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Is The Superpower Afraid Of Iran?

December 2, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on Is The Superpower Afraid Of Iran?

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN “Iran’s Nuclear Triumph” roared the headline of The Wall Street Journal editorial. William Kristol is again quoting Churchill on Munich. Since the news broke Saturday night, November 23 that Iran had agreed to a six-month freeze on its nuclear program, we are back in the Sudetenland again. Why? For not only was this modest deal agreed to by the United States, but also by our NATO allies Germany, Britain, and France. Russia and China are fine with it. Iran’s rivals, Turkey and Egypt, are calling it a good deal. Saudi Arabia says it “could be a first step toward a comprehensive solution for Iran’s nuclear program.”

Is Pope Francis To The Left of Nancy Pelosi?

December 2, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on Is Pope Francis To The Left of Nancy Pelosi?

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK How should Catholics who are “on the right” on economic matters respond to Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium? The left likes what the Pope had to say, describing the exhortation as a condemnation of free-market capitalism. A columnist on Yahoo News argued that it goes a long way toward corroborating Fr. Thomas Reese’s proposition, made some months ago, that the Pope is “to the left of Nancy Pelosi.” (An apostolic exhortation does not carry the same weight as an encyclical, but it represents the Pope’s thinking, an indication of where he intends to move the Church. It is not something that can be shrugged off

Bishop Of Shrewsbury . . . Concludes The Year Of Faith With A Call To Witness

December 1, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on Bishop Of Shrewsbury . . . Concludes The Year Of Faith With A Call To Witness

LONDON (ZENIT) — As the Year of Faith draws to a close, an English bishop has encouraged his flock not to be discouraged by the antagonism they face when bearing witness to Christ in society. Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury said that the faithful may at times be inclined to avoid speaking the name of Christ “if it makes out contemporaries uneasy” and be tempted “to remove His cross from view, or to understate His claim of Kingship.” But he added: “It is the hour for our faith to be proved amid the continuing uproar around the cross of the Lord.” The Year of Faith, he said, “has surely invited us all to raise our own voices calmly and clearly…Continue Reading

A Devastating Poll On Obama — And Obamacare

November 30, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on A Devastating Poll On Obama — And Obamacare

By MICHAEL BARONE “The Affordable Care Act’s political position has deteriorated dramatically over the last week.” That, coming from longtime Obamacare cheerleader and Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein, was pretty strong language. And it was only Wednesday of the week in question. That was the day after the release of a devastating Quinnipiac national poll. It showed Barack Obama’s approval rating at 39 percent, with his disapproval rating at 54 percent — sharply down from 45 percent approval and 49 percent disapproval on October 1, the day the government shutdown began and went into (limited) operation.

Video: Rev. Robert A. Sirico Comments on the Economic Views of Pope Francis in ‘Evangelii Gaudium’

November 29, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on Video: Rev. Robert A. Sirico Comments on the Economic Views of Pope Francis in ‘Evangelii Gaudium’

By JOHN COURETAS Wednesday, November 27, 2013 In this short talk, Rev. Robert A. Sirico, co-founder and president of the Acton Institute, offers some general observations about the new “Apostolic Exhortation” published Nov. 26 by Pope Francis. Specifically, Rev. Sirico addresses the economic content of the work, titled “Evangelii Gaudium” (The Joy of the Gospel) and poses some questions for further reflection.

A Natural, Scientific, And Highly Effective Treatment For Infertility

November 29, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on A Natural, Scientific, And Highly Effective Treatment For Infertility

By MERCEDES WILSON (Editor’s Note: Mercedes Arzú Wilson is the president of the Family of the Americas Foundation, Those wishing to order the complete study she describes below may contact Mrs. Wilson at And Wanderer readers may be receiving a letter in the mail about this Family of the Americas Foundation program.) +    +    + How we are succeeding in reversing the catastrophic effects of man-made sterility, through simple knowledge of the procreative gift bestowed upon us by God, is becoming a revolutionary victory for the Catholic Church. From time immemorial, the crucial human problem related to childbearing has been the problem of sterility, which in all ancient societies was considered an obstacle to be overcome, a tragic…Continue Reading

America’s Public Prayer . . . The Thanksgiving Proclamation

November 28, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on America’s Public Prayer . . . The Thanksgiving Proclamation

By LAWRENCE P. GRAYSON Thanksgiving is the time when America’s religious roots and traditions are publicly displayed. While we think of feasting at tables filled with food and drink, and imagine the Pilgrims in Plymouth Colony inviting neighboring Indians to join them to celebrate a plentiful harvest, Thanksgiving Day has a much more religious meaning. It was not uncommon in the 17th and 18th centuries for individual colonies to set aside days for prayers of gratitude to our Lord. In 1671, the governing council of Charlestown, Mass., proclaimed June 29 “as a day of Solemn Thanksgiving and praise to God for such His Goodness and Favor.” Annually from 1777 through 1784, as the American colonists fought for their independence,

The Gratitude Attitude

November 27, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on The Gratitude Attitude

By REY FLORES Thanksgiving Day is upon us once more, with the idyllic visions of family get-togethers, golden-brown turkeys on our tables, and meaningless college football games on our giant TV screens. “Happy Thanksgiving” or the silly “Happy Turkey Day” greetings fill the air, while Charlie Brown and his pilgrims quickly make way for the familiar instrumental sounds of Vince Guaraldi’s Christmastime Is Here. While I myself couldn’t care any less about college football, I do wax nostalgic about the other trappings of this holiday, particularly the goodies on the table. However, what I hate now is how the retailers have scrapped Black Friday altogether and now start their obnoxious “First Day of Xmas Shopping” on Thanksgiving Day. As a…Continue Reading

Sinister Shadows In UN Human Rights Council

November 26, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on Sinister Shadows In UN Human Rights Council

By JOHN J. METZLER UNITED NATIONS — You can’t make this up. In recent elections for the UN’s 47-member Human Rights Council (UNHRC), some of the winners of the coveted seats are, ironically, the countries who are among the major global human rights transgressors. This hypocrisy evokes the old adage of the foxes guarding the henhouse, or of Tony Soprano chairing a Senate subcommittee on organized crime. Here’s the setting. Sixteen countries were running for 14 seats on the Geneva-based council tasked with monitoring and reporting on the pulse of human rights worldwide. As is usual in the UN, the countries were competing in regional groups for the two-year tenure. So, for the African group, there are Algeria, Morocco, Namibia,…Continue Reading

Nixon And Kennedy: The Myths And Reality

November 25, 2013 Frontpage Comments Off on Nixon And Kennedy: The Myths And Reality

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN Had there been no Dallas, there would have been no Camelot. There would have been no John F. Kennedy as brilliant statesman cut off in his prime, had it not been for those riveting days from Dealey Plaza to Arlington and the lighting of the Eternal Flame. Along with the unsleeping labors of an idolatrous press and the propagandists who control America’s popular culture, those four days created and sustained the Kennedy Myth. But, over 50 years, the effect has begun to wear off. The New York Times reports that in the ranking of presidents, Kennedy has fallen further and faster than any. Ronald Reagan has replaced him as No. 1, and JFK is a fading…Continue Reading