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Interpretation Of Sacred Scripture And Tradition

May 31, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Interpretation Of Sacred Scripture And Tradition

By DON FIER Last week, we spoke of the two means by which God, in His infinite wisdom, has chosen to make known to mankind the saving message contained in His supernatural divine Revelation, namely, through Sacred Scripture (the written word) and Sacred Tradition (the spoken word). Taken together, they comprise the depositum fidei, or the Catholic “Deposit of Faith.” As expressed in the Compendium of the Catechism: “Tradition and Sacred Scripture are bound closely together and communicate one with the other. Each of them makes present and fruitful in the Church the mystery of Christ. They flow out of the same divine wellspring and together make up one sacred Deposit of Faith from which the Church derives her certainty…Continue Reading

Is Democracy Another God That Failed?

May 30, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Is Democracy Another God That Failed?

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN On Memorial Day weekend, scores of thousands of bikers arrived here for their annual Rolling Thunder tribute to America’s veterans, especially those lost in our wars or left behind. But this year the tribute has been sullied by a squalid scandal in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Sick vets seeking medical care at the Phoenix VA hospital were put on waiting lists, but never got to see a doctor. Dozens died. Then waiting lists were altered to make it appear that VA staffers had not failed in their duty to provide the vets access to care in the required 14 days. Some vets suffered for months before dying. There is truly something rotten in the state.…Continue Reading

Can We Criticize A Play If We Haven’t Seen It?

May 29, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Can We Criticize A Play If We Haven’t Seen It?

By JAMES K. FITZPATRICK One might think I would feel uncomfortable when hit with the charge that it is out of bounds for me to criticize Catholic colleges that sponsor performances of The Vagina Monologues when I have not seen the play. It seems a reasonable criticism, on first hearing. How do I know that the play is not making important and moral points; that it is not teeming with “redeeming social value”? I have always found this argument to be specious; a ploy meant to silence critics of the film or book in question. Come on: No one lives by such a rubric. There is a role for common sense in this matter. Feminists would not feel compelled to…Continue Reading

In Reparation For Harvard Black Mass… The Greatest Gift That God Has Given Us

May 28, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on In Reparation For Harvard Black Mass… The Greatest Gift That God Has Given Us

By FR. MICHAEL DREA (Editor’s Note: Here is the homily of Fr. Michael Drea, senior chaplain at Harvard University and pastor of St. Paul’s Parish in Cambridge, given May 12 at the holy hour at St. Paul’s in reparation for the black mass that was to be held simultaneously on Harvard’s campus. The black mass eventually was moved off Harvard’s campus and might have been canceled entirely. A eucharistic procession preceded the holy hour. Thousands attended. (ZENIT News Agency provided the text of the homily. All rights reserved.) +    +    + Tonight we gather in this moment of prayer as a parish and university community to celebrate the greatest gift that God has ever extended to us: His Son Jesus…Continue Reading

Abortion Outrages . . . Bring Freedom For Abortionists, Victimizing Of Women

May 27, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on Abortion Outrages . . . Bring Freedom For Abortionists, Victimizing Of Women

By DEXTER DUGGAN They used to be called “the weaker sex.” Then they were “the liberated sex.” Without a doubt, permissive abortion has made females the victimized sex. Two recent examples from coast to coast continued to illustrate the second-class citizenship imposed on women since the U.S. Supreme Court invented the previously unknown fundamental liberty of abortion in 1973. This liberty means freedom for abortion and abortionists, instead of prioritizing women’s welfare. The examples also showed the deadly partnership between the Democratic Party and abortionists, contrasted with the likelihood that the Republican Party will stand up for women and babies.

HHS Confirmation Hearings… 49,000 Words, Zero On Abortion-Drug Mandate

May 26, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on HHS Confirmation Hearings… 49,000 Words, Zero On Abortion-Drug Mandate

By TERENCE P. JEFFREY (Editor’s Note: Terence P. Jeffrey is the editor in chief of Creators Syndicate provided this editorial. All rights reserved.) +    +    + Two Senate committees held hearings this month on the nomination of Office of Management and Budget Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell to succeed Kathleen Sebelius as secretary of Health and Human Services, the federal agency most responsible for overseeing implementation of Obamacare. In these two hearings, according to transcripts published by CQ Transcriptions, the senators and the nominee spoke approximately 49,000 words. Not one of these words directly addressed the contraception-sterilization-abortion-inducing drug regulation that Sebelius issued under Obamacare and that is now the target of more than 90 lawsuits.

We Do Not Accept The Hate Card Or The Race Card Here Anymore

May 25, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on We Do Not Accept The Hate Card Or The Race Card Here Anymore

By REY FLORES (Editor’s Note: This essay is reprinted from the web site of the American Life League, All rights reserved.) +    +    + Words are funny things, yet sometimes not so funny. Today’s society is obsessed with putting labels on each other and using language as a weapon against people with whom we disagree. Like the overplayed Race Card, the Hate Card is another obligatory item found in the vocabulary wallet of the pro-abortion, pro-contraception, and pro-homosexuality crowd. I, for one, am not accepting either card anymore. In God we trust; all others pay with the cash of truth and facts only. In America, we still have the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion to speak…Continue Reading

The Death Of Language

May 24, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on The Death Of Language

By DONALD DeMARCO A few years ago, Frances Kissling, the then executive director of Catholics for a Free Choice, a curious organization that consists of no Catholics and has little regard for any choice that is pro-life, organized a campaign to revoke the Vatican’s seat from the United Nations. The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly, by a count of 416-1, in its formal objection to the effort (Tuesday, July 11, 2000). “If anything the Holy See deserves a more prominent role in the United Nations,” said Cong. Christopher Smith (R., N.J.). “This attack against the Vatican strikes at our bedrock democratic values that teach us tolerance for legitimate differences of opinion,” commented House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R., Texas).

The Scientific Case Against Homosexual “Marriage”

May 23, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on The Scientific Case Against Homosexual “Marriage”

By BRIAN CLOWES Part 1 (Editor’s Note: Brian Clowes has been director of research and training at Human Life International since 1995. For a footnoted copy of this three-part article, e-mail him at +    +    + The debate over homosexual “marriage” is radically different from the discussions surrounding abortion, pornography, and euthanasia. To begin with, the arguments regarding same-sex “marriage” appear at first to be very ill-defined. This means that most people do not know how to research the issue and quietly go along with the “pro-gay” slogans repeated endlessly by the media. Another reason the discussion over homosexual “marriage” does not generate as much passion as the other issues is that “marriage” between two men or two women…Continue Reading

A Legendary Failure Of Liberalism

May 22, 2014 Frontpage Comments Off on A Legendary Failure Of Liberalism

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN When Brown v. Board of Education, the 9-0 Warren Court ruling came down 60 years ago, desegregating America’s public schools, this writer was a sophomore at Gonzaga in Washington, D.C. In the shadow of the capitol, Gonzaga was deep inside the city. And hitchhiking to school every day, one could see the “for sale” signs marching block by block out to Montgomery County, Md. Democratic and liberal Washington was not resisting integration, just exercising its right to flee its blessings by getting out of town. The white flight to the Washington suburbs was on. When this writer graduated in 1956, all-white high schools of 1954 like McKinley Tech, Roosevelt, Coolidge, and Anacostia had been desegregated, but…Continue Reading