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Waves Of Attacks . . . Displace Catholic Natives In Central Nigeria

March 24, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Waves Of Attacks . . . Displace Catholic Natives In Central Nigeria

By DOUGLAS BURTON WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNA) — The controversial presidential election on February 25 still dominates Nigeria’s main news. Meanwhile, recent terrorist raids in Benue, a predominantly Catholic state in north-central Nigeria, are getting scant mention.Six counties in the Middle Belt state have seen deadly attacks by Fulani militants since the election, according to Mike Uba, the county chairman of Guma, adjacent to the state capital of Makurdi. The affected counties are both in the north and southern borders of the state.One of the most recent attacks, on March 7, left at least 20 residents dead in the village of Tse Jor after about 40 attackers with machetes arrived on motorbikes and slashed defenseless men, women, and children for at…Continue Reading

Thousands Turn Out For Pro-Life March In Spain

March 23, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Thousands Turn Out For Pro-Life March In Spain

By NICOLAS DE CARDENAS MADRID (ACI Prensa) — Thousands turned out for the Yes to Life march in Madrid, Spain, on Sunday, March 12 where the sponsoring organizations expressed their opposition to “all laws and practices that threaten life and human nature at any moment of its existence, as well as the businesses and ideologies that sustain them.”The event was held this year somewhat ahead of the usual date of March 25, the International Day for Life, and was supported by more than 500 organizations that are part of the Yes to Life platform.Various participants carried banners with messages such as “You can’t be a Catholic and support abortion,” “All life is a blessing from God,” “Live out your pregnancy,…Continue Reading

To Protest Overturning Roe . . . Jane Fonda Wants To “Murder” Pro-Life Politicians

March 22, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on To Protest Overturning Roe . . . Jane Fonda Wants To “Murder” Pro-Life Politicians

By MICAIAH BILGER WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeNews) — Actress Jane Fonda suggested she would like to “murder” pro-life lawmakers, Friday, March 10 on The View, as a spate of firebombings, vandalism, assaults, and other violence against pro-lifers continues all across the country.Fonda has been vocally pro-abortion for years. On The View, however, even the other pro-abortion hosts appeared alarmed when Fonda twice suggested she would like to “murder” pro-life lawmakers.“We have experienced many decades now of having agency over our body, of being able to determine when and how many children to have,” the 85-year-old actress said as the panel discussed the overturning of Roe v. Wade, according to Fox News.Fonda continued: “We’re not going back; I don’t care what the…Continue Reading

National Catholic Prayer Breakfast . . . Speakers Address Attacks On Human Dignity

March 21, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on National Catholic Prayer Breakfast . . . Speakers Address Attacks On Human Dignity

By PETER PINEDO WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNA) — Ongoing attacks against human dignity were the focus of this year’s National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, which took place in Washington, D.C., Tuesday morning, March 14.Addressing an audience of more than 1,000 people, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Archbishop Borys Gudziak brought attention to the human toll of the continuing war in Ukraine.“What is the worth of our dignity?” Gudziak asked during his keynote address. “Ukrainians are sacrificing their lives for the land, justice, truth, and dignity that God gives us.”“In the 21st century…when truth is transactional, when media, politics, diplomacy, and popular culture are by a post-truth anti-ethic,” Gudziak said, “Ukrainians have been saying, ‘No, not so fast. There is good and there is evil.…Continue Reading

300th Catholic Church Attacked Since 2020

March 20, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on 300th Catholic Church Attacked Since 2020

(Wanderer Editor’s Note: This March 13 article is reprinted from with their permission. All rights reserved.) + + (CV News Feed) — An act of vandalism against a Catholic church in Connecticut over the weekend marked a grim milestone: The 300th known attack on a Catholic church in America since the spring of 2020.Police in Ledyard, Conn., say a man broke into Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church on Saturday night, March 11, and vandalized it by breaking windows and writing on the walls. They released surveillance images of the suspect and reported that the state’s hate crimes unit is assisting the investigation.CatholicVote has been tracking the attacks since the civil unrest that followed the death of George Floyd…Continue Reading

St. Veronica And Face-Face Human Relationships

March 19, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on St. Veronica And Face-Face Human Relationships

By DONALD DeMARCO The sixth of the 14 Stations of the Cross tells us that “Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.” According to tradition, Christ left an imprint of His face on the veil (or cloth) that she used. Veronica looked upon Christ’s bloodstained face with sympathy, Christ responded with an expression of His loving gratitude.Much has been said about the mystery of the cloth that wiped the blood and sweat from the face of Jesus. Who was Veronica? What was her real name? The name Veronica is a hybrid of two words: truth and image. Has the cloth she used survived? Is it available for veneration?The mystery notwithstanding, the incident mentioned in the Sixth Station has moral implications that…Continue Reading

Destroy The Mexican Drug Cartels

March 18, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Destroy The Mexican Drug Cartels

By JOSH HAMMER The tragic killing of two U.S. citizens this past week in the border town of Matamoros, Mexico, should, in a just world, refocus American attention on the glaring problem of transnational drug cartels’ de facto control of large swaths of our perilously porous southern border.That the two Americans killed may have been mistaken by warring cartel clans for Haitian drug smugglers, as The Dallas Morning News reported, hardly ameliorates the awful situation, or lessens our imperative to recalibrate attention away from faraway proxy wars of dubious national interest, and toward the very monsters in our own backyard who run the Western hemisphere’s worst human trafficking rings and flood the U.S. interior with the most lethal drugs known…Continue Reading

“God Really Intervened”. . . How A Priest Escaped From His Kidnappers In Haiti

March 17, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on “God Really Intervened”. . . How A Priest Escaped From His Kidnappers In Haiti

By DIEGO LOPEZ MARINA SANTO DOMINGO (CNA) — Fr. Antoine Macaire Christian Noah, a Claretian priest from Cameroon, escaped unharmed from a crime gang that had kidnapped him in Haiti last month and has been taken to another country for his safety.On March 2, Fr. Fausto Cruz Rosa, major superior of the Antilles Delegation of the Claretian Missionaries, told ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, that Macaire “was kidnapped [and] held in isolation for 10 days in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince,” the Haitian capital.“On the 10th day, when [the kidnappers] had left, he was able to escape. The criminals went out frequently at night and left him locked up in one of the houses that gangs…Continue Reading

Utah Legislature Passes Bill Banning All Abortion Clinics

March 16, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Utah Legislature Passes Bill Banning All Abortion Clinics

By MICAIAH BILGER SALT LAKE CITY (LifeNews) — A bill to ban abortion facilities in Utah passed the state legislature Thursday, March 3 by an overwhelming majority.After the Utah Senate voted 22-6, the bill now heads to Gov. Spencer Cox, a pro-life Republican, who said he supports the bill, the Associated Press reports.Sponsored by State Rep. Karianne Lisonbee (R., Clearfield), House Bill 467 prohibits abortion facilities from operating in Utah starting in 2024 and prohibits state authorities from granting licenses to abortion facilities after May 2. It also requires abortions that are allowed under the law to be performed in hospitals, and allows doctors who abort unborn babies in violation of state laws to face discipline for unprofessional conduct.Lisonbee recently…Continue Reading

Reasoning About Same-Sex “Marriage”

March 15, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Reasoning About Same-Sex “Marriage”

By HARLEY PRICE (Editor’s Note: This article is a version of one of the 46 essays that are collected in Price’s new book, Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think, available from and amazon.) + + As readers of this newspaper will know, the oxymoronically denominated “Respect for Marriage Act” was recently signed into American law — for the purpose, that is, of persuading those deplorable troglodytes who still oppose same-sex “marriage” to crawl back into their caves and finally accept that the world has moved on. For progressives, there is nothing more ignominious that being outside the political or “scientific” consensus, on the “wrong side of history.” But the fact that…Continue Reading