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As U.S. Worries At Illegal Entry . . . Look How Far Catholic Dem Leaders Have Strayed From Moral Path

January 20, 2019 Frontpage No Comments


PHOENIX — Announced as the next speaker at the annual assembly of Maricopa County Republican precinct committeemen here, Cong. Andy Biggs received a standing ovation before he reached the microphone.
These GOP foot soldiers apparently appreciated Biggs’ frequent, straightforward media appearances standing up for Republican principles. He’s a conservative pro-lifer whose Fifth Congressional District covers the southeastern portion of the Phoenix metropolitan area. Trump supporters across the nation likely were voicing the same thoughts he expressed.
Addressing the partial federal government shutdown caused by Democrats’ adamant refusal to reach agreement on necessary border security, Biggs told about 770 Maricopa County precinct committeemen on January 12, “It’s a Democrat shutdown. You know that?. . . Are we going to build that wall or are we going to have a partisan shutdown?”
Unlimited marchers defiantly crossing national boundaries continued to be one of the nation’s parting of the ways. But Catholic Democratic politicians who had been left free to roam far from correct paths within the U.S. were another crisis on the march. See more on this below.
Once again the dominant media’s carefully managed spigot had been gushing a partisan line. Regarding the border crisis, no pressure was being exerted on Democrats to show those virtues of bipartisanship and “crossing the aisle” that supposedly are so necessary for Republicans to practice.
The Democrats said no, no, no to helping the U.S. control an overwhelming illegal invasion, but their unified obstruction apparently was to be regarded on front pages as not merely acceptable but desirable.
Just like back in 2010 when a Democratic majority rammed through nationalized-medicine Obamacare without cooperating to obtain a single Republican vote.
But not a bit like when the recently deceased Republicans Sen. John McCain and President George H.W. Bush were eulogized as great aisle-crossers and cooperative bipartisans because they gave Democrats what they wanted.
Hardly had the McCain who was so praised for “civility” been buried than screaming, flailing Democrat activists went wild to try to block President Trump’s selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The activists failed, then the elderly Bush died. Turn the spigot again.
What a marvelous bipartisan Bush had been, the script said — even though both McCain and he had been scorned when they dared run for president against dominant media’s preferred liberal Democrats.
Turn the spigot again. Forget bipartisanship. All that Dem pols could do behind their own high walls and gates and fences and security badges and guards was to proclaim unbuilt GOP walls to be “immoral” and vetting futile.
As if a tsunami of illegal immigration hadn’t already been flouting U.S. law for decades, now leftist groups like Pueblo Sin Fronteras were helping organize unauthorized caravans to try to march en masse into the U.S.
As this was written the evening of January 16, the partial government shutdown had lasted 26 days, with no immediate reopening in sight.
Commentator Michael Graham posted at the Boston Herald on January 11:
“Liberals can’t have it both ways. They can’t harp on about how our fundamental democratic institutions are weakening, and our trust on governance is failing because our leaders won’t work together, while simultaneously telling Trump (and his 60 million voters) to pound sand over his core campaign issue. If our democracy is truly in danger, then Democrats should cut the deal.”
During his brief talk before the county committeemen, Cong. Biggs also touched on the frustrations of conservatives being told by political insiders to blur their stands to, supposedly, make themselves more appealing.
Biggs said that when he asked for one of his bills to be put up for consideration as the midterm elections grew closer, he received pushback.
“I was told, ‘Andy, we don’t want to do anything controversial before the midterms’,” Biggs said. “How is keeping your promises controversial?”
Despite such caution — or perhaps because of it — the Republicans lost their House majority to Democrat candidates who may have told voters they opposed the strongly disliked California Democrat and pro-abortion Catholic Nancy Pelosi — even though they planned to vote her back in as House speaker if Dems managed to reclaim a majority.
Just 57,000 votes across the nation in the midterms were responsible for the loss of 20 GOP House seats and the Republican majority, Biggs told the committeemen.
Before Biggs spoke, Chris Herring, the retiring chairman of the Maricopa County GOP, reminded the audience of the questionable “emergency voting centers” that county Recorder Adrian Fontes, a partisan Democrat, had opened then closed before the November 6 general election. It was another incident of Dem alleged fiddling with ballots.
Some reporting at the time said word of the emergency centers’ opening was focused on alerting local Democrats.
Herring said that no single person should be able to exercise such power. “We can’t do that again. We need change now.”
Joe Perron, a longtime pro-life and Republican activist, told The Wanderer he was disappointed that none of Arizona’s four Republican congressmen, all pro-lifers, had mentioned that issue in their brief remarks to the committeemen, even though now there’s a president, Trump, “who isn’t afraid to say what abortion is.”
On January 10 the Washington Examiner posted that President Barack Obama’s Border Patrol chief Mark Morgan said his agents had apprehended “pedophiles, rapists, murderers, gang members every single day” when enforcing the border.
The Examiner said Morgan told Fox News: “I’m outraged that we haven’t fixed this problem. I’m outraged. Who can say that this is a manufactured crisis? Anyone? Anyone left, right? I don’t care who it is — anyone that says this is a manufactured crisis, they are absolutely lying to the American people.”
However, dominant media and Democrat Party leaders claimed Trump simply had drummed up a phony crisis.
Although Democrats often were said to welcome border-jumpers because of their potential as voters, even as illegal ones, some observers noted that the sheer numbers of unauthorized aliens themselves were useful in census data.
Because congressional districts are apportioned by population numbers, more aliens in urban areas generally meant more seats for Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, and thus more power.
This had direct, dire implications for the moral health of the U.S. as the Democrat Party grew ever more radical in promoting the political culture of death and degeneracy.
Amid new unauthorized marches being planned into the U.S., it seemed astonishing when a U.S. Catholic archbishop mentioned in mid-January that an event he soon would be celebrating is “the gift of migration.”
Was it not time, instead, to call on the consciences of unauthorized immigrants to throw their efforts into improving their native lands rather than become uninformed ballot fodder for abortionist politicians in the U.S.?
Moreover, if prelates find themselves with time on their hands, they might consider how some of the most powerful Catholic politicians in the U.S. were allowed to become unhinged pro-abortion radicals, with apparently not the slightest concern they’re living immersed in their own deadly mortal sins.
Prelates might even consider acting like prelates to reverse the disasters that happened on their watch.
As if massive abortion doesn’t already pervade their states, new California Gov. Gavin Newsom and re-elected New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo both want to go even further in promoting destruction of the preborn, although they both claim to be Catholics.
Newsom’s predecessor, another faux Catholic, Jerry Brown, signed about as many pro-abortion bills as he could from the Golden State’s Democrat-controlled legislature, including allowing non-physicians to perform abortions.
But as his time as governor approached its end, even Brown vetoed a bill that would have required abortion medicines to be available at his state’s public university campus clinics. Abortion pills already were available near every one of those campuses, Brown pointed out with a strictly utilitarian slant.
Newsom, however, pledged that as the new governor he would sign such a bill into law.

Far-Out Cuomo

Meanwhile, Cuomo, whose mind and soul seem to be crowded with demons, anticipated signing the far-out Reproductive Health Act he had long promoted. Catholic News Service quoted a New York Catholic official that the measure is so bad, it could make it a crime to be pro-life in New York.
The CNS story added: “Because of the strong language, the bill could be used to block religious organizations from advocating for life, or prevent doctors from abstaining from performing abortions on religious or moral grounds….
“The bill also repeals protections for accidental live births and disallows criminal charges for illegal abortions, such as when a perpetrator seeks to abort their partner’s child through drugs or physical violence,” the CNS story said.
With abortionists being held in much higher esteem by Democrat platform writers than Trump’s orthodox Catholic judicial nominees are, the nation’s footing is no more secure than California’s upon the arrival of the Big One.
Dem socialist darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says it’s more important to be “morally right” than factually correct, thus raising that strange usage of “morality” by leftists.
Though they routinely complain about conservatives trying to “force their morality” on society, and assert that the injection of “morals” in public policy is out of place, leftists are the first to assume they occupy the “moral high ground,” as if that’s a desirable location.
Too terribly sad, considering that often they’re digging a tunnel to bury their souls beyond recovery.

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2019 The Wanderer Printing Co.

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Joseph Matt
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Today . . .

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Our Catholic Faith (Section B of print edition)

Catholic Replies

Editor’s Note: This lesson on medical-moral issues is taken from the book Catholicism & Ethics. Please feel free to use the series for high schoolers or adults. We will continue to welcome your questions for the column as well. The email and postal addresses are given at the end of this column. Special Course On Catholicism And Ethics (Pages 53-59)…Continue Reading

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