A Leaven In The World… Bishops: Ban Jesuit Fr. James Martin Now
The bishops in Baltimore were stymied in their attempt to pass meaningful and effective measures to impose their own sexual morality guidelines on themselves. The Holy Father shot down their planned votes on two measures to police themselves by asking them not to act.
Stephen P. White in The Catholic Thing makes the point that the Pope, in effect, humiliated our bishops and I’m inclined to agree. He also says the Pope may be angered by their lack of support for him in reaction to the explosive charges levied by Archbishop Carlo Viganò. It is true that they have rightly called for an investigation of Viganò in connection with the McCarrick malfeasance. Their call to Rome for releasing all documents in connection with McCarrick was voted down. I think we can be certain that Pope Francis doesn’t want anybody who believes Viganò to get their hands on any documents at all.
Recognizing the connection between homosexuality and preying upon minors is something the bishops can act on without permission from Rome. They can begin by shutting down the James Martin, SJ, road show.
You may remember that Martin was disinvited from speaking at the Theological College. The authorities there denied that the decision had anything to do with his subversive message, but stated instead that they wish to avoid controversy. It was a small victory.
Martin spreads confusion about Catholic teaching in his books and talks, telling a homosexual man, for example, that he looks forward to the day when he and his “partner” can kiss each other during the “Sign of Peace” at Mass. This is clearly an acknowledgment and approval of the sodomitic relationship two such men share. This is clearly in violation of the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, our Church’s application of Scriptures and Tradition to faith and morals. He partly quotes those portions of the Catechism he can twist to his evil purposes. Such a deception helps him to maintain credibility among the more gullible.
Martin’s heresy is the worst sort imaginable. His partial quotations of the Catechism only to undermine its teaching is not pastoral or compassionate. The Church’s mission is not to accommodate to the world and penultimate agendas. The Church’s mandated mission imposed by her divine Founder is to lead souls to Heaven, to make saints. Encouraging mortal sin does the opposite. This is why Martin needs to be restricted by every bishop.
Until the bishops unite behind a common mission to teach faith and morals, clearly and univocally in each diocese, we cannot begin to make the Church safe for the vulnerable of any age. The sexual abuse of any person is a violation of Church teaching on chastity. Every vocation demands chastity.
No permission from the Pope is ever needed to teach faith and morals. It is the charge from Christ Himself to Peter, the first Pope, and every other bishop thereafter to “Teach them all I have commanded you” in connection with the mandate to baptize all nations with the invocation of the Trinity.
Christ taught by His own example of holiness and affirmation of the Ten Commandments that God’s teaching on marriage between one man-husband and one woman-wife cannot be changed. He said not one jot or tittle of the law will be changed until it all comes true. He intended this above all in regard to the Decalogue, the Sixth Commandment, which says that no violation of the vows between husband and wife can under any circumstances be violated without sinning. This is intended for those within marriage, who share an exclusive relationship. By the same token, it is intended for those outside of any marriage for whom all genital expression is forbidden with others, married or unmarried.
The sexual faculty is given for the generation of children within the expression of the married love of man and woman alone. No one else may share in the gift no matter how their errant attractions may unfortunately tempt them. God’s grace is enough, for “with God all things are possible.” The hope with which each one of us lives each day is inspired by the promise of God that we can all share in His life now and forever by loving His truth. No matter how we fail or fall short He is always ready to welcome us back and does so through nothing less than a sacrament, that of Confession.
We cannot love what we do not pursue. Thus the task for each of us is to know the truth and to make it the operating principle of our lives. We just need to be authentic: to live what we believe.
Martin can never speak for God’s love or serve the true good of others until he reorients his life around Jesus Christ and His truth. All of it. Truth is inconvenient and may sometimes be uncomfortable on our way to Heaven. We enter into the combat of holiness for the eternal reward no matter the cost. True courage is required.
Joseph Sciambra is working very hard to help our bishops speak out and stop Martin. He is on Twitter, among other venues, tracking Martin’s heretical teachings and opposing them with the truth of faith. Sciambra once lost his soul in the homosexual “lifestyle” and then rejected that lifestyle for the sake of truth. At josephsciambra.com he says Martin is not “compassionate” or “sensitive,” but rather the opposite:
“In his recently published book, Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity, Martin repeatedly applauds ‘The Catechism’ for bolding stating that homosexuals must be treated with ‘respect, compassion and sensitivity and that “every sign of unjust discrimination”’ must be avoided.”
Yet, he also denounces the same Catechism for being “needlessly hurtful” toward homosexuals because, in his words, the Church describes “one of the deepest parts of a person — the part that gives and receives love” as “objectively disordered.”
James Martin is full of nonsense: The part of every human being that gives and receives love is not contained in his or her sexual organs, but in the intellect and will, which give and receive love independently of the physical operation of the body. We all know individuals who are permanently disabled and unable to experience marital genital expression because of war injuries, disease, or accident. Will we tell them they cannot love their spouse as a result? Everyone can easily see what an insult this would be.
A most damning indictment tweeted by Sciambra: “I gave up on the bishops long ago. I recall the day — a certain AB doesn’t listen; except to whining LGBT advocates. I confronted his secretary at a public event. He laughed after I told him that openly partnered gay dissidents held (paid) positions of authority at a local parish.”
Martin exploits the uncatechized portion of the Catholic Church and enables those who hate the faith and seek only to undermine the Body of Christ. Call on your bishop to permanently ban him from any speaking engagements and reject his books and other writings. James Martin opposes the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Any bishop who does not ban him now is guilty of undermining the faith of the Church by cooperation in the sin of heresy and immorality. Any bishop who betrays his divine mandate to protect and save the flock cannot be saved.
Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.