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Muslim Holidays… Another Dilemma For Our Country?

April 16, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Muslim Holidays… Another Dilemma For Our Country?

By BARBARA SIMPSON Americans are used to seeing varied federal and state holidays noted on their annual calendars. Most are secular holidays, but there are some that aren’t — Easter and Christmas, for example — but those are holidays that are celebrated generally across the country. As a result, at this point, there isn’t much controversy about them.Here are, however, other holidays that are beginning to be seen and certainly talked about — holidays that may raise some hackles. Those are Muslim holidays. I suspect the average, non-Muslim American has never thought about them, but Muslims have; they do have their holidays and they want them recognized.One area that is seeing pressure to include Muslim holidays on calendars involves our…Continue Reading

The Point Of No Return

April 15, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on The Point Of No Return

By JOSH HAMMER The Roman historian Suetonius described Julius Caesar as timid and noncommittal as he initially approached the Rubicon River — a shallow and narrow waterway that, at the time, demarcated the boundary between Cisalpine Gaul and Italy proper — in January 49 B.C. In fact, the historian ultimately attributed Caesar’s decision to cross the waterway, precipitating a four-year civil war and ultimate Caesarian dictatorship, to the supernatural. Prior to crossing, again according to Suetonius, Caesar uttered the now-infamous phrase: “The die has been cast.”While we cannot know for certain whether New York County, N.Y., District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s catastrophic decision to successfully indict and arraign a former president of the United States was partly attributable to an intervening…Continue Reading

Kentucky Bans Sex Changes For Kids… Blocks Schools From Pushing Trans Ideology

April 14, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Kentucky Bans Sex Changes For Kids… Blocks Schools From Pushing Trans Ideology

By TYLER ARNOLD WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNA) — Kentucky lawmakers passed a comprehensive bill that prohibits doctors from providing sex changes for children, prevents schools from pushing transgender ideology onto students, and grants parents more authority and oversight over their children in the public education system.Following Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s veto of the legislation, Republican lawmakers successfully overrode his veto with a 29-6 vote in the House and a 76-23 vote in the Senate. The new rules regarding health care will go into effect 90 days after the veto was overridden Wednesday, March 29, but many of the new education rules went into effect immediately.“It should come as no surprise that Gov. Beshear put his party’s politics over the people of…Continue Reading

It’s Time To Put Away Our Phones

April 13, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on It’s Time To Put Away Our Phones

By NEIL PATEL Next time you go to a restaurant, take a look around the room. Chances are half the people will be sitting in silence staring at their phones. This includes people there with their friends and family. We are so used to this that we’ve grown numb to it, but it’s horrible.What’s the point of going out to dinner in the first place? It’s not just to eat. People can do that at home and save a lot of money and time. Meals are social activities; they always have been. Going out to dinner is one of the most enjoyable social activities ever invented. For a family to do that and then each sit quietly staring at their…Continue Reading

For Coercing Girlfriend To Have Abortion . . . Steven Tyler Wants to Dismiss Lawsuit Against Him

April 12, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on For Coercing Girlfriend To Have Abortion . . . Steven Tyler Wants to Dismiss Lawsuit Against Him

By MICAIAH BILGER WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeNews) — Lawyers for rock star Steven Tyler asked a court Tuesday, March 28 to dismiss a lawsuit accusing him of sexually abusing a teenage girl and later pressuring her into aborting their unborn baby.Deadline reports the former Aerosmith frontman told the court that the alleged victim, Julia Holcomb Misley, consented to the relationship and did not sustain any injuries resulting from it.Misley filed the lawsuit in December in California after the state legislature lifted the statute of limitations on child sexual abuse allegations. She accused Tyler, now 75, of sexually abusing her for about three years starting in 1973 when she was only 16 and he was an adult.However, Tyler’s lawyers contended that Misley…Continue Reading

Blessed Carlo Acutis . . . Italian Teenager Who Loved God And Video Games On Path To Sainthood

April 11, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Blessed Carlo Acutis . . . Italian Teenager Who Loved God And Video Games On Path To Sainthood

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — An Italian teenager who played soccer, prayed the rosary, loved to play video games, and built websites for local parishes is “the first millennial to be called blessed” on the official path to sainthood, a parish family-life director told a session of the Institute of Catholic Theology (ICT) here.Blessed Carlo Acutis also developed a website that still can be viewed today to document more than 187 Eucharistic miracles around the world (, said Ryan Ayala, director of Marriage and Family Life at St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church in suburban Scottsdale.The ICT is an evangelization program based here at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, where Ayala previously was coordinator of youth ministry, as well as doing…Continue Reading

Planned Parenthood-Backed Protasiewicz… Wins Seat On Wisconsin Supreme Court: Bishops Protest

April 10, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Planned Parenthood-Backed Protasiewicz… Wins Seat On Wisconsin Supreme Court: Bishops Protest

By JONAH McKEOWN (CNA) — Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz, who garnered numerous endorsements and campaign funding from pro-abortion organizations during a contentious race for a seat on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, emerged as the victor Tuesday night, April 4, in what proved to be the most expensive state Supreme Court race in history.The 2023 Wisconsin judicial race, which might have remained obscure in other years even within Wisconsin, captured national media attention and record fundraising numbers this spring. Pro-life and pro-abortion advocates agree that Protasiewicz’s win could tip the scales against the state’s current abortion ban, which is currently being challenged in court.The April 4 statewide election, which saw high turnout numbers, featured former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly…Continue Reading

Reflecting On The Many Blessings Of Easter

April 9, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Reflecting On The Many Blessings Of Easter

By DONALD DeMARCO Christmas may be the most popular of all Catholic feast days, but Easter is the most profound. December 25 may be more enjoyable, but Easter is more holy. The Nativity may be more ecumenical, but the Resurrection is more distinctly Christian. Santa Claus is more universal than the Easter Bunny. Hollywood has produced far more motion pictures about Christmas than about Easter. There is an abundance of Christmas carols. Easter is bereft of carols. Nonetheless, Easter transcends Christmas in spiritual significance. St. Paul, whose conversion is connected with the Easter event, says: “If Christ had not been raised, our faith would be in vain” (Cor. 14:14). As a result of sacrificing Himself, Jesus Christ rescued humanity from…Continue Reading

From Stanford To Israel… Mobocracy Triumphs Over Deliberation

April 8, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on From Stanford To Israel… Mobocracy Triumphs Over Deliberation

By JOSH HAMMER                 The very notion of republican self-governance, which has been a core tenet of Western civilization since the demise of the great monarchs of Europe, depends upon the willingness of citizens to debate and deliberate the most pressing issues of society. Sadly, high-profile recent examples, from the tony terrain of Stanford University all the way to the raucous streets of Tel Aviv, Israel, underscore the extent to which Western societies have given up on reasoned deliberation and capitulated to mobocracy. Where this civilizational decline ultimately ends is anyone’s guess.                 Earlier this month, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan was relentlessly heckled and successfully shouted down by a frothing mob of mini-Robespierre…Continue Reading

A Book Review… Lighthearted Look At Church History, From Highs And Lows On A Hiking Trail

April 7, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on A Book Review… Lighthearted Look At Church History, From Highs And Lows On A Hiking Trail

By DEXTER DUGGAN 1054 and All That: A Lighthearted History of the Catholic Church, by Karl Keating, illustrations by Kurt R. Kress, Rasselas House, El Cajon, Calif., ISBN 978-1-942596-43-1, 140 pages paperback, $18.95, 2022. Other formats also available. Veteran Catholic apologist Karl Keating takes a whimsical look at highs and lows of Catholic Church history as an author who also knows something about highs and lows in the arduous world of hiking. The mental concentration that may be demanded of a best-selling author at work might sometimes seem less arduous than Keating’s challenges in the outdoors, another topic of his book writing, although he first came to wide attention through his work at Catholic Answers (, of which he is…Continue Reading