We Must Resist The Falsehoods Of The October Synod
Fantasies such as women “priests” or “deacons,” the possibility of marriage between two men or two women, being born in the “wrong” body and other chimeras obsess and entertain the left, as well as the poorly instructed who cannot think for themselves. The successive synods in the Church under Francis serve as Trojan horses to worm these make-believe stories into parishes on the pretext that they are matters of “doctrine” pertaining to the faith.
These fantasies have been resurfacing since the social upheaval of the 1960s, which seeped into the Church in the post-conciliar era. Another fantasy and distraction that enabled their spread is the notion that we are here to change the Church, rather than the opposite. Vatican II, in the popular imagination, quickly transmogrified from a new approach to changing humanity by welcoming them into the Church into changing the Church instead of sanctifying humanity.
When questioned about her faith, by the bishops who later sentenced her to burning at the stake, St. Joan of Arc responded, “About Jesus Christ and the Church, I simply know they’re just one thing, and we shouldn’t complicate the matter.” If, as this holy woman rightly claimed, the Church and Christ are simply the “same” reality, the idea of changing the Church should immediately appear as the absurdity it is: no less unreasonable than a proposal to change God Himself.
The Synod agendas are reheated leftovers from the 1960s that have been served up repeatedly in the last 60 years. Whether this current pontificate, in which they are being administered resuscitative oxygen, is the last gasp for such castles in the air only time will tell. Some of us may not live to see the ultimate restoration.
Or perhaps the restoration will be one which flourishes only within the modern equivalent of the walled monasteries and castles of the Middle Ages: pious Christian civilization and learning inside the intentional home or rare parish, and marauding vandals without. The “official” and visible Church, in a political caricature, increasingly gives aid and comfort to the enemies of Christian faith and morals, while many priests in more hidden ways nurture the ancient truths of the Creed and Traditional liturgy.
For years we mourned and prayed in sympathy for the underground Church in China, blind to the simultaneous transformation of our own ecclesial reality into much the same thing. Bishops on the federal dole increasingly function as toadying clerks carrying out political marching orders as they enable leftist policies such as illegal immigration. Some bishops boast that the majority of their diocesan funding now comes from the federal government.
As faithful Catholics protest leftist bishops carrying water for fake “Catholic” pro-abort pols, by withholding Sunday offertory donations, the bishops do an end run around the obstruction by getting their money instead from diverted tax dollars.
So, what to do? “We must resist,” counsels Gerhard Cardinal Mueller, the canceled former prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith. Retired by Francis abruptly and promptly at age 75, while leftist and corrupt cardinals languish in office to almost 80 years of age, this spiritual and doctrinal heir of Benedict XVI and fellow German, this cardinal without portfolio has been ordaining priests in the Traditional rite, granting interviews and otherwise acting to bolster the faith of believing Catholics.
Last October, a year ahead of this fall’s “Synod on Synodality,” the cardinal granted an interview to Raymond Arroyo on EWTN’s The World Over. We do well to review his words and counsel as we prepare for what promises, in two months’ time, to be another attack on faith and doctrine by means of what is intended to be the blockbuster of all Synods — being this time not merely about the family, or the Amazon, but on “Synodality” itself.
The voting body for the next Synod, which will have the purpose of pushing through the same distortions and falsehoods as has been the purpose of all the other Synods, has been packed with very carefully culled “progressivists” from around the globe. Although, properly speaking, the mechanism of a Synod is exclusively episcopal in nature, in yet another innovation lay people have been included as voting members, resulting in what Cardinal Burke claims will be an “invalid” Synod. Cardinal Mueller has been added to this list of participants as a sort of sop to remaining believers.
Cardinal Mueller has coined a helpful phrase which sums up the motive behind the Synods. He calls it a “hostile takeover” of the Church. Longstanding haters of the Church, the priesthood, sacraments, and God Himself, have now been granted a platform to emasculate, distort, manipulate, and invert everything faithfully handed down from Christ through Scripture and Tradition.
It is already abundantly clear from the public comments of cardinals and other operatives placed in charge of the Synod that the powerful and oppressive LGBTQ+ political lobby, already victorious in society, will be given a red-carpet welcome.
The cardinal commented, “The aim of this ideology . . . was to instrumentalize the Catholic Church on the face, for promoting their own ideas. But, in reality, everybody is welcome in the Church; but first he must repent of his sins and change his life according to the Commandments of God. It’s best for us, human beings, to follow the way of Jesus Christ and to change our life according to His Commandments and to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Many local priests are already prepping their congregations, softening them up for further propaganda by urging them to be more “welcoming.” The slander of “divisiveness” was used to justify the illegal order in Traditionis custodes, by which the immemorial Catholic Mass, celebrated daily by the council fathers at Vatican II during the council and after they returned home to their dioceses, was banned from parish churches.
The Siren song of “welcome” is yet another slander, this time against God Himself. Our Lord opened His arms in no less than the widest possible loving embrace of humanity as He died on the cross, giving Himself completely to the world. His Body, the Church, continues this same welcome every day through the offering up in countless places of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There could not possibly be a more welcoming reality on Earth.
Men like James Martin, and other current favorites, reject the Catholic faith and those who profess it. All the same, daily, everywhere throughout the world, where the flame of Catholic faith is kept alive through our sacred Tradition in all its facets, hope of God’s love and grace is offered to a hungry and wandering humanity.
Men of the Church like Cardinals Burke, Mueller, and Sarah, and a number of bishops, provide the leadership the Lord desires, and demands, for His Church. We will resist the falsehoods of the Synod, and every lie, listening to and heeding only the Truth for, as the sheep of Christ’s flock, we will never fail to hear His voice.
Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.