Let’s Celebrate National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day 2018
In the weeks since the tragic shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla., we’ve had non-stop media coverage of students from that high school sharing their thoughts and views about gun control.
It’s even more awful how the tragedy has been hijacked by radical anti-Second Amendment leftists to push their agenda 24-7 on the fake news. Interesting how they even named their recent march The March for Our Lives. They say they want to end the killing of children. Really?
Perhaps we should invite them all to participate in this year’s National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day (NPLTD) on April 20, 2018. After all, if they’re so concerned about ending child-killing, why wouldn’t they want to participate?
While the pro-abortion, anti-Constitution secular left falsely claims that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is responsible for mass school shootings, we pro-lifers can say with certainty that Planned Parenthood is responsible for 7.6 million deaths since Roe v. Wade in 1973 (statistic from liveaction.org).
A much larger and growing number of young people have seen beyond the secular modernist nonsense they are bombarded with on a constant basis by the culture. These young people see that there is no respect for life through gun violence because there’s no respect for life when a child is in his or her mother’s womb.
For many years now, American Life League (ALL) has held its annual National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day. This year it is even more important for pro-life youths of all ages to stand up against the culture of death.
This year’s awesome NPLTD t-shirt was designed by a pair of teenaged brothers. This year’s T-shirt was made to resemble a nutrition label to clearly show the value of the preborn, the elderly, and people of all abilities as one-hundred-percent worthy of life, with zero-percent room for exceptions. It is because every human being is created in the image and likeness of God.
Included in the design are the virtues needed to be one-hundred-percent pro-life: courage, compassion, charity, hope, understanding, and perseverance.
ALL’s Founder and President Judie Brown explains what it means to be one-hundred-percent pro-life. “When we say we are proud to be ‘100 percent pro-life,’ we are telling the world that we oppose every single abortion by any means whatsoever and we do not countenance any exceptions.”
She adds: “Being 100 percent pro-life leaves no room for exceptions. You cannot say abortion is wrong except in certain cases. All human beings are precious and deserve to be respected as so, no matter when, where, or how the person came to be.”
ALL encourages all youth to take a stand for innocent lives lost through abortion. They suggest you involve your school, pro-life club, or youth group in NPLTD. Educating yourself about abortion and the common arguments for it is very important, so that when you wear your pro-life T-shirt, you are prepared to have those conversations and plant the seeds in others to save lives.
Another way to get involved is to enter the NPLTD contest to win a cash prize. You can enter as both a group and as an individual. The contest asks you to wear your pro-life T-shirt, to get as many people as possible to join you wearing their pro-life T-shirts, and to share pictures far and wide on all social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Use the #NPLTD18 hashtag. For all the rules and details and to enter the contest, visit NPLTDay.com.
As a former organizer of this campaign, I see an incredible value in our young people who have the courage and integrity to defend, and to show compassion for, the dignity and value of all human life. To openly wear a pro-life message on a T-shirt shows your peers that you have a voice and that you are not afraid to take a stand for something you truly believe in.
It’s amazing how much attention the leftist fake news media has paid to the anti-Second Amendment message the Parkland, Fla., students are being exploited to deliver. The adult gun-grabbers have used these young people to push their ludicrous agenda, claiming they seek to protect the lives of children.
It’s even more amazing how much the public is brainwashed by the mainstream narrative.
While the organic pro-life March for Life in Washington, D.C., averages 650,000 participants each year, it gets less than an eighth of the media coverage that the Astroturf, well-financed, anti-gun March for Our Lives got, even though the latter only had around 200,000 attendees.
Therefore, this year pro-life young people need to come out in record numbers on National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day.
Organize rallies at your schools and in your towns. I certainly don’t encourage a school walk-out, but instead, make sure that the pro-life message is loud, clear, and visible all the time at your school, especially on April 20 of this year.
I also recommend that student pro-life groups learn to write press releases, get acquainted with their local news media, and bombard them with emails, phone calls, and visits until they pay attention to them and their pro-life messages.
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if our young people organized a great big rally on April 20 across the country, all wearing pro-life T-shirts and carrying pro-life signs and banners? Why not?
Instead of school walkouts, do a pray-in. Why not take NPLTD 2018 as the opportunity to do so?
For more information, to enter the contest, to organize your pro-life group, church, or school, and of course to order your own 100 percent Pro-Life NPLTD t-shirts, visit www.NPLTDay.com.
To wear a pro-life T-shirt is to wear your heart on your sleeve. As Pope St. John Paul the Great often reminded us, “Be not afraid.”
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(Rey Flores writes opinion pieces and book and movie reviews for The Wanderer. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)