Democrats: The Party Of Moloch
For anyone who doesn’t know, Moloch was a god mentioned and referred to in the Old Testament. He may have belonged to the Canaanites, or to the Ammonites, or to any number of other early cults, but he was also one of the false gods that Israel would turn to during periods of apostasy.
Moloch’s sacramental base was in the Hinnom Valley which was pronounced in Hebrew as “Ge Hinnom” and was thus translated into Greek as “Gehenna.” It was there, just south of Jerusalem, that his cult worshiped him by human sacrifice.
And it was there that his followers built an altar-pyre containing his metal image: a human figure with an animal’s head. His arms were outstretched ready to receive children for sacrifice. A fire was started inside the image and the children sacrificed would roll from his arms into the fire pit below. During the sacrificial ceremony, flutes were played and drums beaten to drown out the cries of the victims as their mothers stood by.
God, the real one, wasn’t impressed. He told the Israelites in Leviticus (18:21): “You shall not offer any of your offspring to immolation to Moloch, thus profaning the name of your God.” A few lines later He warns about laying with a man as you would with a woman, but I digress; we’ll have to take that one up at another time.
When King Josiah halted the practice of child sacrifice and destroyed Moloch’s pyre at Topheth in the Hinnom Valley, it was written, “The king also defiled Topheth in the Valley of Ben-hinnom so that there would no longer be any immolation of sons or daughters by fire in honor of Moloch” (2 Kings 22:10).
Now it seems that God was not just unimpressed with child-sacrifice, He imposed a penalty on such activities. In chapter 20 of Leviticus he instructs Moses: “Tell the Israelites: Anyone, whether an Israelite or an alien residing in Israel, who gives offspring to Moloch shall be put to death. . . . If the people of the land condone the giving of offspring to Moloch, by failing to put the wrongdoer to death, I myself will turn against that individual and his or her family, and I will cut off from their people both the wrongdoer and all who follow this person prostituting themselves with Moloch.”
I’ve mentioned before that I am not a biblical scholar, but I would take that as a serious warning about those who support or condone child sacrifice!
I thought about old Moloch in the days surrounding the recent discussions of new abortion legislation, most of which removes all restrictions on abortions, especially late-term abortions which often result in the delivery of a live baby, whose fate is to be decided not by what’s in the best interest for the infant, but what is in the best interest of others, giving due regard to the cult of political correctness which allows babies to be sacrificed on the altar of reproductive freedom in the church of Planned Parenthood.
But when we do that, aren’t we just substituting one false god for another? And what does it say about those who “follow this person” in “prostituting themselves” in this new, false cult? I wonder now who is playing the flute and who is beating the drum.
Of course, this is about more than a simple abortion, as bad as that is. It is about the direct killing of a child, born alive. Remember Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, in a fit of obscene honesty, told us how it works: “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desire, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
Is it any wonder that the next day the liberal political establishment turned its attention to the governor’s black-face antics in medical school? It sure got the attention away from the issue of infanticide and the left’s celebration of its new-found sacrament.
Only a few weeks later, 44 members of the Moloch Party in the Senate — including all the Senate’s declared presidential candidates along with at least ten Catholics — defeated an effort to write into federal law protection for babies born alive after a failed abortion; to save them from this new political sacrifice. The bill would have required that these babies not be abandoned or killed.
It simply required the medical staff to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health-care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”
But the Moloch Party adherents couldn’t stomach losing the ability to freely sacrifice in their church. They all had their justifications for opposing the bill:
Hawaii Sen. Mazie (Crazy Mazie) Hirono said that the bill would limit a woman’s “access to safe abortion care” and “would threaten the health of women.” I wonder what she didn’t understand about a baby that was already alive outside the mother’s womb.
Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Washington’s Patty Murray claimed that the bill was “redundant” and would make something illegal that is already illegal. Sorry folks, but that’s a lie; a big one. The legislation was being proposed to counteract recently adopted state laws, as well as a flurry of other proposals, that do allow doctors to stand back and watch the little one gasp for breath, then to die unaided, except if he was going to take too long to die, then he would be helped along that way.
Sen. Murray went so far as to claim the bill was “clearly anti-doctor, anti-woman, and anti-family.” Others claimed that the bill would “restrict doctors from making case-by-case decisions about what is best for infants and mothers.” What are they talking about? The baby in question is alive. What is it they don’t get? It has nothing to do about the mother’s or the doctor’s rights. When, under the Moloch doctrine, does the baby get rights, or is it just to be sacrificed to the new gods of the left?
After the bill’s defeat, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, said, “There should be no bill easier for the Senate to pass than one that makes clear that killing newborn babies is wrong and should not be tolerated. That even one senator, let alone 44 senators voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, is an injustice that should horrify and anger the American people and commit us to decisive political action.”
After the shrine of Moloch was destroyed by Josiah, the Hinnom Valley was considered unclean and became the receptacle for Jerusalem’s garbage and the dead bodies of criminals and animals. All were burned there in a continuous fire that never went out as more and more rubbish was deposited which served to keep the flames burning. This is Gehenna, remember, where the fire is never quenched.
Somewhere in the bowels of Hell Moloch is smiling.
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