A Leaven In The World… Transgendering The Mass
What is not of necessity has an extraneous agenda. Or a malign purpose.
Sex matters: “God made them male and female.” Our sexuality is not a secondary characteristic. It is constitutive of the person and enters into all we do. When a woman does anything, it is the act of a person who is a woman, a feminine action. And likewise for a man.
The sexuality of the acting person is manifested by the words and deeds, thoughts and actions along with the entire person who thinks, acts, and who speaks, never as an afterthought. The idea of neutral gender is pure fantasy, nonexistent in the human species.
Feminism brings with it the ideology that anything men do which is not also accessible to women is an injustice to be corrected. This is why we have the phenomenon of the “first woman pilot” or the first infantry or armor soldier, roles formerly limited to men. It is why we also have women dying in these roles. Sometimes the pressure and haste to right a perceived wrong and experience the excitement of seeing something new supplants the proper training and examination needed to ensure thoroughness and safety.
No one seems to be troubled that men cannot have babies. That never comes up in arguments about the injustice of denying some roles to some human beings. Thus the one-sidedness of feminism is exposed. Breaking glass ceilings is not truly about justice but rather the imperious will which must have whatever it wants regardless of the consequences.
Anyone recall another story about rebellion involving a woman? Check your Bible. And start your search at the very beginning. Man also gets into trouble here because “it takes two to tango.”
Transgender ideology is the last and most dangerous error to attack the human person. It goes a step further than feminism, to say not only is sexuality role-neutral but, more, that sexuality is irrelevant to the subject person. A person, for someone who holds to transgenderism, is merely a malleable or neutral subject for which identity is changeable according to preference. Thus we have the language of “identity” where someone might say, “I was born a man but I identify as a woman.”
Male bastions have been falling for many years now. There are few holdouts left. Mount Athos remains a powerful symbol of exclusive male domain. Monasteries for the most part in east and west remain male or female-only. The Catholic priesthood stands yet as a brass ring yet unseized.
Feminism is also the reason why we have had for years now a heretical movement to “ordain” women as priests, an impossibility. The Vatican recently published another document restating the truth that women cannot be ordained priests and that anyone who attempts to do so suffers the penalty of excommunication, as does any woman attempting to be ordained.
This has not stopped baptized Catholic women from staging fake attempted “ordinations,” most famously on a barge in Germany, one of the places where this heresy is most strongly rooted. In Austria and other places women dress in albs and drape stole-like articles over their shoulders to mimic the priesthood as they stand behind altars with the consecrated Hosts placed thereon or stand at pulpits and preach.
The Catholic priesthood remains for many the last territory in the West to be conquered by the feminist war against all that pre-existed it. The Greek Church also is a holdout for a male priesthood.
Wherever feminism plants its flag, it brings the accusation of injustice. There was one act, however, which was purely loving and therefore also purely just: the self-giving death of the Son of Man on the Cross. This was the act of the God-Man whose male sexuality was not merely incidental to His person. Salvation was the male act of a male Person.
Christ made it possible through the gift of the Mass, and the gift of the priesthood which offers it, to perpetuate His saving self-giving until the end of the world to save sinners. The purpose of the priesthood is precisely to bring the justice of Christ, the new Adam, to the world sundered from God by the injustice of the sin of Adam and Eve. The constant badgering around the edges of the Church about feminism and “power,” allegedly thus held by ordained priests which must be shared by women, is a distraction and undermines the very message of the Gospel and of Christ Himself.
Priests are male in order to properly accept and live out a vocation instituted by Christ to represent Himself and His self-offering on the Cross. God cannot be accused of injustice.
The sin of pride, which Christ died to conquer, rears its ugly head every time someone states that a priest possesses something which has no value if not shared with women. There was a woman present at the act on Calvary which saves mankind, but she was not lessened in any way by not getting up on the cross and insisting that she must also take on the role before it could have any value for her.
If there is anything Mary desired, as a most loving and sinless Mother, it would be to die in the place of her Son. Nothing could be more painful for Mary or for any mother than to stand by helpless, unable to do anything to stop or to lessen the suffering of her child. Mother Mary obeyed the will of the Father in standing faithfully by her Son until He shed His last drop of blood and took His last breath, the most painful of sufferings short of taking His place on the Cross.
Mary is the sign to all women of the humble acceptance of the gift of the High Priest and Savior for all. Mary is also the mother of priests, who never desired to mimic priests by dressing as they do and taking their place in the sanctuary. Her participation in the greatest act of love in human history was not lessened by its distinction from that of her son.
Our Lady would also not bless the idea that women are more fulfilled or that injustice is eliminated when women dress up like men, mimicking those who are discerning the priesthood and who assist the priest at Mass as servers and lectors. This is a distraction and an injustice to the Church, which depends upon doing all in her power to encourage vocations to the priesthood. Without the priesthood we cannot have the Mass and the Eucharist, the forgiveness of sins in Confession, extreme unction at the end of our lives: the graces necessary for salvation.
The latest news out of Rome is that soon, “for the first time ever,” women will be instituted as acolytes and lectors in St. Peter’s Basilica. From what problem or crisis will this serve to distract?
If there is any injustice today it is perpetrated by the strident and rebellious members of the Church ceaselessly agitating to destroy every means of encouraging young men to answer the call to the priesthood. This is done by the ever-multiplying roles of women in the sanctuary during Mass, a useless distraction and entry of base and worldly politics of feminism, a sinful ideology and false religion, into the holy sanctuary of God.
Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.
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