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Cardinal Zen Says… “We Are Not The Saviors”

September 6, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Cardinal Zen Says… “We Are Not The Saviors”

HONG KONG (AsiaNews) — “We are living in a very tense moment, we are doing everything possible. But it doesn’t matter what we fail to do: We are not the saviors,” said Cardinal Zen, 91, bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, in an interview given to the Christian Times, an evangelical newspaper in Hong Kong.Reporters went to visit him in the Salesian seminary where he resides to ask him for a recollection of his friend Yuen Tin-yau, who passed away on July 16 at the age of 71. The Christian Times reporters say it was supposed to be “two questions” about this great figure, but then it became an hour-long chat on many topics.Cardinal Zen is described as fatigued by the…Continue Reading

Cardinal Zen Says… “We Are Not The Saviors”

September 5, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Cardinal Zen Says… “We Are Not The Saviors”

HONG KONG (AsiaNews) — “We are living in a very tense moment, we are doing everything possible. But it doesn’t matter what we fail to do: We are not the saviors,” said Cardinal Zen, 91, bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, in an interview given to the Christian Times, an evangelical newspaper in Hong Kong.Reporters went to visit him in the Salesian seminary where he resides to ask him for a recollection of his friend Yuen Tin-yau, who passed away on July 16 at the age of 71. The Christian Times reporters say it was supposed to be “two questions” about this great figure, but then it became an hour-long chat on many topics.Cardinal Zen is described as fatigued by the…Continue Reading

Fr. Spadaro’s Sermon Describes Christ As “An Unmerciful Theologian”

September 4, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Fr. Spadaro’s Sermon Describes Christ As “An Unmerciful Theologian”

By FR. JOHN T. ZUHLSDORF (Wanderer Editor’s Note: This essay first appeared in Fr. Zuhlsdorf’s WDTPRS column, and it is reprinted here with permission.) + + Fr. Antonio Spadaro, editor of the semi-official publication La Civiltà Cattolica, has been, at times, nearly sewed to the shoulder of Francis and at other times seemingly shelved. He got some attention from a sermon he gave last week about the Gospel from Matthew 15 about Christ and the Syrophoenician woman whose daughter was possessed. At first the Lord doesn’t respond to her pleas, then He used the imagery of a dog (actually more like “puppy”) to describe the Canaanites (inveterate enemies of the Chosen People). Christ eventually exorcizes the woman’s daughter and then…Continue Reading

Life Is The Struggle To Be Itself

September 3, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Life Is The Struggle To Be Itself

By DONALD DeMARCO A friend of mine, on turning 80, told me that from that point on she was not going to do anything she did not want to do. It was her declared emancipation proclamation from unnecessary work. I understood full well what she was saying. She lived an active and productive life. Perhaps it was time for her to take it easy, to eat, sleep, and be merry, but avoid anything that looked like work.It is a temptation, however, and one that, if employed, would sap the strength of life. We have all felt this temptation, and without becoming octogenarians. We are derived from nothingness and are tempted to go back to this nirvana. But we are created…Continue Reading

Subordinating The Normative To The Non-Normative

September 2, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Subordinating The Normative To The Non-Normative

By HARLEY PRICE In general, modern junk sociology is the off-gassing of liberal hatred of normalcy. As Chesterton noted, it is the mark of the modern to everywhere and always subordinate the normative to the nonnormative. But the newfangled arbitrariness with which same-sex “marriage” and fungible gender have been declared natural and normative tells us that they, in fact, are the flimsiest of social constructs. By contrast, the antiquity, stubborn longevity, and practical ubiquity of the institution of heterosexual marriage (not to mention the biological fact of male and female) should be proof enough that they are not.Since Adam and Eve first hid their nakedness, everyone in the civilized world has agreed that marriage between a man and a woman,…Continue Reading

Federal Court Rules . . . Alabama Can Protect Children From Transgender Surgeries, Drugs

September 1, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Federal Court Rules . . . Alabama Can Protect Children From Transgender Surgeries, Drugs

By MATT LAMB ATLANTA (LifeSiteNews) — Alabama can protect gender-confused children from harmful surgical and chemical interventions while a court case unfolds, a three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Monday, August 21.The decision allows the state’s Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act to remain in place. The act outlaws “prescribing or administering” hormones and puberty blockers to gender-confused minors under age 19 and also bans sterilizing “sex change” surgeries and other procedures to remove “healthy or non-diseased body part[s] or tissue” of a child, as previously reported by LifeSiteNews.Judge Barbara Lagoa, a Trump appointee, ruled “the district court abused its discretion in issuing this preliminary injunction because it applied the wrong standard of scrutiny.” A…Continue Reading

San Francisco Archdiocese… Announces Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing

August 31, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on San Francisco Archdiocese… Announces Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing

By DANIEL PAYNE WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNA) — San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone on Monday, August 21 announced that the archdiocese would be submitting a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, a development the prelate had earlier warned might come about as a result of numerous abuse filings against the bishopric.Cordileone earlier in August had warned that the filing was “very likely” in response to the “more than 500 civil lawsuits” alleging clerical sexual abuse filed against the archdiocese.A Chapter 11 filing, the archbishop said at the time, would allow the archdiocese to deal with those cases “collectively rather than one at a time,” resulting in both a “faster resolution” of the crisis as well as “fair compensation” for the victims.In an announcement…Continue Reading

“Climate Change” Forecast . . . Depleting The Peas On Your Plate And Size Of Dining Room, Too

August 30, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on “Climate Change” Forecast . . . Depleting The Peas On Your Plate And Size Of Dining Room, Too

By DEXTER DUGGAN Does the current climate alarmism take up where the discredited Covid dictatorship left off?Climate-terror theories have been around longer on the elitists’ agenda than global disease as a way to impose their stringent control over everyone else’s life, even though the alleged basis for the climatological terror kept switching, from a new ice age to “global warming” to “climate change.”When one climate nightmare didn’t deliver, we were expected to sheepishly accept the next contradictory weather one from the same prattling, self-appointed geniuses.Then suddenly in 2020 we were told that, instead, a deadly new pandemic required completely clamping down on the way people around the world existed. Vital services and ways of life had to be ended. Remarkable…Continue Reading

9/11 Again

August 28, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on 9/11 Again

By BARBARA SIMPSON With all the things that we have to contend with today, the issue of the people responsible for the 9/11 attack on the United States is likely not on our minds. In fact, I suspect most Americans think that the matter has already been settled legally.The surprise is, that it has not!While the issue was not in the major headlines, a news report in the New York Post on August 16, by Victor Nava, brings us up to date. According to the news report, the Biden administration is telling Americans, especially the 9/11 families, that the attack mastermind, and four others, could be spared the death penalty.Wow! To me, that should be a major headline!The report says…Continue Reading

Disrespect For Nature Is Disrespect For Human Beings

August 27, 2023 Featured Today Comments Off on Disrespect For Nature Is Disrespect For Human Beings

By DONALD DeMARCO It is a grave mistake to think that science can disrespect human nature without producing adverse effects. Science can only succeed when it works with nature, not against it. Marcus Tullius Cicero understood this and offered his wisdom to posterity. “We ought,” he wrote, “indeed, to act in such a way as shall be in no respect repugnant to our common human nature; yet, holding this sacred, let us follow our individual nature, so that, if there are other pursuits in themselves more important and excellent, we yet may measure our own pursuits by the standard of our own nature.”Today, people are thinking and acting as if neither maleness nor femaleness are natural and inherent aspects of…Continue Reading