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Is This The Eve Of Destruction?

April 24, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Is This The Eve Of Destruction?

By GEORGE A. KENDALL I’m seeing a lot of discussion now in the faithful Catholic press, including The Wanderer, on whether the coronavirus is divine chastisement. In matters like this we can never be certain, but I cannot help sympathizing with those who argue that it is, if only because the disorder and destructiveness of our civilization so clearly cry out for chastisement. Besides, I am getting feeling that people get when a volcanic eruption or an earthquake is imminent, when rumblings in the earth or the odd behavior of the animals get your attention. There is one clarification I feel the need to make. When God chastises, He doesn’t generally do it by raining fire and brimstone on people,…Continue Reading

Free Signup Ends April 30 . . . Pandemic Creates Opportunity For “Accidental Homeschoolers”

April 23, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Free Signup Ends April 30 . . . Pandemic Creates Opportunity For “Accidental Homeschoolers”

By DEXTER DUGGAN Although the COVID-19 pandemic has increased government control drastically in commanding people’s conduct outside the home, the virus ironically has freed parents to take more control of their children’s education through homeschooling, away from temporarily closed, government-run classrooms. Sam (born Sandra Lynn) Sorbo, an actress, author, and homeschooling mother — and passionate advocate of homeschooling — spoke with The Wanderer on April 13 about this new opportunity for parents to realize the advantages of schooling at home. Sorbo, married to actor Kevin Sorbo, partnered with the Texas Home School Coalition (THSC), an arm of, to provide families with information and resources to educate their children away from the regular classroom. The opportunity has drawn responses from…Continue Reading

He’s Gone….

April 22, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on He’s Gone….

BY JOE SIXPACK John was lying in a hospital, paralyzed and in a coma. His lips couldn’t move, eyes couldn’t blink, and not a part of his body could move in protest when he heard the doctors saying to each other, “He’s gone…nothing more can be done for him.” John had been given up for dead. He heard all of this in terror, yet he couldn’t show he was still alive. A priest came in. “Called too late,” the doctors told him. But the priest, true to his seminary training and the Church’s teaching, ignored the doctors and went on with giving the man the Last Rites. He administered conditional absolution and the Anointing of the Sick, just in case…Continue Reading

In The Midst Of A Pandemic . . . The Priesthood Is A Beacon Of Light

April 21, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on In The Midst Of A Pandemic . . . The Priesthood Is A Beacon Of Light

By FR. RICHARD D. BRETON, JR. For centuries nautical explorers traveled the Earth seeking new lands and civilizations. For weeks and months, they sailed following their maps by day and the stars by night. Often they would find themselves in the midst of horrific storms tossing them about. Seeking land for shelter required them to find a beacon of light to show them the way. The lighthouse beacon was their solace in the darkness and their guide by day. For three weeks now we have all been living our own journey of exploration. This one, however, has no maps or guides to follow. This journey comes in the midst of a global pandemic. This is our exploration of the COVID-19…Continue Reading

Thanks To Media Elites . . . The “New Normal” Might Not Be So Kind

April 20, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Thanks To Media Elites . . . The “New Normal” Might Not Be So Kind

By DEACON MIKE MANNO, JD The past few weeks have been like living in an episode of The Twilight Zone. During breaks in coverage of the coronavirus coverage, Fox News broadcasts pictures of the deserted streets our major metropolitan areas. Even here (Iowa) where many can still get out and around, the stores, except for grocery, pharmacies, and a few others are all closed. Maybe by the time this column is printed things will be better. I’m not sure it will be, I think society has another couple of months in this limbo, neither dead nor alive but hovering somewhere in-between. One place that has not closed for the duration, however, is the news media. I can’t help but to…Continue Reading

The Pro-Abortion Germ Eats Up The Democratic Party

April 19, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on The Pro-Abortion Germ Eats Up The Democratic Party

By DEXTER DUGGAN Survey the political scene of the COVID-19 pandemic and see leading national Democrats in the spotlight, all leftists, with their news appearances lauded and defended by dominant media and the Washington, D.C., carousel ridden by swamp critters. If President Trump says the nation can’t remain closed for business or else it’s destroyed economically, because of millions thrown out of work, supply chains broken, and everyday enterprises threatened with extinction, he’s mocked by the usual dominant-media universality. If national Democrats warn of economic ruin from the pandemic, they get pundit plaudits for their common sense. Also, on April 13, Politico posted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told her Democratic caucus that Trump’s handling of the pandemic outbreak was…Continue Reading

Fight? Or Flight?

April 18, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Fight? Or Flight?

By CHRISTOPHER MANION “I have been condemned to fear for the whole of my life” Soviet defector Anatoly Kuznetsov told The New York Times a half-century ago. “From the age of five, I have been living in a state of fear . . . this is not just my personal lot; it is the fate of all who are born in this Russian land. . . . All of them — those who command and those who are regimented. Those who punish and those who are punished are afraid. Because they are afraid of each other. And those who fear most of all are the dictators themselves” (The New York Times, August 17, 1969). Scripture tells us that God did…Continue Reading

Cardinal Pell’s Release Triggers Backlash

April 17, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Cardinal Pell’s Release Triggers Backlash

By BILL DONOHUE (Editor’s Note: Catholic League President Bill Donohue comments on critics of George Cardinal Pell.) + + + Most people are normal and desire justice. Abnormal people prize revenge. A case in point is the reaction to the release of George Cardinal Pell from an Australian prison. Normal people are happy with the news, but there are always the abnormal ones. Neither The Boston Globe, The New York Times, nor The Washington Post — the three most critical newspapers of the Catholic Church — put the Pell story on the front page (the latter two buried it on p. 19), but it is a sure bet they would have had his conviction been upheld. The first reaction to…Continue Reading

The Holy Household They Created… Taking A Look At St. Therese’s Mother And Father

April 16, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on The Holy Household They Created… Taking A Look At St. Therese’s Mother And Father

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — Not only is it unusual for three members of the same immediate family to be canonized saints, but also for two of those members to fail to gain admission to the formal religious life, demonstrating that life outside a vowed institution needn’t discourage a heroic virtuous existence. Moreover, “Their life is not some pious little prayer card. . . . They were a normal family, with lots of drama. . . . Their goal was Heaven,” a speaker told a session of the Institute of Catholic Theology (ICT) here on April 4, livestreamed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Christina Strafaci said that French husband and wife Louis and Zelie Martin previously had unsuccessfully tried to…Continue Reading

Horrid Nails

April 15, 2020 Frontpage Comments Off on Horrid Nails

BY JOE SIXPACK In the days of the Dutch masters of art, there was a noted painter who had wasted his youth in wickedness and depravity. Coming to his senses later in life, he bitterly regretted his sins and resolved to make up for them. One of the painter’s best-known works depicted the thirteenth Station of the Cross: The Taking Down of Our Lord From the Cross. Prominent in the painting was the man who pulled the nails from our Savior’s sacred flesh. The person painted into that role was the painter himself. When asked why he used himself as the model for that man, with considerable feeling he replied: “God knows I’ve driven innumerable cruel nails into my Lord,…Continue Reading