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Uncle Sam’s Unfenced Swimming Pool

July 19, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Uncle Sam’s Unfenced Swimming Pool

By TERENCE P. JEFFREY Sam, the wealthiest man in his neighborhood, lives in a big beautiful house with a massive backyard punctuated by a large, deep swimming pool. While Sam is personally not very fond of children — he supports abortion on demand and believes the government should force all employers to offer female workers free sterilizations — he nonetheless lives in a neighborhood that teems with little ones. The children are particularly attracted to Sam’s beautiful pool — and, on those rare occasions when Sam is actually in his backyard, he frequently finds himself shooing these children away. Worried relatives have repeatedly warned Sam that he ought to build a fence around his yard — or at least around…Continue Reading

Is Nixon’s Resurrection Relevant To Today’s GOP?

July 18, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Is Nixon’s Resurrection Relevant To Today’s GOP?

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN One question I am asked while on tour for my new book, The Greatest Comeback (available at, on the resurrection of Richard Nixon, is: Does Nixon’s rise, from crushing defeats in 1960 and 1962, and the debacle his party suffered in 1964, to capturing the White House and beginning a string of five victories in six presidential elections, have relevance for today’s GOP? Can the “Great Silent Majority” of yesteryear be replicated? The answer is probably not. For while there are similarities between the America of 1968, and of today, the differences are greater. The similarities: By the late 1960s, as today, the country was pivoting away from a Democratic Party and president that seemed…Continue Reading

Trouble Brewing For Common Core

July 17, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Trouble Brewing For Common Core

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK It would be understandable if a parent or taxpayer felt it was hopeless to stand up against Common Core, the Obama administration’s attempt to establish education standards for the country. It is not easy to take on the federal government, especially when it offers millions of dollars in federal funds to those who go along with its wishes. But this is not the time to give up. All across the country we find examples of states rejecting Common Core. Time is not on the side of the Obama administration on this one. As people find out what is in Common Core, more and more of them want no part of it. And the more states that…Continue Reading

Spying On Innocents

July 16, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Spying On Innocents

By ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO In what appears to be one of Edward Snowden’s final revelations, the former CIA and NSA agent has demonstrated conclusively that the National Security Agency has collected and analyzed the contents of emails, text messages, and mobile and landline telephone calls from nine non-targeted U.S. residents for every one U.S. resident it has targeted. This puts the lie to the government’s claims that it has only collected metadata — identifying markers such as phone numbers and email addresses — and not content from unsuspecting and unsuspected Americans. It puts the lie to the government’s claims that it has studiously avoided prying into the private lives of Americans, in whom it has no intelligence-related or lawful interest.…Continue Reading

Unable To Argue Facts . . . Hobbyhorse Liberals Batter The Courtroom Table

July 15, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Unable To Argue Facts . . . Hobbyhorse Liberals Batter The Courtroom Table

By DEXTER DUGGAN It was nice to see videos of the families of small-business creators vindicated in the June 30 U.S. Supreme Court opinion upholding religious conscience, the Greens of Oklahoma and the Hahns of Pennsylvania. These were the sorts of people who actually “built it” in classic American achievement stories, without Barack Obama claiming to be responsible for their business success or having control over their souls. Of course, Obama had thought it was his nosy business to batter their souls into line with his iron-fisted mandates. If the Greens had failed to offer even one of 20 “contraceptive” methods in employee health-insurance coverage, including abortifacients, their company would have been fined nearly a half-billion dollars a year! A…Continue Reading

Who Is Acting More Christ-Like… The Koch Brothers Or Hillary Clinton?

July 14, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Who Is Acting More Christ-Like… The Koch Brothers Or Hillary Clinton?

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK Whom would Jesus call upon us to emulate in economic matters? Hillary Clinton or the Koch brothers? I am not sure. Speaking for our Lord is beyond my pay grade. But I insist that Hillary is not the self-evident answer, even though liberal Democrats regularly argue that support for the big government programs aimed at “social justice” that Hillary favors are the correct application of Jesus’ call for us to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” (For those who don’t pay attention to the press releases of the modern American left, the Koch — pronounced “Coke” — brothers are Kansas entrepreneurs regularly denounced by liberal Democrats for their role in promoting conservative, free-market principles, and the politicians…Continue Reading

As Obama Concocts Crisis . . . Unlimited Invasion Headed By Freeway Into Your Life

July 13, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on As Obama Concocts Crisis . . . Unlimited Invasion Headed By Freeway Into Your Life

By DEXTER DUGGAN PHOENIX — He was a Latino, apparently in his 20s, with only a small sack in his left hand and a plastic gallon water jug, nearly empty, in his right — a stereotypical image of an illegal border crosser. It was about 8 a.m. on July 1, the desert temperature already in the 90s. He wasn’t on the border. This was on my neighborhood metropolitan Phoenix sidewalk as I walked to morning daily Mass at my parish church. He kept going and didn’t ask anything about seeking help. If you jumped into a car from this spot, depending on how hard you hit the pedal, the border-straddling city of Nogales is two to three hours to the southeast.

The CCC — An Undervalued Masterpiece?

July 12, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on The CCC — An Undervalued Masterpiece?

By PHILP TROWER The title and subject of this article were suggested to me by a conversation I recently had with three Catholic friends — a man and two women in a parish where I often visit. I have known them for a long time, but not perhaps as well as I thought I did. I will call them John, Mary, and Susie. John is a retired engineer. Susie, unmarried, is a retired hospital matron. Mary, who has scientific qualifications, is a widowed mother of a family. All three are faithful, if confused, practicing “cradle” Catholics. However, just how confused I only realized for the first time after we were talking about the Church and the faith the other day.…Continue Reading

Impeachment, A Bridge Too Far

July 11, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Impeachment, A Bridge Too Far

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN Increasingly, across this city, the “I” word is being heard. Impeachment is being brought up by Republicans outraged over Barack Obama’s usurpations of power and unilateral rewriting of laws. And Obama is taunting John Boehner and the GOP: “So sue me.” Democrats are talking impeachment to rally a lethargic base to come out and vote this fall to prevent Republicans from taking control of the Senate, and with it the power to convict an impeached president. Still, Republicans should drop the talk of impeachment. For the GOP would gain nothing and risk everything if the people began to take seriously their threats to do to Barack Obama what Newt Gingrich’s House did to Bill Clinton.

Morality Clauses For Catholic School Teachers

July 10, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Morality Clauses For Catholic School Teachers

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK Daniel J. Daly, associate professor and chair of the theology department at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire, wrote an article for the Jesuits’ America magazine on June 9 that deserves the attention of everyone — parents, teachers, and administrators — with an interest in our Catholic schools. He asks how we should deal with successful and dedicated teachers who violate the teachings of the Church in their private lives. Daly offers as examples a Catholic high school teacher in Washington state who was fired after it was discovered that he was married to a man; an unmarried woman who was fired from a Catholic middle school in Montana when it was discovered that she was…Continue Reading