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Procuring Aborted Baby Parts . . . A Continuing Scandal, But Not A New Development

January 16, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Procuring Aborted Baby Parts . . . A Continuing Scandal, But Not A New Development

By DEXTER DUGGAN “Dead Baby Parts Business Booming,” said the main headline on the front page of The Wanderer. This wasn’t in the summer of 2015, when the California-based Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released shocking videos that millions of people could see directly on their personal electronic devices. The headline was in the September 30, 1999, issue of The Wanderer, 17 years ago, when most people still had to rely on hardcopy news publications whose content was filtered through liberal writers and editors. Back then, readers of specialized publications like The Wanderer and other pro-life journals received this information, which even made a ripple in national consciousness. However, without being prioritized in the dominant media’s news flow, it sank…Continue Reading

Empty Pews: Not The End Of The World?

January 15, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Empty Pews: Not The End Of The World?

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK There is something charming about those who see themselves as the last of a dying breed, as champions of lost causes that the rest of the world finds irrelevant. I have in mind people such as collectors of old vinyl 33-inch records, manual typewriters, and rotary phones. There is nothing wrong with them being determined to not permit these artifacts of our recent past to be forgotten too soon, even while conceding that most of the world couldn’t care in the least. Christianity should not be seen in the same light. I couldn’t help but think that Dame Sarah Mullally, the recently designated Anglican bishop of Crediton, England, doesn’t agree. She recently told John Bingham, a…Continue Reading

Arizona GOP Governor . . . Names High-Profile Open-Borders Attorney To State Supreme Court

January 14, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Arizona GOP Governor . . . Names High-Profile Open-Borders Attorney To State Supreme Court

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — By untimely coincidence, no sooner did a leading local Republican activist here send an email to a few friends about the negatives of massive migration than Arizona’s Republican governor named a nationally known open-borders attorney, Clint Bolick, to become a justice on Arizona’s five-member Supreme Court. Although majority public opposition to dangerous massive illegal immigration is shown across the nation, the citizens of one of the states that has suffered greatly from it, Arizona, learned they still weigh less on the scales of political calculation than “migrants.” Some of the national chattering class immediately began suggesting Bolick as an appropriate choice for a Republican president to nominate to the U.S. Supreme Court, even before Bolick…Continue Reading

The Threat Of Secular Humanism

January 13, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on The Threat Of Secular Humanism

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK Should secular humanism be seen by Catholic parents and teachers as an ideology that Catholics can cooperate with for the betterment of society? At first glance, one might think so. Secular humanists tell us their goal is to make the world a better place by promoting peace and social justice. Catholics believe in those objectives. Then why not treat secular humanists as allies, and hope that our collaboration will lead them one day to appreciate the role that Jesus and His teachings play in making the world a better place? R.W.V. of Factoryville, Pa., argues it is a mistake to think of secular humanism in this manner. He writes, “Secular humanism is a worldview that leads…Continue Reading

Welfare Reform In Maine

January 12, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Welfare Reform In Maine

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK Everyone agrees that there are times when “tough love” is necessary, yet many of us back away from applying it when the time comes. We feel sorry for the lazy or misbehaving individuals and give them another chance. And one more chance. And one more chance — until we reach the breaking point and realize that our leniency is doing more harm than good. There is another angle to consider: the possibility that there are people who look the other way when friends or family members are experiencing difficulties in life, not because they think that doing so will coax their loved ones into solving their problems on their own, but because it will be inconvenient…Continue Reading

Interview With Cardinal Burke . . . (Part 2) Insights On The State Of The Church In The Aftermath Of The Ordinary Synod On The Family

January 11, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Interview With Cardinal Burke . . . (Part 2) Insights On The State Of The Church In The Aftermath Of The Ordinary Synod On The Family

By DON FIER Part 2 (Editor’s Note: His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, recently traveled from Rome to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wis., a magnificent place of worship which he founded and dedicated. (His Eminence graciously granted an extensive interview to The Wanderer during which he shared his insights on a variety of topics, including the recently concluded Ordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family and his recommendations for how we should contend with the uncertainty and confusion that is currently prevalent among the clerical and lay faithful.) + + + Q. It appears that proposals are under consideration for decentralization in the hierarchical structure of…Continue Reading

Peer Pressure, Fear… Keep Dominant Media In Line As Admirers Of Abortion Clinic Clique

January 10, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Peer Pressure, Fear… Keep Dominant Media In Line As Admirers Of Abortion Clinic Clique

By DEXTER DUGGAN “You can’t say that!” may be a trademark command of political correctness, but there actually are some situations properly considered beyond debate. If a baby is about to crawl onto a busy street, who would say there needs to be extensive argument over whether protective action is needed, or even justified, before someone tries to save her life? The moral imperative to move fast generally is assumed, regardless of culture, belief, or social setting. On the other hand, what if someone in the crowd on the sidewalk tries to distract everyone else from this concrete emergency by diverting their attention until the street traffic has had time to mow down the baby? Moreover, what if this strange…Continue Reading

The Plight Of Today’s Catholic Families

January 9, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on The Plight Of Today’s Catholic Families

By REY FLORES As Catholic men, we are constantly reminded that St. Joseph is the greatest example of what it means to be both a husband and a father. Well, if any of us men lived under the same roof with both Jesus and the Blessed Mother, which one of us wouldn’t also be on our absolute best behavior? Of course, St. Joseph was a great man and I don’t mean to reduce him to the average man today — after all, he’s not only a saint, he’s the patron of the universal Church. What I am pointing out is that despite the example of this great saint and even though we are taught that husbands should love their wives…Continue Reading

African Pro-Lifer . . . To Warn S.F. Rally Of Obama’s “Path Of Destruction” For Her Continent

January 8, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on African Pro-Lifer . . . To Warn S.F. Rally Of Obama’s “Path Of Destruction” For Her Continent

By DEXTER DUGGAN The U.S. Supreme Court didn’t seem to think it would be creating much of a legal ripple when it arbitrarily overthrew the abortion laws of all 50 states on January 22, 1973. Pro-abortionists expected that whatever opposition arose to its fiat would fade within a few years. The 7-2 majority opinions on that day, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, blundered along from fantasies to sheer ignorance to stupefying ignorance. Dissenting Justice Byron White said the court simply was exercising “raw judicial power.” By issuing its ruling in the dead of winter, the court at least had the seasons on its side, with the likelihood that should anyone later wish to demonstrate against Roe and Doe…Continue Reading

Winners & Losers: 2015

January 7, 2016 Frontpage Comments Off on Winners & Losers: 2015

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN Each year, The McLaughlin Group, the longest-running panel show on national TV, which began in 1982, announces its awards for the winners and losers and the best and the worst of the year. Rereading my list of 39 awardees suggests something about how our world is changing. As “Person of the Year” and “Biggest Winner,” the choice was easy, Donald Trump. American Pharoah, Triple Crown winner of the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes, was my runner-up. But three selections tell another side of the story of Trump’s triumph. My “Biggest Loser” was the Republican establishment. As “Most Overrated,” I chose Republican governors as presidential candidates. As “Worst Politician,” I chose Jeb Bush, son…Continue Reading