have been drafted but not published by both the U.S. bishops’ conference and the Vatican’s doctrinal office, leaving diocesan bishops to…Continue Reading

Biden says Pope Francis told him to continue receiving communion, amid scrutiny over pro-abortion policies

President Biden said that Pope Francis, during their meeting Friday in Vatican City, told him that he should continue to receive communion, amid heightened scrutiny of the Catholic president’s pro-abortion policies.  The president, following the approximately 90-minute-long meeting, a key…Continue Reading

Federal judge rules in favor of Gov. DeSantis’ mask mandate ban

MIAMI (LifeSiteNews) – A federal judge this week handed Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis another legal victory on his mask mandate ban for schools. On Wednesday, Judge K. Michael Moore of the Southern District of Florida denied a petition from…Continue Reading

The Eucharist should not be received unworthily, says Nigerian cardinal

Priests have a duty to remind Catholics not to receive the Eucharist in a state of serious sin and to make confession easily available, a Nigerian cardinal said at the International Eucharistic Congress on Thursday. “It is still the doctrine…Continue Reading

Donald Trump takes a swipe at Catholics and Jews who did not vote for him

Donald Trump complained about Catholics and Jews who did not vote for him in 2020. The former president made the comments in a conference call featuring religious leaders. The move could be seen to shore up his religious conservative base…Continue Reading

Y Gov. Kathy Hochul Admits Andrew Cuomo Covered Up COVID Deaths, 12,000 More Died Than Reported

When it comes to protecting people from COVID, Andrew Cuomo is already the worst governor in America. New York has the second highest death rate per capita, in part because he signed an executive order putting COVID patients in nursing…Continue Reading

Prayers For Cardinal Burke . . . U.S. Cardinal Burke says he has tested positive for COVID-19

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — U.S. Cardinal Raymond L. Burke said he has tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19. In an Aug. 10 tweet, he wrote: “Praised be Jesus Christ! I wish to inform you that I have recently…Continue Reading

Democrats Block Amendment Banning Late-Term Abortions, Stopping Abortions Up to Birth

Senate Democrats have blocked an amendment that would ban abortions on babies older than 20 weeks. During consideration of the multi-trillion spending package, pro-life Louisiana Senator John Kennedy filed an amendment to ban late-term abortions, but Democrats steadfastly support killing…Continue Reading

Transgender student wins as U.S. Supreme Court rebuffs bathroom appeal

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to a transgender former public high school student who waged a six-year legal battle against a Virginia county school board that had barred him from using the bathroom corresponding…Continue Reading

New York priest accused by security guard of assault confirms charges have now been dropped

NEW YORK, June 17, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A New York priest has made his first public statement regarding the dismissal of charges against him.  Today Father George W. Rutler reached out to LifeSiteNews and other media today with the following…Continue Reading

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  We encourage you to become a daily visitor to our site. If you appreciate our site, tell your friends. As Catholics we must band together to rediscover our faith and share it with the world if we are to effectively counter a society whose moral culture seems to have no boundaries and a government whose rapidly extending reach threatens to extinguish the rights of people of faith to practice their religion (witness the HHS mandate). Now more than ever, vehicles like The Wanderer are needed for clarification and guidance on the issues of the day.

Catholic, conservative, orthodox, and loyal to the Magisterium have been this journal’s hallmarks for five generations. God willing, our message will continue well into this century and beyond.

Joseph Matt
President, The Wanderer Printing Co.

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Today . . .

The Brew: President Trump Keeps Flooding the Zone with Sane Policies That Expose Sick, Squalid Secrets

No, it’s not manna from Heaven or multiplied loaves and fishes, because Caesar isn’t Jesus. We don’t look to Donald Trump, Elon Musk, or any mere human being to save us from our sins; Jesus already did that. But we can and should demand that the men who wield the secular sword aren’t sticking it in our backs or using it to abort babies and sexually mutilate children. Some people say that asking for that…Continue Reading

Trump Defunds International Planned Parenthood

President Donald Trump added to his excellent pro-life record today by reversing Joe Biden’s policy forcing Americans to fund International Planned Parenthood. While on Air Force One today, President Trump signed crucial pro-life executive orders which pro-life advocates have strongly prioritized and advocated for. During his first week in office last term, Trump signed the Mexico City policy in one of his first acts as president. The pro-life policy prohibits American tax dollars to groups that promote…Continue Reading

Pope Francis appoints Austin, Texas, Bishop Joe Vásquez as archbishop of Galveston-Houston

Vatican City, Jan 20, 2025 / 08:00 am In an important move for the Catholic Church in Texas on Monday, Pope Francis named Austin Bishop Joe Vásquez to replace 75-year-old Cardinal Daniel DiNardo as head of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. DiNardo, who was made a cardinal in 2007 and who led the U.S. bishops’ conference as president from 2016–2019, turned 75 — the standard retirement age for Catholic bishops — in May 2024. The 67-year-old…Continue Reading

Trump CDC Nominee Dave Weldon Protected Pro-Life Doctors From Being Forced to Do Abortions

President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the reason the government doesn’t give money to entities that discriminate against pro-life health care providers. In 2005, then-Rep. David Weldon, R-Fla., first proposed the Weldon Amendment, which prohibits Department of Health and Human Services funds from going to entities that discriminate against providers that don’t pay for, provide, cover, or refer for abortions. The amendment has been readopted in every HHS…Continue Reading

Donald Trump elected president in decisive win over Kamala Harris

(LifeSiteNews) — Republican former President Donald Trump has won this year’s election to become the 47th president of the United States, defeating Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris. Fox News called the 2024 presidential race for Trump around 1:50 a.m. EST on Wednesday after declaring him the winner of swing states Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The Associated Press has since called the election for Trump.

The King of Kings

Cindy Paslawski We are at the end of the Church year. We began with Advent a year ago, commemorating the time awaiting the coming of the Christ and we are ending these weeks later with a vision of the future, a vision of Christ the King of the Universe on His throne before us all.…Continue Reading

7,000 Pro-Lifers March In London

By STEVEN ERTELT LONDON (LifeNews) — Over the weekend, some seven thousand pro-life people in the UK participated in the March for Life in London to protest abortion.They marched to Parliament Square on Saturday, September 2 under the banner of “Freedom to Live” and had to deal with a handful of radical abortion activists.During the…Continue Reading

An Appeal For Prayer For The Armenian People

By RAYMOND LEO CARDINAL BURKE (Editor’s Note: His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke on August 29, 2023, issued this prayer for the Armenian people, noting their unceasing love for Christ, even in the face of persecution.) + + On the Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, having a few days ago celebrated the…Continue Reading

Robert Hickson, Founding Member Of Christendom College, Dies At 80

By MAIKE HICKSON FRONT ROYAL, Va. (LifeSiteNews) — Robert David Hickson, Jr., of Front Royal, Va., died at his home on September 2, 2023, at 21:29 p.m. after several months of suffering and after having received the Last Rites of the Catholic Church. He was surrounded by friends and family.Robert is survived by me —…Continue Reading

The Real Hero Of “Sound of Freedom”… Says The Film Has Strengthened The Fight Against Child Trafficking

By ANA PAULA MORALES (CNA) —Tim Ballard, a former U.S. Homeland Security agent who risked his life to fight child trafficking, discussed the impact of the movie Sound of Freedom, which is based on his work, in an August 29 interview with ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. “I’ve spent more than 20 years helping…Continue Reading


Our Catholic Faith (Section B of print edition)

Catholic Replies

Editor’s Note: This lesson on medical-moral issues is taken from the book Catholicism & Ethics. Please feel free to use the series for high schoolers or adults. We will continue to welcome your questions for the column as well. The email and postal addresses are given at the end of this column. Special Course On Catholicism And Ethics (Pages 53-59)…Continue Reading

Color Politics An Impediment To Faith

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK The USCCB is rightly concerned about racism, as they should be about any sin. In the 2018 statement Open Wide Our Hearts, they affirm the dignity of every human person: “But racism still profoundly affects our culture, and it has no place in the Christian heart. This evil causes great harm to its victims, and…Continue Reading

Trademarks Of The True Messiah

By MSGR. CHARLES POPE (Editor’s Note: Msgr. Charles Pope posted this essay on September 2, and it is reprinted here with permission.) + + In Sunday’s Gospel the Lord firmly sets before us the need for the cross, not as an end in itself, but as the way to glory. Let’s consider the Gospel in three stages.First: The Pattern That…Continue Reading

A Beacon Of Light… The Holy Cross And Jesus’ Unconditional Love

By FR. RICHARD D. BRETON Each year on September 14 the Church celebrates the Feast Day of the Exultation of the Holy Cross. The Feast Day of the Triumph of the Holy Cross commemorates the day St. Helen found the True Cross. It is fitting then, that today we should focus on the final moments of Jesus’ life on the…Continue Reading

Our Ways Must Become More Like God’s Ways

By FR. ROBERT ALTIER Twenty-Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time (YR A) Readings: Isaiah 55:6-9Phil. 1:20c-24, 27aMatt. 20:1-16a In the first reading today, God tells us through the Prophet Isaiah that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. This should not come as a surprise to anyone, especially when we look at what the Lord…Continue Reading

The Devil And The Democrats

By FR. DENIS WILDE, OSA States such as Minnesota, California, Maryland, and others, in all cases with Democrat-controlled legislatures, are on a fast track to not only allow unborn babies to be murdered on demand as a woman’s “constitutional right” but also to allow infanticide.Our nation has gotten so used to the moral evil of killing in the womb that…Continue Reading

Crushed But Unbroken . . . The Martyrdom Of St. Margaret Clitherow

By RAY CAVANAUGH The late-1500s were a tough time for Catholics in England, where the Reformation was in full gear. A 1581 law prohibited Catholic religious ceremonies. And a 1584 Act of Parliament mandated that all Catholic priests leave the country or else face execution. Some chose to remain, however, so they could continue serving the faithful.Also taking huge risks…Continue Reading
