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Perverts Pirouette In Paris

August 2, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Perverts Pirouette In Paris

By DR. CHRISTOPHER MANION, KM “Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group,” Olympics spokesperson Anne Descamps calmly lied as she responded to the worldwide uproar after the demonic depiction of the Last Supper at the Olympics’ opening ceremonies July 26. “If people have taken any offense, we are really sorry.” “Really sorry.” Right. Thomas Jolly, the “artistic director” of the billion-dollar disaster wasn’t sorry, but he admitted being “baffled” by the outrage caused by the perverse spectacle. Leave it to the sodomites — they’re always “baffled” that we’re “offended,” implying not an apology but an indelicate insult to our failure to “grow” in the smarmy spirit of empathy. What’s Jolly really telling us? “So…Continue Reading

The Government’s War On Life Gains Momentum

July 13, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on The Government’s War On Life Gains Momentum

By CHRISTOPHER MANION “Avoid anti-abortion centers – they mislead you about your options if you’re pregnant.” This slogan appears on highway billboards, buses, and other public facilities in the state of Massachusetts. These taxpayer-funded attacks on pregnancy centers encourage women to “avoid” pro-life organizations. What to do instead? “Get care you can trust.” And whom can you trust? The Massachusetts State government, of course. The billboards went up across the state in June according to several on-site reports. The taxpayer-funded attacks also appear on every form of social media imaginable, and they are eerily reminiscent of the hundreds of attacks on Catholic churches, shrines, and, of course, pregnancy centers. The attacks were fomented by the Left after the Dobbs v.…Continue Reading

Despite All The Tricks For Biden… Reality Catches Up To Unworthy Joe At CNN “Debate” With Trump

July 6, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Despite All The Tricks For Biden… Reality Catches Up To Unworthy Joe At CNN “Debate” With Trump

By DEXTER DUGGAN Did you hear that after Joe Biden failed so badly at his June 27 CNN debate with Donald Trump, Biden’s team said he couldn’t lift that 50-pound barbell on stage because it was the wrong kind of 50 pounds? But, Joe, Joe, 50 pounds weighs 50 pounds, no matter what. If it’s 50 pounds of iron or 50 pounds of popcorn, it’s still 50 pounds. Oh, said the team, well, the light reflecting off the barbell hurt his eyes and he grabbed the wrong way at it. But, Joe, Joe, it was a dull black barbell, not shiny at all. It couldn’t have shined harshly into your eyes. Oh, Joe got confused because the moderators spoke English,…Continue Reading

After Hailing LGBTQ . . . Radical-Left Arizona Democrat Governor Put On Spot Twice On Same Day

June 8, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on After Hailing LGBTQ . . . Radical-Left Arizona Democrat Governor Put On Spot Twice On Same Day

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — As June began, conservative radio talk show host James T. Harris played an audio of left-wing Arizona Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs’ juvenile-sounding voice celebrating LGBTQ-and-whatever progress in society. Harris simulcasts on KFYI (550 AM, Phoenix) and KNST (790 AM, Tucson). June is “Pride Month,” as the nation tends to be reminded frequently when summer begins. Gov. Hobbs never met a gender-bender or abortionist who didn’t thrill her. Among her insults to voters who never chose Hobbs as governor was her unconstitutional order that prosecutors cannot pursue abortion-laws violations, and that state agencies cannot promote or fund “conversion therapy” — that is, cannot encourage positive treatment to heal the seriously sexually confused — and that state-employee…Continue Reading

A Leaven In The World… Butker, Dogma, And The Pope

May 23, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on A Leaven In The World… Butker, Dogma, And The Pope

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK May has been a month of conviction and consternation, conflicts, contrasts, and criticism. In the matter of conviction, the award goes to Harrison Butker. Benedictine College is a place where the college president leads the student body in the prayer of the holy rosary on his knees. It’s a place of Eucharistic revival, you might say. That’s because it’s a place of authentic Catholic faith. Small surprise, then, that Traditional Latin Mass altar boy and champion Super Bowl kicker Harrison Butker was invited this spring to deliver the commencement address at the college. In his remarks he dared to criticize the feminist dogma that women can always have marriage, children, and career and always be…Continue Reading

Biden Agrees To Debate Trump… A Kind Of Candidate Faceoff Never Before Seen For Prez

May 19, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Biden Agrees To Debate Trump… A Kind Of Candidate Faceoff Never Before Seen For Prez

By DEXTER DUGGAN Announcing that he would “debate” Donald Trump twice for this year’s presidential race, arrogant Joe Biden in a video, pathetically trying to appear to be a tough guy, blustered, “Well, make my day, pal.” But impaired Democrat Biden wasn’t tough at all in the May 15 video. He wouldn’t agree to appear before a live debate audience but only in a closed studio, and he insisted that the microphone of the debater who wasn’t speaking at the moment be cut off lest delicate Biden be interrupted. Biden’s a real slugger as long as he has concrete in his boxing gloves — and assistants to help him hold up his trembling hands — while his opponent is nailed…Continue Reading

“Pagan” Catholics?

May 3, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on “Pagan” Catholics?

By FR. KEVIN M. CUSICK Our church buildings that haven’t yet been closed as a result of Catholics embracing contraception and abortion with gusto in the 60s, along with the enemies of Christ, are increasingly under pressure from a growing pagan lobby, swelling like a cancer threatening the lifeblood of the Body of Christ. Many of those who weekly come forward to receive Communion at Sunday (or Saturday evening) Masses rejected the Catholic Faith long ago. The abortion and LGBTQ lobbies have grown stronger like a “woke mind virus” among many of the baptized who have retained only a Catholic muscle memory. They show up habitually for Mass and receive Communion like they’re sleepwalking through the Catholic Faith while they…Continue Reading

In His Battle Against The Family… Biden Launches Another Front

April 26, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on In His Battle Against The Family… Biden Launches Another Front

By CHRISTOPHER MANION Last week we saw how Joe Biden considers his support of abortion until birth to be his reelection campaign’s “silver bullet.” But abortion isn’t the only round in his chamber. The Obama-era leftovers that populate the executive branch are skilled at utilizing their bureaucratic swagger to impose illegal and binding rules on the population at large in myriad ways, usually under the guise of “regulations.” A lot of them. And while 2024 might be Joe’s last gasp, they are far from finished. We have seen it with Biden’s “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) Executive Orders (nn. 13985 and 14035) that threaten any individual or institution that receives federal funding to conform to the Left’s ideological template. We…Continue Reading

Tucho Fernandez Strikes Again

April 13, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on Tucho Fernandez Strikes Again

By CHRISTOPHER MANION “Every human person possesses an infinite dignity, inalienably grounded in his or her very being, which prevails in and beyond every circumstance, state, or situation the person may ever encounter” — Declaration of Human Dignity, Vatican Dicastery For the Doctrine of the Faith, April 8, 2024. “By sin, man loses a twofold dignity, one in respect of God, the other in respect of the Church. In respect of God, he again loses a twofold dignity. one is his principal dignity, whereby he was counted among the children of God, and this he recovers by Penance, which is signified (Luke 15) in the prodigal son, for when he repented, his father commanded that the first garment should be…Continue Reading

The Glory Of The Resurrection

March 30, 2024 Frontpage Comments Off on The Glory Of The Resurrection

By DONALD DeMARCO The natural lifespan of Christ’s existence on Earth extends from the Nativity to His death on the Cross. His birth was foretold by the prophets and was expected. The Magi followed a star, confident that they would find the newborn King. Their expectation was fully realized. Birth is well known and easy for anyone to grasp. But the Resurrection, which followed Christ’s death, is something else. There is a finality about death. For Christ to rise from the grave is neither something that could be expected nor is it something that is well known. In the dawn of Easter Sunday morning, several women approached the tomb where the Body of Christ had been laid. They brought spices…Continue Reading