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St. Damien Of Molokai… Doing God’s Will Doesn’t Mean He Just Hands It To You

March 14, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on St. Damien Of Molokai… Doing God’s Will Doesn’t Mean He Just Hands It To You

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — Feeling impelled to follow a certain path in life led a Flemish youth from Belgium, where his father had planned for him to enter the business world after college, to “the far side of the world” as a Catholic priest, where he died from the leprosy of the Hawaiian natives he had traveled to serve, fully aware of the dangers of the disease, a speaker here said.The young man became Fr. Damien of Molokai, canonized in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI and known throughout the world for his dedicated service as a missionary in the nineteenth century.Although God has a plan for everyone, Fr. Damien’s life is a reminder that people may have to insist…Continue Reading

A Book Review… Masculine Strength Means A Strong Society

March 13, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on A Book Review… Masculine Strength Means A Strong Society

By WAYNE TRYHUK No Apologies: Why Civilization Depends On the Strength of Men by Anthony Esolen (Regnery Gateway). No Apologies is a book that’s just right for our times — during which timeless truths about the essentiality of masculine virtues are widely being denied. This is to the detriment of both sexes, and the traditional family which is so critical to society.Although the work is not a Catholic one per se, it in many ways mirrors Church positions. For example, Esolen stresses that it is natural that men and women work for the common good, but both in their own ways — a harmony seen as “complementarity” in the Catholic view. “Men and women are made for each other,” he…Continue Reading

In Two Words . . . The Definition Of Catholic Theology

March 12, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on In Two Words . . . The Definition Of Catholic Theology

By DONALD DeMARCO G.K. Chesterton may very well have been the most confident writer who ever set pen to paper. He took great pleasure in making bold statements that seemed obviously wrong, but on further examination, proved incontestably right. In his book, The Catholic Church and Conversion, he asserts that he can “justify the whole of Catholic theology if he could be granted the supreme sacredness and value of just two things: Reason and Liberty.”His claim has all the daring of openly challenging the secular world to a duel, but having the certainty afore-hand of winning. The world would say, “We love both reason and liberty and are nothing like the Catholic Church”! “Just look at how we draw upon…Continue Reading

Parents And Children Are The GOP Future

March 11, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Parents And Children Are The GOP Future

By JOSH HAMMER The Republican Party’s slow transformation from the Bordeaux-sipping party of Acela Corridor suburbanites into the beer-drinking party of working-class Rust Belt-ers and Sun Belt-ers has been picking up some steam lately. And as the GOP’s divorce from the Chamber of Commerce over irreconcilable cultural differences accelerates, a golden opportunity has emerged to recast the GOP not in a 1980s-era image of supply-side tax-cutting, but in a revamped image of the party that focuses on supporting parental rights and protecting vulnerable children from modern society’s depredations.Some recent examples hint that the GOP may be moving beyond mere rhetorical platitude, and into the realm of concrete policy and action.The No. 1 killer today of Americans aged 18-45 years old…Continue Reading

Kamala Harris Calls Pro-Life Americans “Extremists”

March 10, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Kamala Harris Calls Pro-Life Americans “Extremists”

By STEVEN ERTELT WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeNews) — Kamala Harris trashed pro-life Americans on Friday, February 24, calling them “extremists” and defending abortion as a “fundamental freedom.”Harris met with leaders from the nation’s most aggressively pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood and NARAL, to promote killing more babies with the dangerous abortion pill. During the meeting, Harris claims pro-life Americans who want to protect babies from abortions are “extremists” who oppose health care, even though killing a baby and injuring women in abortions is the opposite of health care.“This is not just an attack on women’s fundamental freedoms. It is an attack on the very foundation of our public health system,” Harris said.Harris ignores the fact that ending the life of an…Continue Reading

Court Must Stop Biden’s $400 Billion Transfer of Wealth

March 9, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Court Must Stop Biden’s $400 Billion Transfer of Wealth

By TERENCE P. JEFFREY “This bill is simple in its purpose.”So stated Republican Cong. John Kline of Minnesota, who served as a Marine helicopter pilot in Vietnam, when he introduced the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act on March 25, 2003.“It extends the specific waiver authority within title IV of the Higher Education Act for the Secretary of Education, and allows him to maintain his commitment to our men and women in uniform by providing assistance and flexibility as they transfer in and out of postsecondary education during a time of national emergency,” said Kline.“This waiver authority addresses the need to assist students who are being called up to active duty or active service,” Kline said.“Many times, America’s military…Continue Reading

Of Honeybees, Rhinos, And Babies

March 8, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Of Honeybees, Rhinos, And Babies

By MARY D. MASTRANGELO “Follow the science,” a well-known doctor recently lectured the entire world. “The science is settled.”But is it settled? In this famous — some would say, infamous — case, it would seem in retrospect that the good doctor may have pontificated too soon. With the passing of over three years of experience and the continuing findings of further results, it would seem this particular science was not settled.This situation is not my subject now, but a means of introduction to a proper understanding of the natural world and our relationship to it.What is settled regarding scientific inquiry are the properties of a thing, those particulars which are encoded into the thing’s DNA, so to speak, at its…Continue Reading

After Three Years, Truth About The China Virus

March 7, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on After Three Years, Truth About The China Virus

By CHRISTOPHER MANION In February 2020, the New York Post published a cover story about the pandemic that had just begun to sweep the nation.“Don’t buy China’s story: The coronavirus may have leaked from a lab,” the headline read.“Boom! came down the Big Tech hammer, as our opinion piece got suppressed as disinformation,” the New York Post editors wrote last week.And they’re right — the story was immediately scrubbed from all major social media. Big Tech put a tight lid on any notion that China could possibly have developed the virus at Wuhan’s Level Four Bio-Lab run by the Communist Chinese Defense Ministry.“Conspiracy theory! Pass out the tinfoil hats!”But the article wasn’t just a shot in the dark. Its author,…Continue Reading

Indoctrinate Or Cancel: The Left’s America

March 6, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Indoctrinate Or Cancel: The Left’s America

By DEACON MIKE MANNO Over the past few years not a few people have asked themselves, “Is this the America in which I grew up?” Unfortunately, the answer for most of us is a definite “no.”Of course, we can cite numerous reasons why one might feel that way. As Catholics, and as people of faith, we are tired of watching our cherished beliefs not only ridiculed and defamed, but so many of our institutions — including government — reaching out to limit and cancel the voices of our churches collectively, and our own voices individually.Social media refer to this as cancel culture. But it is more than that: Coupled with it is a plan to eliminate all of those Americans…Continue Reading

Joe Biden And More Abortions

March 5, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Joe Biden And More Abortions

By BARBARA SIMPSON It was interesting to see President Biden on Ash Wednesday with ashes on his forehead — a tradition for members of our Catholic faith. It was another of Biden’s public showings of his being a “good” Catholic. For whatever reason, he seems to think that his being a public “good Catholic” is an important part of his persona and will help him politically.Whether that is a fact, who knows, especially as he apparently will soon be campaigning for another term as president. Whether his religion will have any effect on his popularity and ability to get votes remains to be seen.Personally, I hope it has NO effect at all. Whether or how he worships God should have…Continue Reading