Pagans Worship Sex
Pagans worship sex and the body. Christians worship God. Alone. The pornographic cult, which has seized power in Rome, and which centers around the sexual act and the body as it relates to coition, is forbidden as sinful for Christians.
Are the agents of disorder and subversion in the Vatican attempting to substitute the idolatry of a sex cult for the true faith? Worship of the body and the sexual function apart from marriage and procreation is pagan. Pagans are closed in on nature apart from Revelation. Pagan cults are deprived of the supernatural, imprisoned within the “eternal return” of the seasons, of birth and death. Christians, on the other hand, always preserve a reverent and chaste attitude and comportment surrounding the sacred marital bond. All is subject to the holiness of life without which one cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
“Tucho,” the man Francis has placed in charge of doctrine at Rome, appears now to be the author of multiple texts about sexual function and the cult of the body. First, the book on kissing. Denials and then admissions. Next orgasms. This time, admission and a statement that “Francis knew.” Now, more. Additional writings have now surfaced that go a long way toward establishing a career-long obsession with sex. By a celibate man. Let that sink in. These inverted musings upon the sexual function are isolated from, and contrary to, their ordering by the Creator toward life and procreation, toward the infusing of an immortal soul into another “imago Dei.”
Are the homosexualist men with whom Francis has surrounded himself in Rome charged with seeding the Church with an alien sex cult? The pile of evidence is mounting to an undeniable degree that these agents of evil, led by “Tucho,” may not even be Christian at all.
Bishops, priests, and faithful around the globe have rejected Tucho’s foray into blessing a gay sex cult within the Church through Fiducia Supplicans, a document dead on arrival. All the wishing and Vatican produced-documents in the world will never make mutual masturbation, which is what happens when two men or two women simulate sex, the equal of, or a substitute for the complementary and fruitful union willed by God in creation, of one man only for one woman.
Christians do not delectate upon nor discuss sex as entertainment. Christians do not use pornographic videos or pictures. Christians do not permit even discussion about these things. Chastity is constitutive of Christian faith and morals. Chastity avoids casual treatment of those matters of sexuality proper to marriage. To keep it short: what happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom. The intimacy proper to the exclusive relationship shared only by husband and wife, and all that is related to it, should be kept as a private matter between the spouses. The only exception to this would be discussions with a doctor for health or fertility reasons or, as necessary, within the seal of the confessional.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church treats the matter of chastity under the Sixth Commandment, “You shall not commit adultery.”
“Chastity means the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being. Sexuality, in which man’s belonging to the bodily and biological world is expressed, becomes personal and truly human when it is integrated into the relationship of one person to another, in the complete and lifelong mutual gift of a man and a woman.
“The virtue of chastity therefore involves the integrity of the person and the integrality of the gift” (CCC, n. 2337).
In other words, chastity in marriage is part of the relationship of husband and wife which is “exclusive.” The privacy they maintain about the particulars of their relationship upholds its sanctity and bears witness to their mutual love. Matters relating to the physical union of man and wife in sexuality do not belong to relationships outside of the bond of marriage or to relationships between persons who are not married. The physical aspects of personhood, among all persons in relation, include many different aspects of corporeality but always exclude those directly related to the unity and fertility of married couples.
St. Paul treats of the Christian understanding of the meaning and telos of the body in 1 Cor. chapter 7, verses 1-7.
“Now concerning the matters about which you wrote. It is well for a man not to touch a woman. But because of the temptation to immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does; likewise, the husband does not rule over his own body, but the wife does. Do not refuse one another except perhaps by agreement for a season, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, lest Satan tempt you through lack of self-control. I say this by way of concession, not of command. I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own special gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.”
St. Paul makes clear that a man does not “touch” a woman with whom he is not married. Chastity also recognizes that any conversation, written communication or other action “touching” upon matters related to sexuality is also to be avoided as incompatible with the holiness proper to every vocation.
In Ephesians 5, verses 1-6, he enlarges on the matter of chaste behavior as encompassing thought, word, and deed, all flowing from the imitation of Christ, and expressing love.
“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But fornication and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is fitting among saints. Let there be no filthiness, nor silly talk, nor levity, which are not fitting; but instead let there be thanksgiving. Be sure of this, that no fornicator or impure man, or one who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for it is because of these things that the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.”
Not merely shunning fornication but also, too, any matters that fall within the near occasion of the sin of fornication or adultery, preserves the holiness proper to worship of God and living as imitators of Him.
The pagan porntificate in Rome also alarms those familiar with the contours of sexual abusers and the grooming behavior that warns of potential abuse. Rejection of chastity also enables pedophilia. Survivors of clerical sexual abuse expressed alarm at Fernández’s The Mystical Passion: Spirituality and Sensuality. They are quoted in a recent Our Sunday Visitor article.
“It was absolutely nauseating,” one female survivor said of the recently rediscovered 1998 book. “It brought a lot back from my own abuse, because some of the things I read were similar to what my rapist would say — sort of combining abuse with things of a spiritual nature.”
“Teresa Pitt Green of Spirit Fire, a Christian restorative justice network, was particularly troubled by Fernández’s account of a conversation with a 16-year-old girl.
“‘The boundary violations are staggering,’ said Pitt Green: ‘psychologically, potentially physically, certainly from an intellectual point of view, normalizing certain things for people that probably don’t even know it’.”
The OSV article recalls that in his book The Art of Kissing, which he described as a catechetical text for adolescents, the DDF Cardinal Fernandez “published four of his own erotic poems.”
The behavior of an exemplary moral Catholic leader and prelate, or more like an evil sex-obsessed fiend who wouldn’t even qualify for a pagan fertility cult in ancient Rome? I’ll let you decide.