Saturday 8th February 2025

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Evangelizing Virginia

February 7, 2025 Frontpage Comments Off on Evangelizing Virginia

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK For a bit of Italy in Virginia I stopped at Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s Palladian inspiration, following a recent visit with priest friends. I toured the house and lawn once again, having visited when very young for the first time with my parents shortly after they transferred to Maryland from Michigan, where I was born. After stepping with my tour group into the front hall of the house, I was interested to make note of two paintings hanging there close to the weighted clock over the door. Two copies of paintings he admired in France and elsewhere in Europe depicting Christ before Pilate and St. Jerome. And, in the room designated for entertaining that overlooks the…Continue Reading

Heresy: Grieving And Moral Injury

January 20, 2025 Frontpage Comments Off on Heresy: Grieving And Moral Injury

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK Many are suffering a devastating spiritual wildfire that is leaving vast destruction in its wake. Some speak out, but many others keep their counsel, for reasons ranging on the spectrum all the way from fear to prudence, or some combination thereof. What I describe finds an apt metaphor in California ravaged by an aggressive wildfire gone out of control, threatening many lives and the destruction of property. We grieve with those who lost their homes. News comes as I write on this winter morning that two persons have in fact died as result of the blaze. May others be spared a similar fate. The danger of death ever threatens all of the living. But because…Continue Reading

The Shepherds At The Birth Of Christ: Their Significance And Lessons For Our Faith Journey

December 24, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on The Shepherds At The Birth Of Christ: Their Significance And Lessons For Our Faith Journey

By FR. RICHARD D. BRETON Each year we gather around the Christmas Creche as we contemplate the gift of our Incarnate Lord. We see Mary and Joseph, the child Jesus, the Magi pagans from the east, and the shepherds. These individuals participated in the first moments of the incarnate life of the newborn Savior, and yet do we really understand the significance they participated in the plan of our salvation history? Today, as we celebrate the newborn child of Bethlehem, let us reflect on the role the shepherds played in God’s unfolding plan.  The story of the shepherds at the birth of Christ is a poignant narrative in the Nativity account that often draws admiration for its simplicity and depth.…Continue Reading

A Blessed Thanksgiving To All

November 27, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on A Blessed Thanksgiving To All

By CHRISTOPHER MANION We’ll all be celebrating Thanksgiving come Thursday, and clearly there’s a lot to be thankful for. The country certainly celebrated. For more than a fortnight, America has been peaceful. The transition to the second Trump Administration is going smoothly, with the usual suspects supplying the necessary chatter. Yes, America has a lot to be thankful for, and so do our shepherds. Their border state “charities” alone have received over half a billion taxpayer dollars a year under Joe Biden. They also received some $3.5 billion in 2020-2021 in COVID Relief Funds due to an “unprecedented exemption,” the AP reports. Our bishops know all this, of course, but they don’t like to be asked about it. Perhaps that’s…Continue Reading

Trump Victory: Catholics Once Again Welcome In White House

November 8, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Trump Victory: Catholics Once Again Welcome In White House

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK This country has dodged a bullet with the least qualified and most radically pro-abortion and infanticide candidates in history now, we may hope and pray, both permanently sidelined from the country’s highest offices and any possible future political life. And the most anti-Catholic as well. Harris snubbed the Al Smith dinner in a much-publicized political and religious blunder, which may have inevitably served to draw further attention on the part of less aware voters to her long-simmering hostility toward the Church. A new and more intense religious persecution on the horizon was predictable with Harris’ public avowal to forbid any religious carve-outs to her sweeping anti-family, anti-life, anti-God agenda. So, many Catholics voted faith this…Continue Reading

Is It A Virtue To Have An Open Mind?

October 26, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Is It A Virtue To Have An Open Mind?

By DR. DONALD DEMARCO A writer does not need to look very far to find grist for the mill. If he has an open mind he will find abundant opportunities to ply his trade. But if his mind remains open and never closes on anything worth communicating, he betrays his vocation. If one is open for business, he does want to close a sale or two. I was in a drug store waiting for a prescription to be filled. This gave me time to roam the aisles to see if anything else tempted my pocketbook. I came upon an elaborate Halloween display. A row of ghoulish-looking talking heads caught my attention. I activated the voice box of one of them…Continue Reading

Live Your Baptism With Your Vote

October 19, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Live Your Baptism With Your Vote

By DEACON MIKE MANNO We’re about two weeks from the election, as this column is delivered, and after watching all the campaign ads, there is something very bothersome that is playing out. It is the preoccupation of Democrats and their candidates that the most important issue on the ballot is the right of a woman to play in Satan’s playground and to rip her unborn child limb-from-limb.                 Besides “Trump is a Nazi,” that seems to be their entire message to voters this year. And what mystifies me most is that the argument seems to be catching on. Now granted, I do not live in one of the seven swing states that are presumed to decide the presidency, but I…Continue Reading

The New Chapel Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel

October 11, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on The New Chapel Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel

By KARA THAWMI The Carmelite Hermitage of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a community of three priests and six brothers, located in Lake Elmo, Minnesota, about a 20-minute drive from the state’s capital city, St. Paul. Construction is well underway for a new Chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on the grounds of the Hermitage and soon to be open to the faithful community at large. One way to approach the Hermitage grounds is from a quiet residential road that curves around Lake Demontreville, then turn right onto the slender and smooth Mount Carmel Road which winds through broad fields with well-established trees and freely wandering wildlife to reach the monastery of the Carmelite hermits. Fr. John Mary is…Continue Reading

Suicide Of A Nation . . . Never Trumper, “Principled Vote,” Abstain From Voting: What Are You Thinking?

October 3, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Suicide Of A Nation . . . Never Trumper, “Principled Vote,” Abstain From Voting: What Are You Thinking?

By JOSEPH MATT As our national election for president enters the final stretch, a growing constituency of pro-life voters and even conservatives — and, of course, never Trumpers — are indicating their intention to withhold their presidential vote out of “principle” — the pro-lifers largely because of the GOP platform and Donald Trump’s latest softening stance on abortion. Well, first of all, the GOP’s platform is the most baseless of excuses to boycott Trump, which will only benefit Harris. The GOP platform isn’t worth the paper it’s written on and hasn’t been for some time. Can you find me ten Republican congressmen who even know what their platform says? For years, many Republicans have been paying lip service to their…Continue Reading

No Blase Of Glory Here

August 21, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on No Blase Of Glory Here

By JOSEPH MATT The culture of death was on full display for the world to see this past week in Chicago. The United Center which hosted the Democratic convention this past week is commonly referred to as “the house that Jordan built” – the famous basketball player. Well, this week with all the demonic, godless forces surrounding and within the convention center it could easily be referred to as “the house that Satan built.” For in that house and around that house it was hard to find anything that would indicate otherwise. Just a sampling of the Satanic atmosphere – abortion, the sacred cow of the Democratic party was front and center of just about every discussion – hardly a speech…Continue Reading