No, this is not about a certain accuser of the honorable Judge Brett Kavanaugh who wore out her fifteen minutes of infamy before we even knew her name, but I digress.
This particular opinion column is more about the incredulity I experience about a lot of things that are taking place at this time in our nation’s history. It’s not that I’m unwilling to believe, it’s just that it’s difficult to accept that people have gone so incredibly mad, so much so that forecasts about insurrections, revolts, and a new civil war are increasing.
A minority, yet still a considerable number of Americans of a certain political persuasion, have finally gone so far left that they have finally fallen off the proverbial cliff of reason. It is becoming all too clear that after their fall, they most likely hit their heads upon landing, rendering them completely dead from the neck up. The ways in which they act and communicate lead us to confirm that brain damage has indeed occurred.
It’s not that much of a difference, however, between how they behaved before and after the fall. Perhaps the inordinate thickness of their skulls saved some of their ability to still utilize some of their minuscule gray matter, and their thin skins may have counteracted the injurious falls somewhat.
Never have our nation’s streets been so overrun by brain-dead political zombies who cannot listen, but sure do a lot of crying, screaming, and yelling. Classic movie legend Bob Hope summed it up best in his film The Ghost Breakers after asking a doctor what zombies were.
The doctor explained: “When a person dies and is buried, it seems that a certain voodoo priest has the power to bring them back to life.” Hope’s female companion responds, “How horrible!”
The doctor then continues, “It’s worse than horrible, because a zombie has no will of its own. You see them sometimes walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring.”
To which Hope delivers the punchline, “Do you mean like Democrats?”
Yes, but not only the Democrats, but RINOs who are Republicans in name only, as well. All those D.C. swamp creatures unwilling to give up despite the fact that the Trump administration has been constantly pumping out sludge since he first took office.
The only difference between Saul Alinsky-worshiping socialist-wannabe community organizers, leftist politicians, and television news broadcasters is that at least the ones who sit behind an anchor desk or have offices in Washington, D.C., are well-groomed, bathe daily, and get paid extremely large amounts of undeserved cash.
The ones on the streets tearing things up, screaming like wild banshees, wearing knitted pink hats with cat ears on them, or clad in all black, covering their faces with bandanas, are the ones doing the paid street activism, better described as vandalism and violence.
Most of these miscreants are university professors in the vein of Bill Ayers, or employees of nonprofit radical community organizations hell-bent on destroying anything that is American or Christian.
Billionaire “sugar daddy” George Soros, founder and president of the Open Society Foundations, keeps the engine of radical leftism running smoothly, yet he must be getting more and more frustrated because his dollars are becoming completely ineffective.
Thanks to the ever-increasing lunatic behavior of the radical left, Christian and conservative American causes have finally begun to also grow, but at a much faster and stronger rate. The left has pulled the bull’s tail now for too long and they are about to get the horns. No more abortion, contraception, open borders, Christian persecution, free welfare to lazy people, and LGBTQ craziness.
Speaking of that, I wish to conclude by saying: Thank you, thank you, Barack Obama. Had it not been what you ushered in on November 8, 2008, we wouldn’t have President Trump today.
Five days prior to that fateful day, you declared in a campaign speech: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” This was probably the most honest statement to ever pass through your lips.
While September 11, 2001 was certainly one of the darkest days in our nation’s history, I have to say that the second bleakest day came when you were sworn in as the 44th president of these United States of America.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for creating such a toxic environment of division and manufactured racism.
I want to thank you, Mr. Obama, for persecuting Christian business owners who had the rug of religious freedom yanked out from under them. Why? Because you thought it was ridiculous that they might want to not violate or defy their Christian beliefs in order to bake a $75 “wedding” cake for two men who think that it’s normal to get married to each other. Thanks to you, it did indeed become the new normal.
Thank you for further adding insult to injury as you took the opportunity to give us Bible-reading, gun-toting religious fanatics an even harder slap in our collective face by illuminating the White House in rainbow colors. Not to mention your promoting transgender restrooms.
Thank you for making such an unmitigated disaster of our country that by the time you were done burning Rome down, there were enough awakened Americans who would never allow Hillary Clinton to finish the job of destroying our country which you so readily almost accomplished.
Mostly, I would like to thank you for waking the sleeping and once-complacent majority of Americans to elect President Donald J. Trump to the White House in 2016. Had it not been for your fabulous disaster of a presidency, we wouldn’t have him.
After the spineless, dishonest, smug, corrupt, divisive, immoral, and anti-American mess you created, we finally have a leader who isn’t ashamed of American exceptionalism. A president whom we are proud of, not one who embarrassed us at every opportunity.
The unhinged leftist, Godless lunatics who love you so much are even so kind as to allow “rent-free” space to President Trump 24-7. They are absolutely obsessed with him and cannot stop talking about him.
Lastly, thank you for Making America Great Again.
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(Rey Flores writes opinion and book and movie reviews for The Wanderer. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)