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A Leaven In The World … To Live, Die Daily

March 24, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on A Leaven In The World … To Live, Die Daily

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK We are in the midst of Passiontide as I write. The Church continues her focus on her Lord and Divine Master while the world spins. The Cross remains ever our constant beacon and source of hope. Lent reaches its spiritual zenith with Holy Week and the Passion, death, and Resurrection of the Lord. This is the holiest moment in the entire liturgical year because it leads to the greatest victory. For the living death is always present. We bury parents and siblings. For priests funerals are a constant of parish ministry. Some people find death unpleasant because they are young and think it takes away from the carefree nature that they think life should have…Continue Reading

Interview With John Yep… Five Thousand Catholics Rally To Pray The Rosary

March 15, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Interview With John Yep… Five Thousand Catholics Rally To Pray The Rosary

By CHRISTOPHER MANION Next Tuesday, March 19, on the Feast of St. Joseph, Catholics for Catholics (CforC) will hold a “prayer rally” in Mar a Lago, Fla. Yes, that’s Donald Trump’s home, and those gathered will be praying for Donald Trump and for the country. In the spirit of Fr. Patrick Peyton, CforC founder John Yep of Phoenix has led prayer rallies in various U.S. cities since he founded the organization less than two years ago. The group really hit its stride when, after the blasphemous sodomites of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” were honored (not a misprint) by the Los Angeles Dodgers, he put together a coalition to demonstrate outside the stadium. This event was a success in large…Continue Reading

Alabama’s Court Decision Sparks Debate Over Ethics of IVF

March 3, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Alabama’s Court Decision Sparks Debate Over Ethics of IVF

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell A few days ago, the Alabama Supreme Court surprised the country by doing something that is all too rare in today’s culture, i.e. it spoke the truth. In a blockbuster 8-1 decision, the Court ruled that human embryos preserved cryogenically in in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics are “extrauterine children,” and are therefore protected under the state’s “wrongful death” law. The case that elicited this decision, with such sweeping implications for the rapidly growing IVF industry, was brought forward to the courts by three couples who had human embryos preserved in an Alabama IVF clinic. embryologist at a liquid nitrogen bank…Continue Reading

Shocking Sacrilege At St. Patrick’s

February 23, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Shocking Sacrilege At St. Patrick’s

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK By now most of our readers have felt the shock waves emanating from New York after news broke of the transgender desecration on February 15 of St. Patrick’s Cathedral at a funeral for a man who believed he was a woman, changed his name to Cecilia Gentili, and spent a good part of his life as a prostitute before dying as an atheist. Coordinators of the liturgy have admitted to deceiving the staff of the Cathedral. One of the most alarming aspects of the sacrilegious abuse of St. Patrick’s is the extreme neglect it has uncovered. It’s called “Google”: “Know who’s using your church building” and “Know who’s using your church” is the basic duty…Continue Reading

We’re All Africans Now

February 17, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on We’re All Africans Now

By CHRISTOPHER MANION The fallout from Fiducia Supplicans, the Declaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made public on December 18, has entered a new phase. As an increasing number of bishops’ conferences, individual prelates, and now the unified bishops of Africa have gone on the record against its implementation, the controversy has gone beyond the realm of theology to the world of culture. On December 20, two days after the document appeared, Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo Besungu, archbishop of Kinshasa and president of SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar), requested that member conferences of SECAM offer their opinions of the document. On January 11, having received their responses, he stated the views of the…Continue Reading

Ashes And Fasting, It’s Here Again

February 10, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Ashes And Fasting, It’s Here Again

By DEACON MIKE MANNO This week we begin our annual journey to Easter via Ash Wednesday. But there is an interesting story around how our practice of Lent has evolved.                 In the early Church the celebration of the Resurrection was not celebrated as an annual event, thus the Sunday liturgy was a weekly reminder of the Resurrection and the preceding Friday was the commemoration of the Crucifixion.                 The practice of fasting before the celebration of the Resurrection can be traced back almost to apostolic times. We know from a letter from Irenaeus, a disciple of John the Apostle, to Pope Victor I (189-199) that Irenaeus tells Victor about his church’s Easter celebration and the fast preceding it:                …Continue Reading

John Paul II Academy: Tucho Must Go… And Take His Blasphemy With Him

February 4, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on John Paul II Academy: Tucho Must Go… And Take His Blasphemy With Him

By CHRISTOPHER MANION On January 17th, leaders of the John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family formally requested that Pope Francis dismiss Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernandez from his post as Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. “The sensual-mystical literature for which the cardinal has a particular propensity is one of the worst evils of our time,” wrote Dr. Thomas Ward, Academy president and founder of England’s National Association of Catholic Families. It “does nothing but justify the worst excesses of the sexual revolution that is deeply corrupting our society and leading our youth to the abyss.” That statement speaks with authority, because the John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family…Continue Reading

Pagans Worship Sex

January 28, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Pagans Worship Sex

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK Pagans worship sex and the body. Christians worship God. Alone. The pornographic cult, which has seized power in Rome, and which centers around the sexual act and the body as it relates to coition, is forbidden as sinful for Christians. Are the agents of disorder and subversion in the Vatican attempting to substitute the idolatry of a sex cult for the true faith? Worship of the body and the sexual function apart from marriage and procreation is pagan. Pagans are closed in on nature apart from Revelation. Pagan cults are deprived of the supernatural, imprisoned within the “eternal return” of the seasons, of birth and death. Christians, on the other hand, always preserve a reverent…Continue Reading

The Next America: Getting Closer

January 21, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on The Next America: Getting Closer

By CHRISTOPHER MANION This week, Nicholas DiMarzio, retired bishop of Brooklyn, suggested in OSV News that the U.S. legalize “as many as possible” of the millions of illegal aliens now residing in the United States. The title of his article, “Compromise: An Essential Element of Politics,” was somewhat misleading, because the bishop wasn’t advocating compromise at all. “The best way to fix our broken immigration system,” he writes, “is to examine it holistically, and repair all parts of it…including legalization of the undocumented” (“Never call them illegal,” reads the USCCB’s Eleventh Commandment). Bottom line: Bishop DiMarzio embraces the doctrine of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.): there aren’t enough Americans, so we need to import new ones. Of course,…Continue Reading

Cardinal Muller: Fiducia Supplicans “Blasphemous”

January 12, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Cardinal Muller: Fiducia Supplicans “Blasphemous”

By Father Kevin M  Cusick Let’s talk about blessings. With Fiducia supplicans, the bizarre intervention of Tucho Fernandez and rubber-stamped by Francis, the whole subject of blessings is in the air again. The fork-tongued double-speak of the document employs weaponized ambiguity to get the outcome desired of approving same-sex (read sodomitic) mutual sexual gratification. This while genuflecting to marriage and sacramental teaching just enough to placate those weak bishops who want just enough wiggle room to avoid the discomfort of outright opposition. Although it has ever been an unauthorized innovation, which has multiplied into seeming ubiquity since the new Mass was promulgated with rubrics such as “in this or similar words”, the custom of welcoming people to the communion rail…Continue Reading