Joe Biden, TransCatholic
Last June, Joe Biden boasted to the AFL-CIO that his administration was “changing people’s lives.” He didn’t add that American Catholic lives were “Target Number One” — we’ve had to learn that the hard way. The fact that Joe is a baptized Catholics holding in thrall the Georgetown Jesuit Community does raise eyebrows, to be sure, but it gets no rise from America’s Catholic bishops. We’re left to figure it out for ourselves.
So, let’s give it a try.
Joe Biden is a “spiritual tranny,” a Very-Devout-Catholic-While-Terrorist who angrily waves his Rosary in our face while commanding the massacres of more thousands of unborn children. He also delights in pursuing the persecution of Catholics, pro-lifers, and countless members of other communities that are energized by their participation in the natural law.
We know that those who undergo the varieties of transgender medical vivisection and its companion tortures cannot escape their original, God-given sexual identity. But “spiritual trannies” like Joe are a different breed.
Physical trannies hate their body’s natural sex, renounce it, and even butcher it in their passion for denial.
Spiritual trannies take a different path. Like their physical tranny cousins, they hate — in fact, they hate a lot. This time, their target is their own soul’s unchangeable character. In Joe’s case, he’s at war with his soul’s indelible Sacramental Mark bestowed by his Baptism, a mark that will endure through eternity.
Instead of “transitioning” to another religion — perhaps Unitarianism or outright Satanism — Joe defends his “Catholic” identity, the better to butcher Catholic truth with the authority of a believer, rather than the smoldering contempt of a mere apostate.
Unlike the average closet heretic, Joe has accumulated a vast arsenal of power. Here he conveniently ignores Christ’s admonition to Pilate — “Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above” (John 19:11).
None of that for Tranny Joe. He challenges God and the successors of the apostles and dares them to stop him.
So far, he’s winning.
Garland’s Goons Are Still At It
Last month, Merrick Garland, Joe’s attorney general, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Justice Department had no “bias against religion of any kind,” “does not do investigations based on religion,” and doesn’t “have any informants aimed at Catholic churches.”
However, the Senate Judiciary Committee and its counterpart in the House have discovered otherwise, and are demanding more documents. So far, they’ve met a stonewall.
Remember how the FBI office in Richmond, Va., produced a scurrilous “guidance” document suggesting that the FBI recruit Catholics to spy on their parishes to spot possible terrorists and “white supremacists”? While the FBI insisted that the document had been withdrawn, it now appears that it has instead been distributed to FBI offices throughout the country.
House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) has discovered that the FBI’s plan “called for the bureau to engage in outreach to ‘mainline Catholic parishes’ to make congregations aware of ‘the warning signs of radicalization’ and to ‘enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.’ The FBI also proposed that agents reach out to Catholic parishes to ‘develop sources among the clergy and church leadership,’ he said.
“This shocking information reinforces our need for all responsive documents, and the committee is issuing a subpoena to you to compel your full cooperation,” Jordan wrote to FBI Director Christopher Wray.
Does Attorney General Garland really apply equal justice before the law to all religions?
Let the facts speak for themselves. We recall how Garland’s prosecutors hauled Mark Houck, a Christian pro-lifer, into federal court for demonstrating in front of a Philadelphia abortuary (Houck was acquitted by a jury at trial).
In another recent case, Garland’s Justice Department offered a sweetheart plea deal to one Maeve Nota, a transgender vandal who admitted to defacing St. Louise Catholic Church in Bellevue, Wash., with profane graffiti, destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary, assaulting a church worker, and resisting arrest.
While Houck’s family home was raided by a Federal SWAT team comprising more than a dozen fully armed officers, Nota smashed a police vehicle with a backpack full of spray-cans before being arrested.
While Garland tried to put Christian Mark Houck in federal prison for eleven years, his Justice Department reached a plea deal with Christian-hater Nota that included no jail time.
Biden’s Department of Defense is no better. For two years, Joint Chiefs Chairman General Milley has been cleansing the ranks of “white supremacists,” “potential terrorists,” and other undesirables who reject Critical Race Theory, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and every other radical weapon that the Biden administration uses to destroy unit cohesion and esprit.
But the military is desperate to keep in the ranks one privileged category: pregnant women who are willing to abort their children rather than take military leave.
The military has now expanded its program for abortion leave to include paid “abortion vacations” for pregnant women that pay for travel and other expenses to abortion-friendly states.
A Blessed Holy Week! Hey, Let’s Kick Out The Catholic Chaplains!
While Biden’s military celebrates abortion as “health care,” that doesn’t go for Catholic spiritual care at Bethesda’s Walter Reed Hospital, located just outside of Washington, D.C.
Just as Holy Week was beginning, Craig Bannister reports, “Walter Reed National Military Center issued a ‘cease and desist order’ to Franciscan priests at Holy Name College, who had been providing religious services and ministering to the spiritual needs of the hospital’s Catholic patients.”
The order directs “Catholic priests to cease any religious services at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, during Holy Week, the most sacred of days in the Christian faith,” said the Archdiocese for Military Services in response. The move “violates First Amendment Right to Free Exercise of Religion.” the Archdiocese for Military Services, USA (AMS) said in response.
“It is incomprehensible that essential pastoral care is taken away from the sick and the aged when it was so readily available,” Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Military Archdiocese said in a statement. “I earnestly hope that this disdain for the sick will be remedied at once and their First Amendment rights will be respected,” he said.
Illinois Republican Cong. Mary Miller responded to the order by calling for a congressional investigation. “This is an unconscionable attack on Christian service members and the First Amendment by Biden, Austin, and Milley,” she wrote. “The House must investigate why DOD did this, especially on Holy Week.”
Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) condemned the move. “Biden didn’t just kick out the Catholic priests who have been providing religious services at Walter Reed Military Medical Center for 25 years, he picked Holy Week to do it.”
Why would the Culture of Death ban priests from the sick and dying? Deny them the sacraments? Or make pushing “voluntary” euthanasia easier, perhaps?
Every bureau and office in the Biden administration takes the same anti-Christian tack. The Department of Education has just announced a new rule stating that “policies violate Title IX when they categorically ban transgender students from participating on sports teams consistent with their gender identity just because of who they are.”
This gibberish, intentionally imprecise and ham-handed, pretends to command virtually every public grade school high school and federally funded college to obey or else. It is a typical example of the Left’s constant efforts to use the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to contradict and to eviscerate the Constitution.
But Garland’s Justice Department has also attacked local public schools by threatening parents who dare to speak out at school board meetings. And his allies at the Department of Agriculture have attempted to withdraw federal funding of school-lunch programs unless the schools allow boys to enter girls’ restrooms.
It’s all part of TransCatholic Joe Biden’s real war — his war against God, His angels, and His saints.